Fish tickets document the harvest of fish and shellfish sold, discarded, or retained by the fisherman for personal use. All licensed processors must fill out a fish ticket for each landing from a fishing permit holder. Fish tickets are a record of purchase between the processors (or buyers) and the fishermen, and for the resource managers, they are a record of how many fish were taken from the sea. The information collected includes species landed, weight, gear used, harvest dates, who caught the fish, and the processor’s license code. Information specific to each fishery is also collected when the catch is delivered. The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, delete, void or correct Fish Ticket transactions. Additionally, users may reprice items or premiums for one or many Fish Tickets. From this list view, users may also mass update values for several fields, print available reports or generate an Excel file.
Software Version: 2023.09.15 and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Delete | Deletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! |
Edit | Opens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open. |
Excel | Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Favorites |
Grid Layout | Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page.
Mass Update | Opens the mass update dialog, which allows to mass update the following properties: Group: Chum/Red Split:
Group: Dates:
Group: General:
Group: Status:
More Actions | Displays a drop down menu of related actions. The list of options includes:
New | Allows users to select the class for the transaction they want to add. The list contains: all active Fish Ticket Classes. Selecting one opens a new Fish Ticket record that displays all the Fisherman with active permits for the corresponding ticket class. If no permits have been setup for any Fishermen for the selected ticket class then the blank record will be displayed, but a Fisherman with a permit for the class is required to proceed and create a Ticket record. |
Opens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. | |
Fields | Description |
Checkbox | Used to select one or more records to perform an action, such as Mass Update, More Actions, or Delete. |
Buying Station | Displays the Buying Station name assigned in the ticket properties. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Buying Station Name' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.BuyingStationName |
CFECID | Identifies the fisherman's unique identifier with the state of Alaska. This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It can be edited from the 'CFECID' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.CFECID |
Chill Type | Identifies the ID of the chill type. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Chill Type' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. A Chill Type refers to the refrigeration system used to keep fish cold in the vessel hold. It is generally used in conjunction with Temperature. This is used to improve the quality of catch. Database Fields: ERPx_APChillType. ChillTypeID, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.ChillTypeSK |
Created | Identifies the Created Date & Time of the record, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is required and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.CreatedDate |
Created By | Identifies the name of the user that created the record. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is required and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.CreatedBy |
Delivered | Identifies the date the catch was delivered to the Plant. This is required and can be edited from the 'Delivered' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View.
Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.DeliveryDate |
Delivery # | A unique number used to group one or more Fish Tickets together. This number is used three different ways:
Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.DeliveryNumber |
Dock Delivery | A Yes/No value to show if the Ticket was delivered to the Dock. This is required and can be edited from the 'Dock Delivery' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.DockDeliveryEN |
Ext. Amount | Identifies the Extended amount of all the line items on the Fish Ticket. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight', 'Weight Modifier' or 'Price' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.Amount |
Fishing Period | Identifies the period during which the fish ticket catch was made. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Fishing Period' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.FishingPeriod |
Fishing Vessel | Identifies the vessel that caught the fish. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Fishing Vessel' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Fields: ERPx_APVessels.VesselName, ERPx_APVessels.VesselNumber, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.VesselSK |
Floating | Identifies whether or not the fish were "floating" or suspended when they were offloaded. This is a Yes/No lookup that is required. It defaults to "No". This is not required and can be edited from the 'Floating' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Floating is a quality field. If the fish are floating, in the water in the fish hold, that indicates they have been in there for awhile, and are of lower quality. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.Floating |
Gear | Identifies the Gear Type for the ticket. Gear is the specific apparatus or equipment used to catch fish or shellfish. A few examples of gear include: longline, pots, beam trawl, and purse seine. This is required and can be edited from the 'Gear' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Fields: ERPx_APGear.GearDescription, ERPx_APVendorPermit.GearSK, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.VendorPermitSK |
GL Date | Identifies the date the transaction posted (or will post) to the general ledger. This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It can be edited from the 'GL Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.GLDate |
GL Period | Identifies the Fiscal Period based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry. This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'GL Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. This field is not stored in the database. |
GL Year | Identifies the Fiscal Year based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry. This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'GL Date' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. This field is not stored in the database. |
