Customer Class (UG)

Customer Class (UG)


NorthScope allows users to add and edit customer classes. These records serve as a default for all future created customers assigned the corresponding customer class. These records integrate with the host system so that any changes made to common fields will be made in both systems if the Integration Setup for 'Customer Class' is set to 'Timed' or 'Immediate' in NorthScope. This field can be located in the Integration Setup page in the Company module of NorthScope. 

Required Prerequisites

Required Host System Prerequisites

    • Financial Account Setup
    • Currency Setup
    • Checkbook Setup
    • Payment Terms Setup

Optional Prerequisites

Optional NorthScope Prerequisites

  • Integration Setup for 'Customer Class' set to 'Timed' or 'Immediate'
  • Tax Class Setup

Step 1: Adding a New Customer Class in NorthScope

  1. From NorthScope, expand the Sales Order module on the navigation menu and select 'Customer Class'. This will open the Customer Class List View which displays all customer classes.
  2. Click the 'New' icon in the header to open a blank record view. 

When the New Customer Class Record View is opened, only the Properties tab is visible and only the base properties are shown. Once the base properties have been entered and saved, the remaining tabs will be visible. Clicking Save will also update the header information with the Customer Class drop-down menu.

Step 2: Assigning the Base Customer Class Properties

Until the base properties have been assigned, the new customer class record cannot be added. Enter the following customer class properties.

Click here to view the Customer Class Properties tab help page and view what each property is responsible for.

  • Checkbook
  • Class ID
  • Credit Amount
  • Credit Limit Option: Defaults to Unlimited Credit if not specified.
  • Currency: Defaults to the Company module Preference 'Default Currency ID' if not specified.
  • Description
  • Discount Grace Period
  • Due Date Grace Period
  • Finance Charge Amount
  • Finance Charge Option: Defaults to None if not specified.
  • Inactive
  • Payment Terms
  • Tax Class

Once the base properties are entered, click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. If the save was successful, the customer class record will be saved and the rest of the tabs will be visible and ready for edit.

Step 3: Editing Default GL Accounts

Click on the Accounts tab to assign default GL accounts for the customer class. Setting these accounts will drive accounting rules within the Sales Order module.

Click here to view the Accounts tab help page for more information about these data fields.

  • Accounts Receivables
  • Cost of Sales
  • Finance Charges
  • Inventory
  • Overpayment Writeoffs
  • Sales
  • Sales Order Returns
  • Terms Discount Available
  • Terms Discounts Taken
  • Writeoffs

Step 4: Assigning a Customer Class to a Customer

When creating a new customer, select the desired Customer Class from the Customer Class property field. Assigning the customer class to a new customer will default all of the shared fields from the customer class once the new customer is initially saved. Changing a customer's customer class after the customer was already created will not redefault the shared fields. In order to redefault the shared fields of a previously created customer from a newly assigned customer class the user must roll down the field values from the customer class, as mentioned in Step 5.

Step 5: Rolling Down Customer Class Values to a Customer

If the user would like to default edits made to a customer class to all customers assigned to that customer class, the user can roll down the customer class's field values. In order to roll down a field value from a customer class to a customer assigned that customer class, the user can simply check the Roll Down checkbox next to the field value to be rolled down. Checking this checkbox will display a message asking the user to verify the field value should be rolled down to all customers in the customer class. Click OK to confirm and then click Save to implement the roll-down. The user can opt to roll-down all, many, or no field values to the customers belonging to that customer class. However, all customers created after the customer class was created and assigned that customer class will have their field values defaulted from the customer class. 

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