Carriers: Load Management_Old

Carriers: Load Management_Old

Description: The NorthScope Carriers master file allows the user to add and edit Carriers. Active Carriers configured in the master file can be assigned to Inventory Transfer and Sales Order transactions. Logistics Loads and On-Invoice Sales Programs. 

Header Toolbar

Toolbar Icons


Cancels the current unsaved changes and returns the view from Edit mode to Read only mode. This toolbar icon is only displayed when the view is in edit mode.


Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Delete - List View (ML)'.


Puts the list view in edit mode allowing all editable fields to be modified at one time. To get out of edit mode you must either Cancel or Save your changes.


Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Grid Layout

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Toolbar Icon - Grid'.


Inserts blank lines that allow adding multiple new records.

SaveSaves all changes made and returns the view from Edit mode to Read-Only mode. This toolbar icon is only displayed when the view is in edit mode.


Column Headers

Carrier Code

This field allows users to enter a code for the carrier. The field is not required.

Carrier Name

Displays a text box while in edit mode for the user to enter the name of the carrier. This field is required to save and must be unique.

Currency IDDisplays the Currency ID assigned to the Vendor. The value is pulled from the vendor record and the field is not editable. If the Currency ID is updated on the Vendor record, the value is automatically updated on the Carrier list view.

This field allows users to enter a description for the carrier. The field is not required.


Displays a text box while in edit mode for the user to enter the carrier's email address. This field is not required.


Displays a text box while in edit mode for the user to enter the carrier's fax number. This field is not required.


Displays whether or not the Carrier is Inactive. If the Carrier is Inactive then Yes will display, if the Carrier is Active then the field will display as blank.

Linked AP Vendor

This field allows users to enter a vendor name to be linked to the carrier. The drop-down menu displays all active AP Vendors. The field is not required.

PhoneDisplays a text box while in edit mode for the user to enter the carrier's phone number. This field is not required. 

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 Page Definitions

 Technical Details
Table Names:
dbo. ERPx_SOCarrier

Stored Procedures:

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