Support Response Times

Support Response Times

Support Response Times are based on the severity of the request.


Target Response

NLP Action


Target Response

NLP Action


Within 3 business days

These issues are prioritized based on several factors including, but not limited to age of the issue, effort required, staff availability, volume of higher severity tickets, etc.

1. A software bug or performance issue that is hindering but not preventing use of the system.

2. A request for a new feature, report, or inquiry.

3. A request to Upgrade a Live or Test system.

4. A request for training, configuration changes, or data fixes

5. A request for additional User Licenses or general question seeking information on application capabilities, navigation, installation, etc.

This is the default level of Severity.


Within 3 business hours

The primary objective is to solve the issue but in some cases the solution may be a workaround in order to allow the user to continue work as quickly as possible.

1. Major functionality is being impacted and/or significant performance degradation is being experienced.

2. The issue is persistent and affects many users and/or major functionality and no reasonable workaround is available.

A fix is required as soon as possible.



NLP prioritizes Emergency-level support above all else. The objective is to solve the issue, but the solution may be a workaround in order to allow the user to continue work as quickly as possible.

To ensure the faster response times, Emergency requests should be emailed and called in to NLP Support.

  1. Help@TheNLP.com (emails should have a subject beginning with “Emergency:" and include all related attachments, screenshots or information.)

  2. (425) 949-3313 x 505.

1. Critical issue affecting all users (e.g., access to the system, data integrity, or performance issues) where no workaround is available.

2. Critical financial related issue (e.g., issuing payments, shipping product, invoicing customers, etc.) where no workaround is available.

The severity requires maximum effort from support until an emergency fix or bypass is developed. 



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