How do I use the Process Interest Charges feature?
Users can calculate and charge interest with an annual or monthly interest rate, for one or more (Fisherman related) Account Classes. When processed, a single Interest Charge Adjustment transaction will be created and posted containing each Fishing Account that is receiving an Interest Charge.
Ensure that all included Fisherman / Loan accounts have an assigned Interest Revenue GL Account. This can be done in several ways including:
Configure the “Finance Charges” GL Account on the Fisherman Class(es) and roll them down to the individual Fisherman Accounts: Fisherman Accounting > Configuration > Fisherman Class.
Configure the “Finance Charges” GL Account on each specific Fisherman Account: Fisherman Accounting > Setup > Fisherman & Tenders or Loans.
Configure the “Interest Revenue GL Account” Preference: Fisherman Accounting > Configuration > Preferences.
Configure the default Adjustment Transaction Class to be used for the Interest Charge transaction: Fisherman Accounting > Configuration > Preferences > Transaction Class for Interest Charge Transactions.
Optional: Add a new Adjustment Transaction Class to be used for Interest Charge transactions. This will require assistance from NLP Support.