Gross Amount | Displays the total amount for all line items before taxes. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight', 'Weight Modifier', 'Price' or 'Premium Rate' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.GrossAmount |
Headland | Displays the nearest headland to where the fish were caught. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Headland' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.Headland |
Landed | Represents the Landed Date of the ticket. This is required and can be edited from the 'Landed' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Identifies the date fish or shellfish are off-loaded or trans-shipped from the catcher vessel to the first purchaser. The date of landing is the day off-load is completed. For catcher-processors the land date is the date the product is caught and brought on board. For catcher-seller vessels the land date is the date the product is initially brought into port. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TicketDate |
Landing # | Identifies the unique landing report number issued by eLandings. This is only required for eLandings tickets. It can be edited from the 'Landing #' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.LandingNumber |
Last Updated | Identifies the Last Updated Date & Time of the Transaction, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is required and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.LastUpdated |
Last Updated By | Identifies the name of the user that last updated the Transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. This is required and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.LastUser |
Management Program | Identifies the management program using the abbreviation and description. This is required for the transaction to be approved or posted. It can be edited from the 'Mgmt. Program' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. A Management Program is a unique fishery program with specific management strategies and/or allocation. Management programs that must be identified in the eLandings System include: IFQ, Adak crab and groundfish, CDQ (and specific ID number), AFA (and specific ID number), state managed groundfish, etc. Database Fields: ERPx_APManagementPrograms.ManagementProgramID, ERPx_APManagementPrograms.ManagementProgramName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.ManagementProgramSK |
Net Amount | Displays the Gross Amount for all line items, minus any applied taxes for the Fisherman. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight', 'Weight Modifier', 'Price', 'Premium Rate' or 'Fisherman Rate' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.NetAmount |
Net Weight | Identifies the value of the [Weight] * [Wt. Mod.]. In most instances the Wt. Mod value = 1 so the Weight and Net Weight fields are almost always the same. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight' or 'Weight Modifier' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.NetWeight |
Paid Account | Identifies the Fisherman Account that is being paid for the Fish Ticket. This is required and can be edited from the 'Paid Account' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.FishermanAccountVendorSK |
Permit | Identifies the permit number that is associated to the Permit Holder. This is required and can be edited from the 'Permit' field on the 'Permits' tab of the Fishermen & Tenders Record View. A permit issued annually to the designated vessel operator that allows participation in open access or limited entry fisheries managed by the state of Alaska. All shellfish fisheries off-shore Alaska are managed, fully or jointly, by the state of Alaska. Fishery permits are issued annually for specific fisheries. Any commercial activity in state waters requires the operator to obtain a CFEC permit, including harvesting, landing of catch, selling product, or transshipping of catch. Open access fishers obtain an interim use permit. Limited access fisheries such as salmon, herring, and selected shellfish fisheries require a limited entry permit. All members of the crew are required to obtain a crew license to participate in commercial fishing. CFEC permit cards are issued to an individual, even if that individual is fishing for a Rationalized Crab cooperative or a CDQ group. The CFEC permit card must be current for the calendar year and appropriate to the area, gear and harvest Database Fields: ERPx_APVendorPermit.Permit, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.VendorPermitSK |
Permit Holder | Identifies the owner of the Permit (the fisherman) that was associated with the catch. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults to the Permit Holder assigned the Permit selected on the New Delivery Ticket page. Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorSK.VendorName , ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.PermitHolderVendorSK |
Port of Landing | Identifies the location the fish or shellfish were unloaded. This is required and can be edited from the 'Port of Landing' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Fields: ERPx_APPort.PortDescription, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.PortSK |
Prem - Chill | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Premium that is associated to the 'Chill' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Prem - Chill Amt | Displays the total of all the Premium amounts for Premiums that are associated to the 'Chill' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 2 |
Prem - Dock | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Premium that is associated to the 'Dock' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Prem - Dock Amt | Displays the total of all the Premium amounts for Premiums that are associated to the 'Dock' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 4 |
Prem - Other | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Premium that is associated to the 'Other' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Prem - Other Amt | Displays the total of all the Premium amounts for Premiums that are associated to the 'Other' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 7 |
Premiums | Displays the total amount of premiums applied to line items on the delivery ticket. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight', 'Weight Modifier' or 'Premium Rate' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Premiums are most often used to represent things that increases the price you pay fishermen for their fish but they can also be configured to reduce the amount you pay. Premiums can be configured to be manually added or automated based on business rules. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.PremiumAmount |
