Item Sets (UG)

Item Sets (UG)


NorthScope allows users to create item sets that can be assigned to Sales Programs, Customer Catalogs and Reports. The item set records are not integrated with the Host system .


Required Prerequisites

  • Item Setup
  • Item Class Setup

Optional Prerequisites

  • Item Attribute Class Setup
  • UOM Schedule Setup

Step 1: Assigning Properties

To create a new item set, expand the Inventory module and select Item Sets. This opens the Item Sets list view displaying all existing item sets created in the system. Click New from the header toolbar to open a new blank item set record for data entry.

Step 2: Selecting Properties

Start creating an item set by completing the following header fields:

  • Item Set: Enter an item set ID.
  • Description: Enter a description for the item set record. This field is not required.
  • Type: Select the type where the item set is used from the following options:
    • All Modules: Enables the item set to be used on Customer Catalogs, Reports and Sales Programs.
    • Customer Catalogs: Enables the item set to be used on Customer Catalogs.
    • Reports: Enables the item set to be used on Reports.
    • Sales Programs: Enables the item set to be used on Sales Programs.

The item set is created by filtering item properties and attributes. By default, all properties are selected assigning all items to the item set. Select the filters from the following properties:

  • Item Type
  • Item Class
  • Attribute Class
  • UOM Schedule

All or one or more item properties can be selected to assign the appropriate items to the item set record. Items with the selected properties are assigned to the item set record. Additional items can also be assigned to the item set record by selecting the items from the ‘Included Manually Selected Items’ drop-down menu. Individual items can be removed from the item set by selecting the item from the ‘Excluded Items’ drop-down menu. These items are removed from the item set even though the items meet the other filtering criteria 

Step 3: Selecting Attributes

Click the Attributes tab to assign items to the item set based on the attribute values. If the Attribute Class property was selected on the Properties tab, only attributes assigned to this Attribute Class are displayed. Select one or more attribute values to assign items to the item set.

Note: This step is not required.

Step 4: Saving the Item Set

Once the appropriate properties (and attributes) have been assigned, click Save from the header toolbar. This updates the Items tab to display items that are assigned to the item set record. Remember to save the record each time the properties/attributes are changed, to update the Items tab. All item set properties and attribute values are always editable allowing users to edit the item set details. 

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