Journal Entry - Reverse/Correct

Journal Entry - Reverse/Correct

Description: NorthScope allows users to reverse and correct journal entries for transactions that have been posted. A reversing journal creates a new version of the journal entry in Reverse status, reversing the original debit and credit amounts.  Reversing & Correcting journal entries does the same and creates a new version in New status.

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

ProcessProcesses the transaction.  A transaction has to be selected in order to process. If the Action selected is Reverse & Correct, new versions of the corrected transactions are created. 
Refresh DataRefreshes the grid section to display transactions meeting the filtering criteria entered in the header section.


ActionThis field allows users to determine if the transactions should be reversed or reversed & corrected.
Correcting DateDisplays the date the transaction is being corrected.  The field is only visible when the Action of Reverse & Correct is selected and defaults to the current date.
Date FromThis date field is to enter a From Date to filter transactions displayed in the grid section.  This field is required.
Date ToThis date field is to enter a To Date to filter transactions displayed in the grid section. This field is required.
GL AccountDisplays a multi selection drop-down menu of all the available GL Accounts to filter transactions displayed in the grid section.
JournalThis field allows the user to enter a Journal ID to filter transactions displayed in the grid section.
Transaction TypeDisplays a drop-down menu to select the type of transaction to filter transactions displayed in the grid section.  This field value defaults to 'Manual'. 

Grid Columns

Column HeadersDescription
CommentDisplays the journal comment of the line item's corresponding journal entry.
GL PeriodDisplays the GL period in which the line item's corresponding journal entry resides.
GL YearDisplays the GL year in which the line item's corresponding journal entry resides.
Journal DateDisplays the date of the line item's corresponding journal entry.
Journal IDDisplays the journal ID of the line item's corresponding journal entry.
ReferenceDisplays the reference entered for the journal entry. 
Reverse DateDisplays the reverse date of the journal.  This field defaults to the journal date of the journal that is being reversed.  The date must be in an open fiscal period.
Source ModuleDisplays the name of the module in which the transaction resulting in the line item's corresponding journal entry was created.
Source Trans IDDisplays the transaction ID of the transaction that resulted in the line item's corresponding journal entry.
Source Trans TypeDisplays the type of transaction that resulted in the line item's corresponding journal entry - i.e. Delivery Ticket.

Related Topics

Journal Entry (Manual) Record View

Manual Journal Entry User Guide

Accrue & Reverse Journal Entry

Accrue & Reverse Journal Entry User Guide

Journal Entries List View

Journal Lines List View

Journal Entry History Inq

Journal Line History Inq

Reverse & Correct User Guide

 Page Definitions

Page Definitions

 Technical Details

Technical Details

Table Names:
Stored Procedures: