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Date - Delivered (GA)
Date - Delivery
Date - Discharge
Date - Entry
Date - Harvested (GA)
Date - Loading
Days Fished
Days Since Received
Days Until Expiration
Default Rate - Tax & Premium
Delivered By (Hauler)
Delivery Number
Description - Item
Discount Date
Distributed Amt - Lot
Distributed Amt - Rollup
Distributed Description - FA
Distributed To - Costing
Distributed To - Vendor
Distributed To Type
Doc Date
Doc No
Document Prefix
Due Date
Expiration Days
Fisherman (Account) Class
Fisherman ID
Fisherman, Fisherman & Tender and Tender
Fishing Vessel
GL Account & Description
GL Account - Accounts Receivable Account
GL Account - Brokerage Accrual
GL Account - Brokerage Expense
GL Account - Brokerage Write Off
GL Account - Company Tax Expense
GL Account - Cost of Goods Sold
GL Account - Cycle Count Variance
GL Account - Depreciation
GL Account - Drop Ship Items
GL Account - Fisherman Tax Expense
GL Account - Freight Accrual
GL Account - Freight Accrual Control Account
GL Account - Freight Expense
GL Account - Freight Revenue
GL Account - Freight Variance
GL Account - Inventory Adjustments
GL Account - Inventory Balance Sheet
GL Account - Inventory Production Offset
GL Account - Inventory Returned as 'Damaged'
GL Account - Inventory Returned as 'In Service'
GL Account - Inventory Returned as 'In Use'
GL Account - Inventory Returned as 'Returned'
GL Account - Inventory Valuation Gain/Loss
GL Account - Markdown / Discount
GL Account - Premium Expense
GL Account - Purchase Clearing
GL Account - Purchase Price Variance
GL Account - Purchases (AP)
GL Account - Purchases (GA)
GL Account - Sale Account - Item
GL Account - Sales
GL Account - Sales Return
GL Account - SP Write Off
GL Account - Tax Liability Account
GL Account - Transfer Freight Accrual
GL Account - Transfer Freight Expense
GL Account - Unrealized Purchase Price Variance
GL Account Category
GL Account Class
GL Account Description
GL Account ID
GL Control Account Type
GL Date
GL Period
GL Year
Harvested By (GA)
Inventory Tracked