Process Settlements Record View
Program amounts for Brokerage, Off Book, and Rebate programs are accrued for and posted with sales transactions. The 'Settle' (pay) the accrued amounts, the programs must be Settled. The purpose of this page is to create settlements that reduce the open program balances by converting them to Accounts Payable Invoices (or AP Credit Memos for sales returns) or Accounts Receivable credits.
Software Version: 2022.06.16 and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Append To Batch | Updates the grid with new transactions that match the filter criteria. This icon is only displayed after the initial batch is created to allow users to redefine search criteria and add additional transactions to the batch. |
Build Batch | Builds a Settlement Batch based on filter criteria selected / entered. This icon is only displayed until a batch is created and is then replaced with the "Append to Batch" icon. |
Delete | WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! Deletes the transaction, batch, or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. |
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. |
New Batch | Creates a new Settlement Batch when the icon is clicked. New Batch IDs are created as [Username] - [User Batch Sequence] when the 'Username' is the First Name + Last Name of the user and the 'User Batch Sequence' is a sequential integer value By Username and Program Type. |
Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. When clicked, all the Reports that launch from the Print Dialog that are assigned to this page, and that the user has rights to (if Report Data Access is enabled) are displayed. Opens the | |
Process | Processes a batch. A batch can only be processed if it has been validated. When a batch is processed, Program balances are shifted from the Sales Program sub-ledger to either Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable transactions. |
Validate | Verifies that a batch can be successfully processed. |
Fields | Description |
Batch ID | Displays the name of the batch. This is a single select lookup that defaults as "(New Batch)" when the page is initially opened. If the 'New Batch' icon is clicked, a new Sales Program Settlement Batch will be created, and the lookup will be update with the Batch ID for the new batch. The lookup contains an option for (New Batch) followed by a list of all open settlement batches for the Program Type you are working in (Brokerage, Off Book, or Rebate). Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementBatch.BatchID |
Comment | Identifies the header comment/description of the transaction or batch. This is a text box to assign a comment to a Settlement Batch. This defaults as blank and is not required but if entered, must <= 200 characters. This field is always editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementBatch.BatchID |
Include Unpaid Invoices | A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not to settle sales transactions that have an open balance. This is required and defaults to "No" but can be changed. If set to "No", program sales transactions with an open balance (transactions that have not been fully paid or written off) will not be brought into the transaction settlement grid when the 'Build Batch' or 'Append to Batch' icons are clicked. If changed to "Yes", all program sales transactions will be brought into the transaction settlement grid when the 'Build Batch' or 'Append to Batch' icons are clicked. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementBatch.IncludeUnpaidInvoices |
Invoice Date Thru | A date picker to enter an Invoice Date to restrict program sales transaction from being selected in the transaction settlement grid. This defaults as blank and is not required. If blank, then this parameter is not evaluated. If entered, only program sales transactions with an Invoice Date <= the 'Invoice Date Thru' date will be selected. This is useful for companies that settle sales programs on a specific date for transactions up through a certain date. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementBatch.InvoiceDateThrough |
Paid in Full Thru | A date picker to enter a 'Closed Date' (the date a sales transaction was fully paid or written off) to restrict program sales transaction from being selected in the transaction settlement grid. This defaults as blank and is not required. If blank, then this parameter is not evaluated. If entered, only program sales transactions with a 'Closed Date' <= the 'Paid in Full Thru' date will be selected. This is useful for companies that settle sales programs for only paid in full invoices that were paid as of a specific date. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementBatch.PaidInFullThrough |
Payee | Identifies the name of the Vendor or Customer that is the recipient of a Brokerage, Rebate, or Off Book Program Settlement. This is a textbox that defaults as blank and is not required. This allows "search string" text containing all or part of a Payee Name. If a value is entered, then only Programs with an assigned Payee that matches the search string will be selected. This is not saved in the database. |
Program | A multi select lookup to limit which Sales Programs to settle. This defaults to blank and is not required. If blank, then this parameter is not evaluated. If entered, only program sales transactions for the Program(s) identified will be selected. The lookup contains the list of all Programs associated with the Program Type being added/edited. Sales Programs are used to automate the calculation of accruals that will be settled at a later date (Brokerage, Rebate, and Off Book programs), charges and/or discounts that need to show on a customer invoice (On Invoice programs), and expense/accruals that need to post with the sales transaction (Accrual programs). Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementBatch.ProgramSKCSV |
