Def - Units- Inventory Calculations

Def - Units- Inventory Calculations

If this field is editable, the following will be enforced:

  • For an item that is fixed weight and requires whole units:

    • When Units are entered: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer then the Weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units integer value.

  • For an item that is fixed weight and does not require whole units:

    • When Units are entered: the Weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units value. The Units value does not have to be an integer.

  • For an item that is variable weight and requires whole units:

    • When Units go from empty to a value: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer then the Weight will automatically be calculated based on the Units integer value.

    • When Units go from one value to another: the value will be rounded up to the nearest integer but the Weight will NOT be recalculated.

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