Vendors (UG)



NorthScope allows users to add, edit or remove vendors. These records are integrated with the Host System so that any changes made to common fields will be made in both systems if integration setup in the Company module for Vendor is set to immediate or timed. 


This guide is applicable for NorthScope version 2.8.3 and newer.

Required Prerequisites

Required Host System Prerequisites

    • Vendor Class Setup
    • Financial Account Setup
    • Checkbooks Setup
    • Payment Terms Setup

Required NorthScope Prerequisites

    • User Defined Attributes
    • Vendor Attribute Class

Optional Prerequisites

Optional Host System Prerequisites

    • Tax Schedules
    • Currency Setup (Only required for multi-currency systems)

Optional NorthScope Prerequisites

    • Integration setup for Vendor in the Company module. 

Step 1: Adding a New Vendor in NorthScope

  1. From NorthScope, expand the Purchasing Module on the navigation menu and select “Vendors”. This will open the Vendor List View which displays all vendors.
  2. Click the “New” icon in the header to open a blank record view.

When the Vendor Record View is opened to add a new record, only the Properties tab is visible and only the base properties are shown. Once the base properties have been entered and saved, the default values will be assigned and the remaining properties and tabs will be visible. Clicking Save will also update the header information with the Vendor Name, Class, and Type. These fields auto-populate after clicking Save and cannot be edited. 

Step 2: Assigning the Base Vendor Properties

Until the base properties have been assigned, the new vendor record cannot be added. Enter the following vendor properties.

Click here to view the Vendor Properties help page and view what each property is responsible for.

  • Attribute Class
  • Currency
    • Note: The currency defaults from the Transaction Class, if not provided. 
  • Hold
  • Inactive
  • Tax ID
  • Tax Registration
  • Vendor Account
  • Vendor Class
  • Vendor ID (Hint: The Vendor ID should be an alpha code to help you quickly find data)
  • Vendor Name
  • Vendor Type
    • Select “Vendor for a regular AP Vendor
    • Select “Fisherman” for a Fisherman
    • Select “Tender” for a Tender
    • Select “Fisherman & Tender” for a vendor that is both a Fisherman and a Tender

Once the base properties are entered, click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. If the save was successful, the vendor record will be saved and the rest of the properties and tabs will be visible and ready for edit.

Step 3: Assigning the Remaining Vendor Properties

When the Vendor Record has been successfully saved for the first time, the remaining Vendor Properties can be completed.

Click here to view the Vendor Properties help page and view what each property is responsible for.

  • 1099 Type
    • Note: The values in this lookup are determined by the Tax Type value that is saved. 
  • Alternate Paid Account
    • Note: This field only displays if the Vendor Type is set to 'Fisherman' or 'Fisherman & Tender'
    • Note: This field only displays if the Vendor Type is set to 'Fisherman' or 'Fisherman & Tender'
  •  Checkbook
    • Note: This field is defaulted from the Vendor Class.
  • Check Name
    • Note: This field defaults to match the Vendor Name.
  • Master Account
    • Note: A Vendor that already has a Master Account assigned cannot be a Master Account for another vendor.
  • Payment Terms
    • Note: This field defaults from the Vendor Class.
  • Primary Vessel
    • Note: This field only displays if the Vendor Type is set to 'Fisherman', 'Tender', or 'Fisherman & Tender'
  • Tax Schedule
    • Note: This field defaults from the Vendor Class.
  • Tax Type
    • Note: This field defaults from the Vendor Class.

Once the remaining properties are entered, click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. If the save was successful, click on the Addresses Tab and enter the Vendor Address.

Step 4: Adding Vendor Addresses

Once all base vendor properties have been entered, click on the Address tab to add one or more vendor addresses. Once in the tab, click on the “New” icon on the Addresses Grid to add the address. "Primary" will already appear in the Address ID column, prompting the user to enter the rest of the information for the vendor's primary address. 

Click here to view the Addresses Tab help page for more information on these data fields.

  • Address ID – All Address IDs for a vendor will appear in the Address ID lookup within the Process Checks window. 
  • Address 1 - This is the first line of the address that will appear on the check when the corresponding Address ID is selected in the Process Checks window.
  • Address 2 - This is the second line of the address that will appear on the check when the corresponding Address ID is selected in the Process Checks window.
  • Address 3 - This is the third line of the address that will appear on the check when the corresponding Address ID is selected in the Process Checks window.
  • Check Name - This is the name that the check will be written to when the corresponding Address ID is selected in the Process Checks window.
  • Check Default - This determines whether or not the corresponding Address ID is the default check address. 
  • Check Description - This is the 'memo' that will display on checks when the corresponding Address ID is selected in the Process Checks window. 
  • City
  • Email
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Phone

Step 5: Editing Contacts (Optional)

Once all the base vendor properties have been entered, click on the Contacts tab to add multiple contacts for the vendor. The two contact types available for entry are Accounting and Purchasing. This step is optional.

Click here to view the Contacts Tab help page for more information on these data fields.

  • Contact Type
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Name
  • Note
  • Phone

Step 6: Editing Attributes

Once all base vendor properties have been entered, click on the Attributes tab to assign attribute values for the vendor. The Attributes available to be assigned are determined by the User-Defined Attributes setup in the System module for Vendors. This step is only required if there are vendor attributes setup to be required. 

Click here to view the Attributes help page for more information on these data fields.

Step 7: Editing Default GL Accounts

Once all base vendor properties have been entered, click on the Accounts tab to assign default GL accounts for the vendor. These accounts will initially default from the Vendor Class, but can be overwritten. It is not uncommon to only have some of the accounts filled in, depending on the types of purchasing the user does. Setting these accounts will drive accounting rules within the Purchasing module.

Click here to view the Accounts tab help page for more information about these data fields.

The Account Types for Vendor Types of “Vendor” include:

  • Accounts Payable
  • Cash
  • Finance Charges
  • Purchases
  • Terms Discount Taken
  • Write Off

 The Account Types for all other Vendor Types (Fisherman, Tender, Fisherman & Tender, and Loan) include:

  • Cash
  • Finance Charge
  • Settlement Accrual
    • This is the only account that does not default from the Vendor Class. The settlement accrual account is the account that holds all vendor accrued liabilities. This is most commonly used for fishermen and tenders that are paid through a settlement process
  • Terms Discount Taken
  • Write Off

Step 8: Adding Permits

Once all base vendor properties have been entered, click on the Permits tab to assign permits to the vendor. This tab is only visible if the Vendor Type property of the vendor is set to “Fisherman”, “Tender”, or “Fisherman & Tender”.

Click here to view the Permits Tab help page for more information about the following data fields.

  • Fishery
  • Gear
  • Inactive
  • Permit
  • Ticket Class
    • This is not an ADF&G field but it is used to identify the type of Delivery Ticket the permit is used for.
  • Vessel
    • This field is optional. 
  • Year Sequence