In some Plants, the salmon being delivered are a mixture of both Chums and Reds (species 450 and 420 respectively). When these fish are delivered to the Tender (or directly as a dock delivery) only the 'Ticket Total' weight and number of fish is reported for each ticket, not the totals for each specie. When this happens, each Fish Ticket uploaded to eLandings contains a ticket item with specie 460 (Mixed Fish).
Plants have the option of applying the "Chum %" in eLandings before they import the tickets in NorthScope. However, it can take several days to finalize Landings in eLandings and some Plants need the tickets in NorthScope sooner. For these Plants, they can import the tickets in NorthScope immediately and use the Mass Update to apply the Chum %. The NorthScope Chum % can be applied multiple times. The Chum % can only be run on Fish Tickets in a Status of New. To run on a Posted ticket, the Ticket will need to be selected for correction in the Void/Correct window and then updated.
The basics
To run the Chum % for Mixed Fish items on a Fish Ticket, users need to use Mass Update from the Fish Ticket List View and enter the percentage of Chum to be applied. When the Chum % is applied, all selected tickets containing a ticket item with specie 460 (Mixed Fish) are updated by replacing the 460 item(s) with a matched set of specie 450 and 420 items based upon the percentage that was entered.
For a simple example, a Fish Ticket containing a specie 460 item with a weight of 1000lbs, and a 'Chum %' of 25% is applied via mass update, the Fish Ticket will no longer display the specie 460 line item and instead displays two line items, one line for specie 420 with a weight of 750lbs and another line for specie 450 with a weight of 250lbs. This example is show below.
Sample Fish Ticket Line item |
Mixed Fish Item | Lbs | #Fish |
460-01-60-01-00 | 1000 | 100 |
Actual Fish Ticket Lines after Chum % applied |
420-01-60-01-00 | 750 | 75 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 250 | 25 |
Total | 1000 | 100 |
Rounding and when line items are added to the ticket
Ticket Lines will always be added with the weight and number of Fish rounded to whole numbers, so when the Chum % calculation results in these values being decimals we will round based on the following examples.
- If the calculated Chum Lbs for a Fish Ticket results in less than 0.5lbs then a specie 450 (Chum) line item will not be added to the ticket and all the Lbs and # of Fish will be placed in the specie 420 (Red) line item. Example shown as follows:
Sample Fish Ticket Line item |
Mixed Fish Item | Lbs | #Fish |
460-01-60-01-00 | 15 | 3 |
Calculations |
420-01-60-01-00 | 14.5500 | 2.9100 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 0.45000 | 0.0900 |
Total | 15.00000 | 3.00000 |
Actual Fish Ticket Lines after Chum % applied |
420-01-60-01-00 | 15 | 3 |
2. If the calculated Chum Lbs for a Fish Ticket results in less than 1lb but greater than 0.5lbs, then a specie 450 (Chum) line item will be added with a weight of 1lb and 1 Fish then the rest of the Lbs and # Fish will be added to the specie 420 (Red) line item. Example shown as follows:
Sample Fish Ticket Line item |
Mixed Fish Item | Lbs | #Fish |
460-01-60-01-00 | 12 | 50 |
Calculations |
420-01-60-01-00 | 11.04000 | 46.00000 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 0.96000 | 4.00000 |
Total | 12.00000 | 50.00000 |
Actual Fish Ticket Lines after Chum % applied |
420-01-60-01-00 | 11 | 49 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 1 | 1 |
Total | 12 | 50 |
3. An example of when the number of Fish results in being rounded due to the Chum % calculation and the rest of the Fish is added to the specie 420 (Red) line item. Example shown as follows:
Sample Fish Ticket Line item |
Mixed Fish Item | Lbs | #Fish |
460-01-60-01-00 | 66 | 50 |
Calculations |
420-01-60-01-00 | 64.02000 | 48.50000 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 1.98000 | 1.50000 |
Total | 66.00000 | 50.00000 |
Actual Fish Ticket Lines after Chum % applied |
420-01-60-01-00 | 64 | 48 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 2 | 2 |
Total | 66 | 50 |
Running the Chum % for Fish Tickets previously split
Fish Tickets can be recalculated (re-chummed) after they have gone through the chum/red split process by using the Void/Correct process and Correcting the ticket. Once the ticket has been corrected, users can apply a new Chum % and the Red/Chum items will be recalculated based on the new percentage, this will run even if there was only one Chum or one Red ticket item previously. Examples shown as follows:
- Example when both a Red and Chum ticket item existed on the original ticket:
Original Fish Ticket Line items after running Chum % |
420-01-60-01-00 | 1104 | 46 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 96 | 4 |
Total | 1200 | 50 |
New Chum % |
Chum | 6.75% |
Red | 93.25% |
Fish Ticket Lines after new Chum % applied |
420-01-60-01-00 | 1119 | 47 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 81 | 3 |
Total | 1200 | 50 |
2. Example of when only a Chum ticket item existed on the original ticket:
Original Fish Ticket Line items after running Chum % |
450-01-60-01-00 | 12 | 3 |
Total | 12 | 3 |
Fish Ticket Lines after new Chum % applied |
420-01-60-01-00 | 2 | 1 |
450-01-60-01-00 | 10 | 2 |
Total | 12 | 3 |