Price List ID | Identifies the ID of the Price List that is assigned to the transaction. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Price List' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Price Lists are used to store a group of Items with pre-defined prices and effective dates. Database Fields: ERPx_MFPriceListHeader.PriceListID, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.PriceListHeaderSK |
Processor ID | Identifies the processor identification code of the buyer. This is required and can be edited from the 'Processor ID' default preference or the 'Processor ID' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View if no value is specified in the preference. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.ProcessorID |
Reprice Comment | Displays a comment regarding the reasoning or other notes about the reprice. This is only required if the Fish Ticket has been repriced. This field is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.RepriceComment |
Season | Identifies which fishing season the delivery occurred in. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Season' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Fields: ERPx_APSeasons.SeasonName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.SeasonSK |
Site Processed | Identifies the name of the Site (Warehouse) that the transaction, shipment, receipt, item, or lot is associated with. This is required and can be edited from the 'Site Processed' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Tickets record view. Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.SiteProcessedSiteSK |
Slide | Identifies whether or not the fish were offloaded using a slide. This is a Yes/No Lookup that is required. It defaults to "No". This is not required and can be edited from the 'Slide' field on the 'Properties' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View while the transaction is in a Status of New. Slide is a quality field that indicates if the fish were transferred from the catcher vessel to the tender using a slide, which reduces handling and associated damage. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.Slide |
Source | Identifies whether the Fish Ticket was manually entered or imported from eLandings. This is a non-editable text box that is required. If the ticket was manually entered, it will be "Manual". If the ticket was imported from eLandings, it will say "eLandings" + the elandings XML schema version (e.g. ELandings2.5). Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.Source |
Status | Identifies the Status of the transaction. This is required and can be edited from the 'Status' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. Status is used to identify where a transaction, Purchase Order, Price List, BOM, or Master File record is in its life cycle. Records start in a Status of 'New' and progress sequentially through additional statuses until they are 'Posted' or 'Closed'. The list of potential Statuses changes depending on the transaction type. The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include: New: This is the default Status for all new Transactions. While in the Status of 'New' transactions are considered open and all editable fields are open for edit, no posting or approval validations are performed, GL Dates are not assigned, and journal entries are not created. If the transaction was moved back from Approved to New, the GL Date will be assigned and a Journal Entry will exist. Approved: Performs all the data validations required to post the transaction and applies to all Transactions. While in the Status of 'Approved' transactions are considered open but have limited fields open for edit. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled except for the Status lookup (and any fields that are always editable), journal entries are created/updated, journal ID's are assigned to the journal entry, and blank 'GL Dates' are assigned. Ready to Post: Runs the Approval validations and applies to all transactions. While in the Status of 'Ready to Post' transactions are considered closed and all the fields are disabled with the exception of a few fields that are always editable. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled with the exception any fields that are always editable and updates the Transaction Status to "Posted". Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionStatus.StatusName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TransactionStatusSK |
Tax - Borough | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Tax that is associated to the 'Borough' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Tax - Borough Amt | Displays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes that are associated to the 'Borough' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 1 |
Tax - City | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Tax that is associated to the 'City' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Tax - City Amt | Displays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes that are associated to the 'City' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 3 |
Tax - Company | Identifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, that is expensed to the Company. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight', 'Weight Modifier', 'Price', 'Premium Rate' or 'Company Rate' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Fish Ticket Taxes represent money withheld from a fisherman and/or money accrued by the company to pay taxes associated with Fish Tickets. Fish Ticket Taxes can be a fisherman liability, company liability, or a liability for both. Taxes charged to the fishermen are withheld from each Fish Ticket and paid by the company. Taxes that are a company liability are accrued on each Fish Ticket so they can be paid at a later date. Fish Ticket Taxes are used on Fish Tickets in Fisherman Accounting and are automatically calculated based on a combination of applicable Species, Ticket Items, Stat Areas, Gear, Chill Type, Fishermen, Management Programs, and Site Processed. Each Fish Ticket items is evaluated against all active tax programs to calculate the correct tax amount. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TotalCompanyTaxAmount |
