Def - Freight Rate Type

The Freight Rate Type identifies how the freight/delivery portion (as opposed to the handling portion) of the total freight cost is calculated on Sales Order and Transfer Shipments. The options include:

  • Fixed Amt - Gross Weight: A flat/fixed rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Gross Weight".  
  • Fixed Amt - Net Weight:  A flat/fixed rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Net Weight". 
  • $/UOM - Gross WtA variable (per Lb) rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Gross Weight". 
  • $/UOM - Net WtA variable (per Lb) rate has been quoted for the shipment and the user wants the total freight expense allocated to each line-item based on the prorated share of the total "Net Weight".