How do I verify Fishermen Balances are correct?
This guide is to verify posted fishermen balances are correct by confirming totals across transactions and the General Ledger. This process involves the following 3 steps:
Ensure the Fisherman Balances (summary) match the Fisherman & Loan Activity (detail)
Ensure the GL Account Balances (summary) match the Fisherman Aging (detail)
Ensure the totals from 1 and 2 match
Please note, this process assumes there are no transactions dated in the future.
Step 1 - Ensure the Fisherman Balances match the Fisherman & Loan Activity.
This step ensures that the summary fisherman balances tie out to the details on the transactions.
Fisherman Balances List View
Open the Fisherman Balances List View and ensure your Inquiry Criteria is set to show all Fishermen Classes. Take note of the grand total of the ‘Posted Balance’ column. This should match the totals from all the other Reports and Inquiries.
Fisherman & Loan Activity
From the Fisherman Balances List View, click the ‘View’ hyperlink in the Activity column (of any Account) to run the the Fisherman & Loan Activity Inquiry. When the Inquiry opens. click the Inquiry Criteria icon in the header toolbar and set the criteria as follows:
Fisherman - All
Date Option - Transaction Date
Transactions From - leave as the defaulted value
Transactions To - enter the current date
Status - Posted and Void
Include Beginning Balances - Yes
Click “Run Inquiry”
The grand total of the ‘Posted Balance’ column should match the grand total of the ‘Posted Balance’ column from the Fisherman Balances List View in Step 1. If these totals do not match, contact NLP Support.
Step 2 - Ensure the GL Account Balances Inquiry match the Fisherman Aging Report
Account Balance Inquiry
Run the Account Balance Inquiry from Financial > Inquires > Account Balance Inquiry and filter the ‘Control Account Type’ column for “FA - Fisherman Balances”.
For every account with a ‘Control Account Type’ of “FA - Fisherman Balances”, obtain the current ‘Period Balance’. The sum of all the Period Balances should match the grand total of the ‘Posted Balance’ amount on the Fisherman Balances list view in step 1. If these totals do not match, contact NLP Support.
Please note, the totals will not match if there is data across more than one GL Year and the “Year-End Close” has been run for the previous GL Year(s).
Fisherman Aging Report
Open the Fisherman Aging Report from Fisherman Accounting > Reports > Fisherman Aging. Click the View Report button on the Fisherman Aging Report after selecting following criteria:
As Of - set to the current date
Transaction Date Option - Transaction Date
The total of the Fisherman Aging report should match the grand total of the ‘Posted Balance’ column on the Fisherman Balances list view in step 1. If these totals do not match, contact NLP Support.
Step 3 - Ensure the totals from Step 1 and Step 2 match