Ticket Class (UG)

Ticket Class (UG)


NorthScope allows users to create and edit fish ticket classes. These records determine the prefix and numbering and certain properties for ticket transactions. By default, one ticket class is created in the system. This ticket class is named ‘Default’.

Step 1: Adding a New Ticket Class in NorthScope

To add a new ticket class, expand the Purchasing module, expand Setup and select Ticket Class. This opens the Ticket Class list view, which displays the ticket classes configured in the system. Select New from the toolbar to open a new blank ticket class record.

Step 2: Assigning the Properties 

A blank ticket class record is opened with the following properties:

Group: Setup

  • Default Site Processed: Select a Site from the dropdown menu which will be the default Site displayed on a New Fish Ticket for the associated class. This field is not required and always editable.
  • Description: Enter a description for the ticket class. This field is required and always editable.
  • Doc Prefix: Enter the prefix that will combine with the Next Ticket Number to create the Fish Ticket Number belonging to the ticket class. This field is required and always editable.
  • Inactive: Select if the ticket class should be active (No) or inactive (Yes). Note that each transaction type must have at least one active transaction class.
  • Next Ticket Number: Enter a number that that is prefixed by the Doc Prefix to create the Ticket Number belonging to the ticket class. This number will auto increment by 1 for every new Ticket that is created. This field is required and always editable.
  • Number of RSW Readings: Enter the number of RSW Temperature rows that will be displayed on the fish ticket record view RSW Temp tab. The value defaults to 3 but can be changed to any value between 1 and 20.  This field is always editable. 
  • Rows to Create on New: Enter the number of rows that will be created on a new Fish Ticket for the associated ticket class. This field defaults to “5” and is required and always editable.
  • Ticket Class: This field displays a text field for the user to enter the name of the ticket class. This field is required and is not editable after Save. 

Group: Pricing

  • Default Price List: Select a Fish Ticket Price List from the dropdown menu. This value will be the default Price List displayed on a New Fish Ticket for the associated class. This field is not required and is always editable.

Group: ADFG

  • ADFG Landing Type: Select the Landing Type that integrates with eLandings or “Does not Integrate” if the ticket class does not integrate with eLandings. This field is required and always editable.
  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Chill Types: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Chill Types. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Chill Type will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Chill Type ([ChillType]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Chill Types."  This field defaults to 'Yes', is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Fishermen: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Fishermen. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Fisherman will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Fisherman ([FishermanName]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Fishermen."  This field defaults to 'No', is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Fish Ticket Items and Components: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Fish Ticket Items and Components. Components include Specie, Conditions, Dispositions, and Grades.  If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Fish ticket Items and Components will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Ticket Item (Specie: [Specie], Condition: [Condition], Grade: [Grade], Disposition: [Disposition], Sold Condition: [SoldCondition]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Ticket Items."  This field defaults to 'Yes'is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Gears: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Gears. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Gears will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Gear ([Gear]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Gears."  This field defaults to 'Yes'is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Management Programs: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Management Programs. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Management Programs will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Management Program ([Management Program]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Management Programs."  This field defaults to 'Yes'is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Permits: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Permits. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Permits will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Permit (Fishery: [Fishery], Permit: [Permit], Year Seq: [YearSeq], Gear: [Gear]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Permits."  This field defaults to 'Yes'is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Ports: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Fishermen. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Fisherman will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Port ([Port]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Ports."  This field defaults to 'Yes'is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Stat Areas: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Stat Areas. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Stat Areas will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed: "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Stat Area ([StatArea]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Stat Areas."  This field defaults to 'Yes'is required and always editable.

  • Allow Import of Missing or Inactive Vessels: Select whether to allow the import of missing or inactive Vessels. If the property is set to ‘Yes’, the Vessels will be auto added on import and if the property is set to ‘No’ the following error will be displayed:  "Ticket #: [TicketNumber] has a missing or inactive Vessel ([VesselName]) assigned and the Ticket Class: [TicketClass] does not allow import of Missing or Inactive Vessels."  This field defaults to 'Yes'is required and always editable.

Once the properties have been assigned. Click Save from the header toolbar to create the ticket class record.

Step 3: Selecting A Transaction Class

To select the ticket class for a Fish Ticket transaction, navigate to Purchasing Tickets and click New. The drop-down menu displays all ticket classes that are currently assigned to be active. Selecting the ticket class opens a new blank ticket record. The Ticket number and properties are assigned based on the ticket class properties.

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