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A Journal Entry is a record of a business transaction that is stored in the General Ledger. A journal entry consists of a unique reference number (Journal ID), Date, a description of the transaction, and two or more Journal Lines consisting of either a Debit Amount or Credit Amount. The purpose of the Journal Lines List View is to show (open/unposted) 'Manual' and 'Accrue & Reverse' journal lines assigned a Status of New and Approved. From here, users can add, edit, delete, or post unposted 'Manual' and 'Accrue & Reverse' journal entries. When these are posted, the General Ledger is updated. 

Software Version: 2019.09.13 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
DeleteDeletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

EditOpens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open.
ExcelExport the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. 
Favorites Clicking on the star icon when it is an outline, adds the page to the 'My Shortcuts' tab and fills in the star. Clicking on the star icon when it is filled in (solid color), removes the page from the 'My Shortcuts' tab and returns the icon to an outline. 

(lightbulb) Users must log out and back in before the pages will be visible in the 'My Shortcuts' tab.

Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

More ActionsOpens a drop-down menu for the user to select Reverse/Correct, which opens the Reverse/Correct Journals record view and allows the user to Reverse or Reverse & Correct a journal entry.

Allows users to select the type of transaction or record they want to add. The list contains:

  • Manual
  • Accrue & Reverse

Selecting a journal entry type opens a blank journal entry record.

CheckboxUsed to select one or more records for Mass Update or Delete.
Account Description

Identifies the Description associated with the GL Account assigned to a transaction line, journal entry line, or master file record.  This is required to save a Journal line and can be edited from the 'Account Number' field on the Journal lines grid of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

A GL Account Description is the name given to a GL Account ID.

Database Field: ERPx_GLAccount.Description

Account Number

Identifies the GL Account ID of the GL Account assigned to a transaction line, journal entry line, or master file record. This is required to save a Journal line and can be edited from the 'Account Number' field on the Journal lines grid of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

A GL Account ID is the unique identifier for each record used to summarize transactions for each type of asset, liability, equity, revenue and expense.

Database Field: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber


Shows the Comment entered for the transaction or transaction line.  This is not required and comes from the 'Comment' in the header of the Home tab on the Journal Entry Record View. This defaults to blank and is always editable for 'Manual' journal entities and for 'Accrue & Reverse' journal entries while they are in a Status of 'New'.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.Comment


Identifies the Created Date & Time of the record, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.CreatedDate

Created By

Identifies the name of the user that created the record. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.CreatedBy


Displays the amount credited from the Journal line. This field is required and if no amount was entered, it will displays as "0.00". This can be edited from the 'Credit' field on the Journal lines grid of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalLine.CreditAmount


Displays the amount debited from the Journal line. This field is required and if no amount was entered, it will displays as "0.00". This can be edited from the 'Debit' field on the Journal lines grid of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalLine.DebitAmount

Distributed To

Displays the name of the Project the amount is distributed to. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Project' field on the Journal lines grid of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

Database Fields: ERPx_GLProject.ProjectDescription, ERPx_GLJournalLine.DistributionAccountSK

Distributed Type

Identifies the type of distribution based on the selected Distributed To field.  This is not required and is not editable. Journal lines displayed from this list view will always be of type 'Project'.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalLine.MFDistributionAccountTypeEN

GL Period

Identifies the Fiscal Period based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry. This is required and can be edited by changing the 'Date' field on the Home tab of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

GL Year

Identifies the Fiscal Year based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry. This is required and can be edited by changing the 'Date' field on the Home tab of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

Journal Date

Identifies the date the transaction posted (or will post) to the general ledger.  This is required and can be edited by changing the 'Date' field on the Home tab of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.JournalDate

Journal ID

Identifies the unique Journal ID (transaction ID) for the journal entry. Clicking on the link opens the Journal Entry Record View for the selected Journal Entry. This comes from the 'Journal ID' in the header of the 'Home' tab on the Journal Entry RV and is auto-assigned when a new Journal Entry is initially saved/created. This is never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.JournalID

Journal Type

Identifies the Journal Type assigned to the Journal Entry. This is required and comes from the 'Journal Type' in the header of the 'Home' tab on the Journal Entry RV and is auto-assigned based on the type of journal entry selected on New. This is never editable.

