eLandings Management (UG)

eLandings Management (UG)


NorthScope allows users to both import fish tickets from eLandings to NorthScope and upload delivery tickets to eLandings from NorthScope. eLandings Management offers the user access to select eLandings fish tickets for import and/or retrieve ticket numbers and landing numbers for assignment to NorthScope delivery tickets for seamless integration to eLandings.


Required Prerequisites

  • eLandings Account information
    • Before the user can use the eLandings Management functionality, the user must enter the eLandings username and password into NorthScope. This is done in the System module under the My Profile “Preferences” tab.

Using the “Landings” eLandings Management tab.

The “Landings” eLandings Management tab allows users to access eLandings fish tickets to import into NorthScope.

Importing eLandings fish tickets

From NorthScope, expand the Purchasing module on the navigation menu and select “eLandings Management”. This will automatically open the “Landings” tab.

The Landings tab is used to import pre-existing eLandings fish tickets to NorthScope. The pre-existing eLandings fish tickets for import can be found by entering the ticket number and/or tender batch in the corresponding header field. Then, the user can determine the dates between which landings will be searched by entering the earliest date in the Landing Date From field and the latest date in the Landing Date To field. These fields will default from the Purchasing Preference for 'Default Number of Days to Search for Landings'. Once one of these data fields has been entered, click the “Find Landings” toolbar icon. This will update the Landings grid to display the eLandings fish tickets matching the entered criteria with the following details:

  • # Fish Tickets
  • ADFG Status
  • Exceptions
  • Landing Date
  • Landing Report
  • Landing Type
  • Port
  • Tender
  • Vessel

Select the ticket(s) desired for import and click the “Import” grid toolbar icon. This will import the selected tickets to NorthScope as Delivery Tickets with the corresponding settlement transactions. 

Note: If an eLandings ticket is imported with a specie that is inactive in NorthScope, the ticket will still come through and can still be posted. 

Note: If the vessel or permit # on an imported eLandings ticket isn’t in NorthScope, it will automatically be added to the database. The permit is assigned to the Fisherman who is associated with the CFECID. If there are multiple Fishermen in the system with the same CFECID, the user must manually assign the permit to the appropriate Fisherman account before the ticket can be integrated. If only one Fisherman account associated with the CFECID is active, the permit is automatically assigned to this active Fisherman account. 

Using the “Numbers” eLandings Management tab.

The “Numbers” eLandings Management tab is used to retrieve landing and ticket numbers from eLandings to use on NorthScope delivery tickets for seamless upload to eLandings.

Retrieving landing and/or ticket numbers

From NorthScope, expand the Company module on the navigation menu and select “eLandings Management”. This will automatically open the “Landings” tab. Open the “Numbers” tab.

To be assigned landing numbers from eLandings, enter the amount of landing numbers desired in the “Landing Numbers” header field and click “Get Landing Numbers”.

To be assigned ticket numbers from eLandings, enter the amount of ticket numbers desired in the “Ticket Numbers” header field and select the type of ticket associated with the ticket numbers from the drop-down menu (i.e. Crab, Groundfish, Salmon) and click “Get Ticket Numbers”.

Completing either of these actions will automatically retrieve the amount of numbers requested and produce a line item in the Numbers grid displaying the following details:

  • eLandings User: Identifies the eLandings user the numbers were assigned to.
  • Number: Identifies the amount of numbers retrieved.
  • Retrieved: Identifies the date the numbers were retrieved.
  • Retrieved By: Identifies who retrieved the numbers.

Using assigned numbers

Once numbers are retrieved, the assigned numbers may be used when manually entering Delivery Tickets in NorthScope.

When entering a new Delivery Ticket, instead of the Ticket Number field defaulting to display Use Next Number per usual, it will default to display Use eLandings # if numbers were assigned.

If landing numbers were assigned, the “Landing Number” field in the Delivery Ticket Properties tab will also default to display Use eLandings #.

Uploading delivery tickets from NorthScope to eLandings.

Once delivery tickets with assigned eLandings numbers have been created, in order to upload them to eLandings, open the Delivery Ticket list view by expanding the Purchasing module on the navigation menu and selecting Delivery Tickets.

In order to upload delivery tickets to eLandings, the user must use the “Mass Update” functionality. This functionality allows the user to integrate delivery tickets to eLandings.

When integrating delivery tickets to eLandings using the “Mass Update” functionality, the user has the option to upload all filtered delivery tickets or only the selected delivery tickets.

To select specific delivery tickets, select the check box on the delivery ticket line item. To filter for delivery tickets, enter the search criteria in the search bars above each column to be filtered. As filter criteria are entered and the search bar is exited, the list refreshes to show only the delivery tickets that are within the filtered parameters.

Once all desired delivery ticket line items have been selected or filtered, click the “Mass Update” toolbar icon. This will open the Delivery Tickets: Mass Update window. The Delivery Ticket: Mass Update window’s header asks the user which record(s) the applied action will affect and gives the options of “Selected Records” and “All Filtered Records”. If “Selected Records” is chosen, then all selected delivery tickets will be integrated. If “All Filtered Records” is chosen, then all delivery tickets within the filtered criteria will be integrated.

Then, under the eLandings Integration header, select “Integrate to eLandings” from the Integration Status field and click the “Apply” toolbar icon. This will upload the delivery tickets within the determined selection to eLandings. 

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