Item Class (UG)

Item Class (UG)


NorthScope allows users to add an edit item classes. These records serve as a default for all future created items assigned to the corresponding item class. The item class records integrate to the Host system when the item class integration in the Company module is set to immediate or timed.  

Required Prerequisites

  • Attribute Class Setup
  • Cost Group Setup
  • Financial Account Setup

Step 1: Adding a New Item Class in NorthScope

To create a new Item Class, expand the Inventory module and select Item Class. This will open the Item Class List view, which displays all existing item classes. Click New from the toolbar to open a blank record.

Step 2: Assigning the Properties

Enter the following item class properties:

ID and Description

Class ID: Enter the class ID.  This is a required field and must be unique.

Description: Enter the item class description. This is a required field.


Attribute Class: Select the attribute class. This field is not a required field. The menu displays item class attributes defined in Attribute Classes > Item Attribute Class.

Cost Group: Select the cost group. This field is not a required field. The menu displays active cost groups defined in Inventory > Cost Groups.

Inactive: This field is a required field and the default value is ‘No’.

Lot Tracked

Lot Tracked: Select if the items belonging to the item class are lot tracked or not.  This field is a required field and the default value is ‘No’.

Expiration Days: Enter the default number for expiration days. This field defaults to 0.

Hold Code – New Lots: This field is a required field. The values are pulled from the Inventory – Hold Codes Master list.

Hold Code – Sales Returns: This field is a required field. The values are pulled from the Inventory – Hold Codes Master list.


Taxable to Sales: This is a required field and the default value is ‘No’.

Visible to WMS: This is a required field and the default value is ‘No’.

Once the properties have been entered, click the ‘Save’ toolbar icon on the header toolbar. If the save is successful, the item class record is created.

Step 3: Editing Default GL Accounts

Click on the Accounts tab to assign default GL accounts for the item class. Setting these accounts will drive accounting rules within the Inventory module. The menus display all active accounts from the Accounts Master List.

  • Brokerage Expense (Debit)
  • Brokerage Accrual (Credit)
  • Brokerage Write Off
  • Freight Expense (Debit)
  • Freight Accrual (Credit)
  • Inventory Balance Sheet
  • Depreciation
  • Inventory Adjustment
  • Cost of Goods Sold
  • Sales
  • Markdown / Discount
  • Sales Returns
  • Inventory Returned as ‘Returned’
  • Inventory Returned as ‘In Use’
  • Inventory Returned as ‘In Service’
  • Inventory Returned as ‘Damaged’
  • Cycle Count Variance
  • Unrealized Purchase Price Variance
  • Assembly Variance

Once the Accounts have been configured, save the Item Class Record.

Step 4: Assigning an Item Class to an Item

When creating a new item, select the desired Item Class from the Item Class property field. Assigning the item class to a new item will default all the shared fields from the item class once the new item is initially saved. Changing an item’s item class after the item was already created will not re-default the shared fields. In order to re-default the shared fields of a previous created item from a newly assigned item class the user must roll down the field values from the item class. See step 5.

Step 5: Rolling Down Item Class Values to an Item

If the user would like to default edits made to an item class to all items assigned to that item class, the user can roll down the item class’s field values. In order to roll down a field value from an item class to an item assigned to that item class, the user can simply check the Roll Down checkbox next to the field value to be rolled down. Checking this checkbox will display a message asking the user to verify the change. However, all items created after the item class was created and assigned that item class will have their field values defaulted from the item class.

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