Cycle Count (UG)

Cycle Count (UG)


The NorthScope Cycle Count allows users to view and adjust multiple lot balances simultaneously from a list view. This feature simplifies the inventory adjustment transaction creation and therefore it is particularly useful when multiple lot balances must be adjusted.   

Required Prerequisites

  • Site Setup
  • Item Setup
  • Reason Code Setup

Understanding the data flow

Lot Balances can be adjusted from the Cycle Count list view. Users enter the Actual On Hand Units and/or Weight quantities (with Reason Codes) and clicks Process Adjustment toolbar icon. This creates posted adjustment transactions and updates the lot balances to the units and weight quantities the user entered. The default Adjustment transaction class is used to create the transactions from the cycle count page. 

Step 1. Viewing lot balances

From NorthScope, expand the Inventory module on the navigation menu and select ‘Product Balances’. This expands the Product Balances menu. Select ‘Cycle Count’. This will open the Cycle Count List View. By default, the list view is blank and a user must select the criteria from the header section of the page. Select the following details:

  • Site: This drop-down menu displays all sites configured in the Sites master list. Users can select a single, multiple or all lots. This field is required.
  • Include Lots: This drop-down menu allows users to select the types of lots being displayed from the following options: 
    • All lots: Displays all open lots.
    • Negative On Hand Balances: Displays lots that currently have negative on hand units and/or weight.
    • Mismatch of On-Hand Units & Weight: Displays lots where items are managed units & weight and one balance (units or weight) is 0.00 and the other balance is not 0.00.
    • All Balances are 0.00: Displays lots where units and/or weight is 0.00. If the item is units and weight managed, both balances are 0.00.
  • Balances as of: This field allows users to select a date the balances should be displayed as of. The field defaults to blank and if no date is entered, the date defaults to the current date. This date is used as the transaction date when adjustments are created.
  • GL Date: This field allows users to enter the GL date for adjustments. This field defaults to the current date, but it is editable. The GL Date must reside within an open fiscal period and the date must be equal or greater than the ‘Balances as of’ date.
  • Default Reason Code: This field allows users to enter a default reason code, which auto populates the Reason Code field in the grid section when actual balances have been entered. This field is not required. The drop-down menu displays all reason codes configured for Inventory Adjustments (Company > Reason Codes & Notes > Inventory – Transaction Detail – Adjustment).

At least one site and one include lots criteria must be selected to view balances. Click Refresh Date from the toolbar after selecting the criteria. This refreshes the page and displays lot balances meeting the criteria in the grid section of the page with the following details:

  • Actual On Hand Units: This field allows users to enter the actual on hand item units for the corresponding lot. The field defaults to blank. Entering a quantity to the field and processing the adjustment updates the lot balance units to this quantity. The field is disabled if the item is weight only managed.
  • Actual On Hand Weight: This field allows users to enter the actual on hand weight for the corresponding lot. The field defaults to blank. Entering a quantity to the field and processing the adjustment updates the lot balance weight to this quantity. The field is disabled if the item is units only managed.

Note: When the ‘Clean Out’ check box is checked, the ‘Actual On Hand Units’ and/or ‘Actual On Hand Weight’ fields are populated with 0.00.

  • Item: Description: Displays the item ID and the description of the item assigned to the lot.
  • On Hand Units: Displays the on-hand units of the lot as the date selected in the ‘Balances as of’ date field.
  • On Hand Weight: Displays the on-hand weight of the lot as the date selected in the ‘Balances as of’ date field.
  • Production Batch: Displays the production batch ID assigned to the lot.
  • Reason Code: This field allows users to select the reason code for the adjustment. This field is required when the Inventory Preference ‘Require Reason Codes for all Adjustment lines’ is set to ‘Yes’.
  • Reason: This field identifies the reason why the lot is included in the list view (e.g. All Balances are Zero).
  • Site: Displays the Site ID of the site assigned to the lot.
  • Units UOM: Displays the units unit-of-measure.
  • Warehouse Lot: Displays the warehouse lot ID assigned to the lot. This field is blank, if the site is not warehouse lot tracked.
  • Weight UOM: Displays the weight unit-of-measure.

Note: The On Hand Units and On Hand Weight are always displayed with 5 decimals, but the Actual On Hand Units and Actual On Hand Weight are entered with the units/weight decimals configured in the item properties. If the item's unit and/or weight decimals properties have been changed and the lot's  units and/or weight must be adjusted with greater decimals than what the current properties allow, use Adjustment transaction record. Adjustment transaction records always allows adjustments to be recorded with 5 decimals. 

Step 2: Adjusting lot balances

To adjust lot balances, enter the correct units and/or weight quantities to the ‘Actual On Hand Units’ and ‘Actual On Hand Weight’ fields. If the lot balances must be zeroed, users can also check the ‘Clean Out’ check box. This enters 0.00 quantities to the ‘Actual On Hand Units’ and ‘Actual On Hand Weight’ fields.

If the Inventory Preference ‘Require Reason Codes for all Adjustment lines’ is set to ‘Yes’, select the reason code for each lot that is being adjusted. Users can also select a Default Reason Code in the header section of the page. This reason code will populate the Reason Code field in the grid section when actual quantities are entered.  

The GL Date for the adjustment transactions can be selected in the header section. Note that the GL must be equal or greater than the ‘Balances as of’ date, which is used as the transaction date.

The Attributes tab in the header section displays attributes assigned to Inventory Transactions. Click the Attributes tab and enter appropriate attribute values. Attributes marked as required must be entered in order to process adjustments.

Step 3: Processing adjustments

To process adjustments, click ‘Process Adjustments’ from the header toolbar. This creates posted Adjustment transactions and updates the lot balances accordingly. The posted transactions are displayed in Transaction History inquiries. Adjustment transactions posted through the Cycle Count page are marked with a reference ‘CC_’.  

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