Def - Attribute

Def - Attribute

Attributes are user-defined fields to store additional structured information (Attribute Values) for master file and transaction records. As new Attributes are created, they are dynamically added as columns to master file and transaction list views as well as historical transaction inquiries. Whereas Properties are used to describe database values that install with every instance of NorthScope (e.g. Customer ID, Vendor Name, Payment Terms), Attributes are user defined and can be added as needed but there is no system functionality tied to them.

When Attributes are added, the Data Type must be specified. The Data Types include:

  • Text - Attribute Values can be any combination of text and/or numeric values can be entered up to 200 characters. These are best used for Attributes that have values that may be difficult to pre-determine or where there the values are not necessary for reports and/or inquiries. For example, An attribute to store the name of a person would be better configured as a Text Attribute.
  • List - Attribute Values must be selected from a pre-defined list of acceptable values. These are best used for Attributes that have a limited list of values that are easy to pre-determine and where uniformity of data is desired. For example, An attribute to store the "Brand Label" of an Item would be ideal to come from a List.
  • Date Attribute Values must be a valid Date. These are best used for Attributes that store Dates only, time would not be useful. For example, if you had an Attribute for a "Customer Review Date" having the date is important but time is not. 
  • Date/Time Attribute Values must be a valid Date & Time. These are best used for Attributes that store Dates & Times both. For example, if you had an Attribute to record when an Order shipped, having both a Date and Time may be desired. 

When Attributes are created, the "Assign Rules by" page can be opened to change the data entry rules for each Transaction Type (for Transaction Level Attributes) or each Attribute Class (for Master File Attributes). The data entry options include:

  • No: The Attribute is not displayed on Transaction or Master File Record Views for the applicable Transaction Type or Master File with the associated Attribute Class
  • Yes - Not Required: The Attribute is displayed on Transaction or Master File Record Views for the applicable Transaction Type or Master File with the associated Attribute Class but users are not required to enter a value
  • Yes - Required: The Attribute is not displayed on Transaction or Master File Record Views for the applicable Transaction Type or Master File with the associated Attribute Class and users are required to enter a value
    • Master Files Attributes - Master File records with missing required attribute values are displayed in red text and sort to the top of the list view.
    • Transactions Attributes - Transactions with missing required attribute values can be saved but they cannot be approved or posted with missing attribute values