Program Class | A multi select lookup to limit which Sales Programs to settle. This defaults to blank and is not required. If blank, then this parameter is not evaluated. If entered, only program sales transactions for Programs belonging to the 'Program Class' will be selected. The lookup contains the list of all Program Classes associated with the Program Type being added/edited. Program Classes are used to classify and group programs by Program Type: Brokerage, On Invoice, Accrual, Rebate, and Off Book. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementBatch.ProgramClassSKCSV |
Settle To | A single select lookup to limit which Sales Programs to settle. This is required and for 'Brokerage Programs' defaults to "Accounts Payable" and cannot be changed. For 'Rebate' and 'Off Book' Programs' this defaults to blank and must be selected. The lookup contains the following values:
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SPSettleToEN |
Settlement Date | Identifies the date that will be used on the Settlement transactions created for Accounts Payable and/or Accounts Receivable. This is an editable date picker that defaults to the current date, is required, and if missing, the message "Settlement Date is required." will be displayed on Validate and/or Process. The date must fall withing a valid GL Date else the message "The Settlement Date must be within a GL period open to [Functional Area the Settlement is going to]." will be displayed on Validate and/or Process. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettlementDate |
Total A/P | A calculated field that displays the sum of the 'Amt. to Settle' column for all the program transactions with a 'Settle To' of either "AP Invoice - Paid In Full Orders" or "AP Invoice - All Orders". This is not saved in the database. |
Total A/R | A calculated field that displays the sum of the 'Amt. to Settle' column for all the program transactions with a 'Settle To' of "AR Credit Memo". This is not saved in the database. |
Total Settlement | A calculated field that displays the sum of the 'Amt. to Settle' column for all the program transactions. It is also the sum of [Total A/P] + [Total A/R] calculated amounts. This is not saved in the database. |
Page Details
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Auto Fill Amounts | This button displays options to:
Column Filter Show/Hide | Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column. |
Edit Amounts | Opens the 'Edit Amounts' List View, filtered for the transaction that was selected, to allow edit of the 'Amt. To Settle' and/or 'Write Off Program Amt.' for the individual Sales Transactions Iines. This can only be opened for one Transaction at a time else the message "Please select one row and try again." will be displayed. |
Excel | Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Group By Show/Hide | Toggles between displaying and hiding a row in the grid above the column headers to enable grouping by one or more column(s). Once displayed, users may drag and drop column headers to group by a specific column. Once the grid is grouped by a column(s), a subtotal footer row will display in the grouping for columns that have a page footer total. |
Quick Column Filter | Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text. |
Remove Payment | Removes the amounts in both the 'Amt. to Settle' and 'Write Off Program Amt.' columns for all the tagged/selected records. |
Saved Layouts | Please note that existing saved grid layouts will display the Filter Row as hidden by default. Displays the column layout lookup and related icons. This tool allows users to select a previously saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, forget/delete a layout and/or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to the layout, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Save Layout icon and save the changes to the column layout. The visibility of the Filter Row is also saved with a saved layout. The new layout can also be set as the default. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific). Default layouts can be removed by clicking the 'Set as Default' button again when the current default layout is selected. |
Fields | Description |
Amt. to Settle | Identifies the amount intended to be settled on a Sales Program Settlement. It is part of the equation: [Open Program Amt.] - [Amt. to Settle] - [Write off Program Amt.] = [Remaining Program Amt.]. This is a non-editable textbox that defaults to 0.00 and displays the sum of the 'Amt. to Settle' for each transaction item. This can only be edited by selecting a record and clicking the 'Edit Amounts' icon to open the Sales Program: Edit Amounts List View or by clicking the 'Auto Fill Amounts' icon and selecting one of the Fully Pay options. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader. |
Closed Date | Identifies the date a Sales Invoice, Return, or Price Adjustment was fully applied, paid, or written off. It represents the last date the transaction would have showed up on a Customer Statement or Aging report. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.OrderPaidOffDate |
Customer ID | Displays the unique identifier for the Customer record or for the Customer assigned to a transaction. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.CustomerID |
Customer Name | Identifies the name of the Customer record or for the Customer assigned to a transaction. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.CustomerName |
OK To Pay | A Yes/No value that indicates whether a transaction on a sales program is okay to pay/settle.
