Sites (UG)


NorthScope allows users to create sites that can be used across modules that can serve as the location for lots, loads, and transactions. The modules these sites are visible to can be managed from the Site record view. In addition, the user can use the record view to determine site properties, the site's address, and any lines and shifts at the site. Sites integrate with the Host system if the integration setup for site is set to immediate or timed. The integration setup can be located in the Integration Setup page in the Company module of NorthScope. 

Optional Prerequisites

  • Certification setup
  • Site integration setup
  • Vendor setup

Step 1: Adding a New Site in NorthScope

In NorthScope, expand the Sales Order module and click Sites. This will open the Sites list view. From the Sites list view, click New.

This will open a new Site record view for data entry. 

Step 2: Assigning the Site Properties

Until the base properties have been assigned, the new Site record cannot be added. Enter the following site properties.

Click here to view the Sites Properties tab help page and view what each property is responsible for. 

  • Auto fill Whse Lot on 2-part Transfer Receipts
  • Inactive
  • In Transit
  • Registration
  • Site ID
  • Site Name
  • Visible to Logistics
  • Visible to Sales
  • Visible to WMS
  • Warehouse Lot Tracked

Once the base properties are entered, click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. If the save was successful, the site record will be saved and the rest of the properties and tabs will be visible and ready for edit.

The additional properties that will display are as follows:

  • Next Production Batch #
  • Production Batch Prefix
  • Vendor

In addition, the Address, Lines, Shifts, and Certifications tabs will display.

Note: If the 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' property is changed from 'No' to 'Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots' or 'Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items' and the site has been used on transactions, a new default Warehouse lot 'SITEID-Default' is created and assigned to all existing transactions and lot balances. A message 'The Warehouse Lot ID on all existing transactions for this Site has been updated to SITEID-Default' is displayed for the user on save to inform the user.

Step 3: Assigning a Site Address (Optional)

Click on the Address tab to assign an address to the site. 

Click here to view the Site Address tab help page and view what each field is responsible for. 

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Phone
  • State
  • Zip

Step 4: Assigning Contacts (Optional)

Click on the Contacts tab to assign contacts to the site. 

Click here to view the Site Contacts tab help page and view what each field is responsible for.

  • Contact Type
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Name
  • Note
  • Phone

Step 5: Assigning Site Lines (Optional)

Click on the Lines tab to assign lines to the site. A site line is the equivalent of a production line that exists at the site. These are specifically useful on Production Batches where the production line and production shift will default once the site is selected and saved on the production batch.

Click here to view the Site Lines tab help page and view what each field is responsible for. 

  • Line
  • Select Box

Note: Lines cannot be deleted from a Site if they exist on a Production Batch. 

Step 6: Assigning Site Shifts (Optional)

Click on the Shifts tab to assign shifts to the site. A site shift is the equivalent of a shift during which workers would work at the site and therefore produce items, such as an AM or PM shift. These are specifically useful on  Production Batches where the production line and production shift will default once the site is selected and saved on the production batch.

Click here to view the Site Shifts tab help page and view what each field is responsible for. 

  • Select Box
  • Shift

Note: Shifts cannot be deleted from a Site if they exist on a Production Batch. 

Step 7: Assigning Certifications (Optional)

Click on the Certifications tab to assign certifications to the site. A site certification can be assigned in order for the site's corresponding lot(s) to also be marked with the certification, so long as the certification is site only or is Item & Site and the lot's item is also assigned the same certification. 

Click here to view the Site Certifications tab help page and view what each field is responsible for.

  • Certification
  • Select Box