NorthScope Reports

NorthScope Reports

Reports that are included with a new installation and/or upgrade of NorthScope are referred to as "shipped reports". The shipped reports are most commonly identified by:

  • The naming convention of the report name which is set as [FunctionalAreaID] ReportName NS. For example, the Warehouse Release that is printed for sales orders is named SO Warehouse Release NS.
  • The value in the 'System Version' column on the Manage Reports page is set to "Yes"

Fisherman Accounting (FA)

Launch FromReport TypeDisplay NameReport NameDescription
Direct PrintCheckFA Check Stub Stub NSCheck Stub StubFisherman Check formatted as Check-Stub-Stub with 10 lines per stub.
Print DialogEditFA Check Edit Details NSCheck Edit DetailsDisplays the list of all payments that have been selected for a settlement batch and the individual transactions being cleared by each payment.

EditFA Check Edit Summary NSCheck Edit SummaryDisplays the list of all payments that have been selected for a fisherman payment batch.

EditFA Transaction Edit NSTransaction EditShows transaction details and the journal entry for each Adjustment, Balance Transfer, and Payment Receipt transaction selected.

TransactionFA Adjustment NSAdjustmentA printable copy of a Fisherman Adjustment transaction.

TransactionFA Fisherman Invoice NSInvoiceA printable copy of the Fisherman Sale or Tender Resale.

TransactionFA Payment Receipt NSPayment ReceiptA printable copy of a Fisherman Payment Receipt.

TransactionFA Ticket Detail 2 NSTicket DetailA copy of a Fish Ticket that shows all the items, prices, and lbs along with any taxes and/or premiums.
Reports PageAgingFisherman AgingFA Fisherman Aging NSFishermen balances, in summary or transaction detail, categorized by length of time a transaction has been outstanding.

AnalysisBuyer DeliveriesFA Buyer Deliveries NSDisplay lbs purchased, by specie. Can be grouped by Tender or Delivery #.

AnalysisFish Price HistoryFA Fish Price History NSA report to review the history of the prices you have paid for fish over a specified time period.

AnalysisFisherman RankingFA Fisherman Ranking NSA listing of all fishermen ranked by either lbs, dollars, or account name.

AnalysisTicket PurchasesFA Ticket Purchases NSA report to analyze the amount paid for fish over a specified time period.

AnalysisTicket Tax ReportTicketTaxReport

AnalysisTicket Taxes By GL PeriodTicket Taxes by GL PeriodA report to analyze fish ticket taxes over a specified time period.

StatementFisherman StatementFA Fisherman Statement NSDisplays detail transactional data and a summary rollup, by fisherman, over a specified time period.

TransactionTicket DetailFA Ticket Detail NSA copy of a Fish Ticket that shows all the items, prices, and lbs along with any taxes and/or premiums.

Sales (SO)

Launch FromReport TypeDisplay NameReport IDDescription
Print DialogTransactionConfirmationSO Sales Confirmation NSA Sales Confirmation is a document sent from the supplier (you) to the customer's buyer to confirm that the order has been received and accepted. Although this can be printed for any sales transaction in any status, it is intended to be printed for sales orders that have just been keyed into the system, before any lot allocations or shipping have been done. 

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