Journal Types are used to identify different types of journal entries. The list of potential Journal Types changes depending on where and how the journal entry was created. The list of applicable Journal Types for this page include:

Manual Journal Entry: A Journal Entry is a record of a business transaction that is stored in the General Ledger. A journal entry consists of a unique reference number (Journal ID), Date, a description of the transaction, and two or more Journal Lines consisting of either a Debit Amount or Credit Amount.

Accrue & Reverse Journal Entry: An Accrue & Reverse Journal Entry (aka Reversing Entry) is an automated journal entry, typically made on the first day of an accounting period, to remove accrual adjusting entries that were made at the end of the previous accounting period. Reversing Entries are used because they:

  • Reduce the chance of double-counting revenues and/or expenses, and
  • Allow for more efficient processing of the actual invoices that will be processed in the new accounting period

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.JournalTransactionTypeSK

Last Updated

Identifies the Last Updated Date & Time of the Transaction, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalLine.LastUpdated

Last User

Identifies the name of the user that last updated the Transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is a required field.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalLine.LastUser

Line Comment

Shows the Comment entered for the transaction or transaction line.  This is not required and can be edited by changing the 'Line Comment' field on the Journal lines grid of the Journal Entry record view while in a Status of 'New'.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalLine.Comment


Identifies the first 30 characters from the 'Internal' Transaction Note. This is note required and comes from the value entered in the Internal Note Type. This is always editable.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeaderNote.NoteHTML where ERPx_GLJournalHeaderNote.JournalHeaderSK = ERPx_GLJournalLine.JournalHeaderSK


Identifies the Date & Time the transaction was posted. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This field is not required and is populated when journals are saved as "Ready to Post".

(lightbulb) This field will only display when the outbound integration for 'Journal' Transaction Type is turned on and Journal Entry transactions are in a status of "Ready to Post".

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.PostedDate

Posted By

Identifies the name of the user that Posted the Transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This field is not required and is populated when journals are saved as "Ready to Post". 

(lightbulb) This field will only display when the outbound integration for 'Journal' Transaction Type is turned on and Journal Entry transactions are in a status of "Ready to Post".

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.PostedBy


Identifies the Reference entered for the transaction.  This comes from the 'Reference' in the header of the 'Home' tab on the Journal Entry RVThis is not required and is always editable for 'Manual' journal entities and for 'Accrue & Reverse' journal entries while they are in a Status of 'New'.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.Reference

Source Module

Identifies the Module of the Source Transaction that created the journal entry. This is required for all journal entries that are linked to a transaction and is never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.SourceModuleSK

Source Trans Date

Identifies the GL Date of the Source Transaction that created the journal entry. This is required for all journal entries that are linked to a transaction and is never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.SourceTransactionDate

Source Trans ID

Identifies the Transaction ID of the Source Transaction that created the journal entry. Clicking the link opens Journal Entry RV of the selected transaction. This is required for all journal entries that are linked to a transaction and is never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalLine.SourceTransactionID

Source Trans Type

Identifies the Transaction Type of the Source Transaction that created the journal entry. This is required for all journal entries that are linked to a transaction and is never editable.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.SourceTransactionTypeName


Identifies the Status of the transaction. This comes from the 'Status' on the 'Home' tab on the Journal Entry RV. This is only editable for Journal Entries in a Status of New or Approved.

The entry will be listed as either “New” or “Approved”

Status is used to identify where a transaction, Purchase Order, Price List, BOM, or Master File record is in its life cycle. Records start in a Status of 'New' and progress sequentially through additional statuses until they are 'Posted' or 'Closed'. The list of potential Statuses changes depending on the transaction type.  The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include:

New: This is the default Status for all new Transactions. While in the Status of 'New' transactions are considered open and all editable fields are open for edit, no posting or approval validations are performed, GL Dates are not assigned, and journal entries are not created. If the transaction was moved back from Approved to New, the GL Date will be assigned and a Journal Entry will exist.  

Approved: Performs all the data validations required to post the transaction and applies to all Transactions. While in the Status of 'Approved' transactions are considered open but have limited fields open for edit. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled except for the Status lookup (and any fields that are always editable), journal entries are created/updated, journal ID's are assigned to the journal entry, and blank 'GL Dates' are assigned.

Database Field: ERPx_GLJournalHeader.TransactionStatusSK

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