This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database. |
Open Program Amt. | Identifies the amount of a Sales Program that has been accrued for a transaction and is still open (not settled and/or written off). It is part of the equation: [Program Amt.] - [Settled Program Amt.] = [Open Program Amt.]. This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database. |
Payee ID | Identifies the ID of the Customer or Vendor that will be paid for the Program. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramEntitySK, ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettleToEntityID |
Payee Name | Identifies the Name of the Customer or Vendor that will be paid for the Program. This is not editable. Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramEntitySK, ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettleToEntityName |
PO | Identifies the Purchase Order number (PO number) entered for the transaction or transaction line item. This comes from the 'Purchase Order' field on the 'Home' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.PONumber |
Program | Identifies the Program, displayed as [Program ID]: [Description]. This is not editable Database Fields: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.Description, ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.ProgramHeaderSK |
Program Amt. | Identifies the Sales Program amount that has been accrued with a sales transaction. It is part of the equation: [Program Amt.] - [Settled Program Amt.] = [Open Program Amt.]. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.ComputedAmount |
Remaining Program Amt. | Identifies how much of the 'Open Program Amt.' will be remaining after the Settlement and/or Write Off. This is part of the equation: [Open Program Amt.] - [Amt. to Settle] - [Write Off Program Amt.] = [Remaining Program Amt.]. This is a calculated field that can only be edited by changing either the 'Amt. to Settle' or the 'Write Off Program Amt.' This value is not stored in the database. |
Settle To | Identifies how the Program will be settled (paid). This defaults from the Sales Program and is not editable. The available options include:
Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettlementMethodName |
Settled Program Amt. | Identifies the amount of the accrued Sales Program that has already been settled and or written off. It is part of the equation: [Program Amt.] - [Settled Program Amt.] = [Open Program Amt.] This is only editable by settling and/or writing off a Program Amount. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.SettledAmount |
Trans Amt. | Identifies the 'Invoice' amount of the Sales transaction. This is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.TotalOrderAmount |
Trans Class | The unique identifier of the Transaction Class. This comes from the 'Transaction Class' selected when the transaction was created. This is not editable. Transaction Classes are used to categorize transactions within transaction types and assign specific default values and business rules for each. Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.DocumentID |
Trans Curr. | Identifies the Currency ID that the transaction was entered in. This comes from the Customer and is not editable. Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.CurrencySK |
Trans Date | Identifies the date of the transaction. It is formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This comes from the 'Invoiced Date' field on the 'Shipments' tab of the Sales Transaction Record View and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.InvoiceDate |
Trans Open Amt. | Identifies the open/unpaid amount of the sales transaction. This is only editable by applying Payment Receipts, Credits, or Returns to the transaction. Not sure where this comes from or if it is calculated, how it is calculated. |
Trans Type | Identifies the Transaction Type for each transaction. This is a system assigned value and is not editable. The applicable transaction types are: Order, Return and Price Adjustment. Transaction Types are used to differentiate unique types transactions within the system. Transactions with the same Transaction Type share the same record view pages and business rules. Transaction Types can be further classified using Transaction Classes. Every transaction in the system is assigned a Transaction Type. Database Fields: ERPx_ARTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.OrderTypeSK |
Transaction | Identifies the unique Transaction ID for each transaction. This is a system assigned value and is not editable. Sales transaction numbers may be system assigned IDs to differentiate unique transactions. Transaction ID's are unique by the unique combination of 'Document Prefix' + 'Next Document Number'. Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementHeader.InvoiceNumber |
Write Off Program Amt. | Identifies the amount of an accrued program balance to be written off as part of a Sales Program Settlement. It is part of the equation: [Open Program Amt.] - [Amt. to Settle] - [ |