NorthScope 2024.06.25

NorthScope 2024.06.25

(Software Version: 2024.06.17 Database Version: 2024.06.25)

Release Date: June 25, 2024



NS-12020, NS-12466 - Improved Performance of Creating and Saving a Sales Order with and without Line Items

One of the many jobs of the Sales Order Processing Engine is to keep all the tiers of information comprising each Sales Order Transaction internally consistent: Line-Items should summarize the Lot-level information beneath them and in turn, the Header should be a summary of the Line-Items. Likewise, the Processing Engine collates ancillary information, like Order and Line-Item attributes into easily consumable tables for inclusion in reports. These components were initially configured to (overzealously) process all orders and all line items every time they ran instead of just the order or line items that were being edited. This was the equivalent of the busy work you got assigned in school, except in this case instead of buying time for the teacher to refill their coffee mug, NorthScope was just doing way more work than it really needed to do. Neither NorthScope nor you need the busy work, so we dialed back the aggressiveness on these processes, so they only work on the order and line items you actually need them to. Don’t worry, NorthScope will wait patiently while you go pour yourself that extra big mug of coffee and no, it's not the caffeine: NorthScope really is saving Sales Orders, especially brand-new ones, quite a lot faster now.

NS-12024 - Improved Performance of the Sales Transaction Lot Allocation Window

You threw the tennis ball and told the Sales Order Lot Allocation window to “Go Fetch” (the lot balance information for your Sales Order). What it came back with, eventually, was the biggest stick (bundle of lot balance data) you’ve ever seen. Why did the tennis ball turn into a giant log? It just so happens the tennis ball is inside the log! As for this tortured metaphor; it’s unexplainable. We’ve improved the Sales Order Lot Allocation window to not calculate lot balance information for lots that are marked as Closed, unless the Allocation window is opened for an already-posted Sales Order.

Bug Fixes


NS-9483 - Fixed Validations for Required Reason Codes on Returns and Price Adjustment Transactions

NorthScope lets you set up Reason Codes to indicate why a Sales Price Adjustment or Return was initiated. You went through the effort of setting all that up but your colleague keying the Return didn’t remember to actually pick a reason code before posting the Return. So, your hard work got completely ignored and what’s worse, the Return should have put the inventory back into a re-sellable state, which also didn’t happen. Didn’t earlier versions of NorthScope require a reason code for Returns and Price Adjustments? Yes, it sure did. We’ve fixed that regression, so the “Require a Reason Code for all Price Adjustment Lots” and “Require a Reason Code for all Returned Lots” preferences will cause the validation to be enforced when set to "Yes". While we were fixing those validations, we updated the Price Adjustment Record Views, so Reason Codes set at the Header will automatically push down to the Line-Items, on Refresh, unless you pick a specific Reason Code at the Line-Item level. What’s more, we also changed the default behavior, so if no reason code is selected, assuming it’s not required, returned inventory will be marked as re-sellable automatically.

NS-11672, NS-12189 - Fixed Missing Invoices and Incorrect Amounts in the Sales Customer Aging Report NS

Sometimes it feels like we get stuck in the past, but NorthScope Reports shouldn’t be. We found and fixed a problem where the Sales Customer Aging report did not include Invoices that have a Due Date later than the report’s Aged Through option and the Age By Date Option is set to Due Date. We also fixed an issue causing the Amount to be multiplied by the number of Payment Receipts (or Credit Memos) applied to a particular Invoice.

NS-11983 - Fixed Incorrectly Displayed Default Carrier on Customer Master File

Ghost! You saw a ghost; you think to yourself. That must have been what it is. Or maybe you’ve been staring at that computer screen too long? You are certain you removed this Customer's Default Carrier on the Customer Address Record View, but it still looks like it’s selected on the Customer Record View's Addresses tab. Maybe you need to change it on the Customer Record View's Address tab, too? Nope, that's also not working. Is this a ghost or a bad dream? We’ve fixed a display issue causing the Carrier to still look like it was selected in the dropdown on the Customer Record View’s Address tab, even when it actually wasn’t as far as the database was concerned. So yes, you did see a ghost.

Technical Changes

  • No schema changes.
  • No config file changes.

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