AP Invoices represent transactions that carry amounts the company owes for purchasing goods or services from a Vendor. AP Credit Memos represent transactions that carry amounts owed to the company because of returns and/or credits on goods or services previously purchased from a Vendor. The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove, and post individual AP Invoices and Credit Memo transactions.
Software Version: 2021.??.?? and newer
Page Header
Header Toolbar
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Create Receipt | When clicked, a new Inventory Receipt transaction will be created that contains all the inventory items and quantities from the current Invoice/Credit Memo. The Receipt must be manually posted to ensure the lots are properly assigned. The Inventory Receipt will be opening in a new tab and if the user has "Full" rights to the Inventory Receipt Record View they can make any edits and/or lot assignments and or Approve/Post the Receipt. Because this operation creates the Receipt using the current line items and quantities it should only be clicked once all the items and quantities have been correctly entered on the Invoice/Credit Memo. After the Receipt transaction has been auto-created, it will need to be manually updated if any changes are made to the source Invoice/Credit Memo. |
Delete | Deletes the transaction, batch, or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! |
More Actions | Displays a drop down menu of related actions. The list of options includes:
New | Allows users to select the type of transaction or record they want to add. The list contains all the 'Active' Invoice and Credit Memo Transaction Class IDs displayed as [TransactionType] - [ClassID]. For example: "Invoice - Home Office". Note: The Transaction Class will not display after the Transaction Type if the Class ID is named "Default" |
Notes | Opens the Notes dialog, filtered for the appropriate Note Type(s). From here, users can add, review, or edit Notes associated with the record. This icon is always enabled. Note Types of "Purchase Order" saved to the Vendor will default on the Purchase Order Notes. Notes are used throughout the application to add additional details to Master Files and Transactions. Transactions and Master Files that support Notes store the text of the note in one or more 'Note Types' as a way to classify/organize notes. |
Opens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. When clicked, all the Reports that launch from the Print Dialog that are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed. When clicked, all the Reports assigned to the Functional Area of Purchasing, that launch from the Print Dialog, are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed. | |
Save | Saves the changes made to the record. |
Save & Close | Saves your changes and closes the page. |
Home Tab
INV#: [TransID] PO#: [PO] REQ#: [REQ#] Vendor Name | |
Fields | Description |
Description | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Description - Header'. This is text box that defaults as blank and is not required but If entered, it must be <=150 characters. If a 'PO #' is entered/selected for this transaction, and the PO contains a 'Description', the Description from the PO will populate here, but can be overwritten. This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New".Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.Description |
Doc Date | Identifies the date of the transaction. This is a date picker to assign/edit a date for the invoice/credit memo. This defaults to today's date and is required. If missing, the message "Doc Date is required." will be displayed on Save. The Doc Date must be on or before the GL Date when Approving or Posting the Invoice/Credit Memo. If not, the message "The GL Date must be on or after the Doc Date." will be displayed on Save. This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New". Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.TransactionDate |
Doc No | Identifies the Doc No (document number) for the transaction. Unlike a Transaction ID that is system assigned based on the Transaction Class of the Transaction Type, this is a manually entered value. This is a text box to enter the document number your Vendor assigned to the invoice/credit memo. This defaults to blank, is required, must be unique by Vendor, and must be <= 50 characters. This is editable while the transaction in a status of "New". If missing, the message "Doc No is required." will be displayed on Save. If not unique, the message "Duplicate Doc No's are not allowed. Please enter a valid Doc No." will be displayed on Save. Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DocNumber |
Payment Terms ID | Identifies the Payment Terms assigned to the transaction. This is a single-select lookup that defaults from the Payment Terms assigned to the Vendor. This is required and if missing, the message "Payment Terms are required when approving or posting transactions." will be displayed on Save. This is editable while an Invoice is in a status of "New", but not editable on Credit Memos. Payment Terms identify the terms your company extends to your Customers and that your Vendors extend to you. Payment Terms are used to calculate aging and payment discounts. The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Payment Terms. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPaymentTerms.PaymentTermName, APTransactionHeader.PaymentTermSK |
PO # | A Purchase Order # (aka PO #) is the unique identifier of a Purchase Order.
Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.PurchaseOrderSK, ERPx_APPoHeader.PurchaseOrderID |
Reference | Identifies the Reference entered for the transaction. This is text box that defaults to blank and is not required, but if entered, it must be <=100 characters. This is editable when the transaction is in a Status of "New". The Reference will not default from the Reference on a linked Purchase Order. These are treated as separate reference fields. A Reference number is used to record an additional tracking number that associates this transaction to another system. For example, if a transaction was imported from a 3rd party system this could be used to store the unique identifier from that system's transaction. Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.Reference |
Site Name | Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Site'. This is single select lookup that is required and defaults in the following sequence:
This is editable while the transaction is in a Status of "New". The Site can be changed, it is not restricted to the Site on the linked Purchase Order. Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances. This lookup contains a list of all active Sites. Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactinHeader.SiteSK, ERPx_MFSite.SiteID, |
Status | Identifies the Status of the transaction. This is a single-select lookup that is required. It defaults as "New" and is always editable. The Statuses that apply to transactions in this Record View include: New: This is the default Status for all new Transactions. While in the Status of 'New' transactions are considered open and all editable fields are open for edit, no posting or approval validations are performed, GL Dates are not assigned, and journal entries are not created. If the transaction was moved back from Approved to New, the GL Date will be assigned and a Journal Entry will exist. Approved: Performs all the data validations required to post the transaction and applies to all Transactions. While in the Status of 'Approved' transactions are considered open but have limited fields open for edit. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled except for the Status lookup (and any fields that are always editable), journal entries are created/updated, journal ID's are assigned to the journal entry, and blank 'GL Dates' are assigned. Ready to Post: Runs the Approval validations and applies to all transactions. While in the Status of 'Ready to Post' transactions are considered closed and all the fields are disabled with the exception of a few fields that are always editable. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled with the exception any fields that are always editable and updates the Transaction Status to "Posted". If this transaction is linked to an Inventory Receipt, when it is saved with a Status of either 'Approved' or 'Ready to Post', a warning message will appear if any of the linked line items have a quantity that is different from the linked Receipt. This is just a warning and will not prevent the transaction from posting. Database Fields: ERPx_APPoHeader.TransactionStatusEN |
Vendor Name | Identifies the name of the Vendor assigned to the transaction or master file. This is set in the Vendor Record View. This is a single-select lookup that is required. It defaults as blank and is editable when the transaction is in a Status of "New". The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Vendors. Database Fields: Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.VendorSk, ERPx_APVendor.VendorName |
Properties Tab
Fields | Description |
Group: 1 | |
Discount Date | Identifies the Discount Date of the transaction. This is a date picker that defaults as [Doc Date] + [Payment Terms Discount Days] and is required on transactions with a 'Payment Terms' that contain a Discount. For Payment Terms that do not include a discount it is blank and disabled. This but can be overwritten to any date that is both:
This is always editable, even after the transaction is Posted. Note: If the transaction's 'Payment Terms' are changed, this value will be recalculated. Note: Changing this for a posted transaction will only have an effect if the transaction has an open/unapplied balance. The Discount Date represents the last date that Payment Term Discounts apply. Database Field: ERPx_APTransactionHeader.DiscountDate |
Due Date | Identifies the Due Date of the transaction. This is a date picker that that defaults as [Doc Date] + [Payment Terms Due Days] and is always editable, even after the transaction is Posted. This but can be overwritten to any date that is both:
Note: If the transaction's 'Payment Terms' are changed, this value will be recalculated. |