Tax - Fisherman | Identifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, that was/is being withheld from the Fisherman. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight', 'Weight Modifier', 'Price', 'Premium Rate' or 'Fisherman Rate' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Fish Ticket Taxes represent money withheld from a fisherman and/or money accrued by the company to pay taxes associated with Fish Tickets. Fish Ticket Taxes can be a fisherman liability, company liability, or a liability for both. Taxes charged to the fishermen are withheld from each Fish Ticket and paid by the company. Taxes that are a company liability are accrued on each Fish Ticket so they can be paid at a later date. Fish Ticket Taxes are used on Fish Tickets in Fisherman Accounting and are automatically calculated based on a combination of applicable Species, Ticket Items, Stat Areas, Gear, Chill Type, Fishermen, Management Programs, and Site Processed. Each Fish Ticket items is evaluated against all active tax programs to calculate the correct tax amount. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TotalFishermanTaxAmount |
Tax - Observer | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Tax that is associated to the 'Observer' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Tax - Observer Amt | Displays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes that are associated to the 'Observer' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 5 |
Tax - Other | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Tax that is associated to the 'Other' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Tax - Other Amt | Displays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes that are associated to the 'Other' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 7 |
Tax - State | Identifies whether the transaction contains one or more line items with a Tax that is associated to the 'State' group. This displays "Yes" or blank. This is not required and is not editable. This field is not stored in the database. |
Tax - State Amt | Displays the total of all the Tax amounts for Taxes that are associated to the 'State' group. This is a calculated field and is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLineProgram.Amount where APProgramSK = 6 |
Tax - Total | Identifies the total amount of tax, from all the Tax Programs, for all the Ticket Items. It is calculated as: [Tax - Fisherman] + [Tax - Company]. This is a calculated field that is not directly editable. It can be changed by editing the 'Weight', 'Weight Modifier', 'Price', 'Premium Rate', 'Company Rate' or 'Fisherman Rate' for a line item in the Items grid on the Fish Ticket Record View. Fish Ticket Taxes represent money withheld from a fisherman and/or money accrued by the company to pay taxes associated with Fish Tickets. Fish Ticket Taxes can be a fisherman liability, company liability, or a liability for both. Taxes charged to the fishermen are withheld from each Fish Ticket and paid by the company. Taxes that are a company liability are accrued on each Fish Ticket so they can be paid at a later date. Fish Ticket Taxes are used on Fish Tickets in Fisherman Accounting and are automatically calculated based on a combination of applicable Species, Ticket Items, Stat Areas, Gear, Chill Type, Fishermen, Management Programs, and Site Processed. Each Fish Ticket items is evaluated against all active tax programs to calculate the correct tax amount. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TotalTaxAmount |
Tender | Identifies the Tender associated with the transaction. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Tender' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket Record View. A Tender is a vessel that is attendant to other vessels and is used to transport or ferry unprocessed fish or shellfish received from another vessel to a shoreside processor or mothership. Tender vessels operate, in most circumstances, as an agent for a specific processor and take deliveries from harvesting vessels. Database Fields: ERPx_APVendor.VendorName, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TenderDeliveredVendorSK |
Tender Vessel | Displays the 'Vessel Name' of the Vessel assigned to the Tender. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Primary Vessel' field in the 'Properties' tab of the Fishermen & Tenders record view for the selected Tender. Database Fields: ERPx_APVessels.VesselName, ERPx_APVendor.TenderVesselSK, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TenderDeliveredVendorSK |
Ticket Class | Identifies the type of Fish Ticket associated with the transaction. This is required and is not editable. Ticket Classes are used to group tickets of a similar kind together for reporting and analysis. Ticket Classes are used to identify the types of Fish Tickets supported and the default values and business rules for each. They are required for all Fishermen Permits. Ticket Classes also store additional properties that describe how the ticket interfaces with third party applications such as eLandings. Database Fields: ERPx_APTransactionClass.TransactionClassID, ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TransactionClassSK |
Ticket # | Identifies the Fish Ticket number (aka the Fish Ticket Transaction ID). The Ticket # can be manually assigned or can come from downloaded eLandings ticket numbers. Clicking on the link opens the Fish Ticket Record View for the selected record. This is required and can be edited from the 'Ticket #' field on the 'Home' tab of the Fish Ticket record view while the transaction is in a Status of New. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.TicketNumber |
Units | Displays the total number of units from all the line items on the delivery ticket. This is required and can be edited from the 'Units' field on the Items grid of the Fish Ticket Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketLine.Units |
Version | Displays the version number of the Fish Ticket. The version of a transaction will only be visible if it is greater than 1. This is a system assigned value and is required. It is not editable. By default, a new transaction is set to Version 1. If the transaction has been voided, corrected or repriced, the version number will be incremented. In order for a transaction to have a version greater than 1 all the previous versions must be voided (a transaction can only have one active version). Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.Version |
Version Type | Identities the type of version attributed to the fish ticket - i.e. Original, Correction, or Reprice. This is a system assigned value and is required. It is not editable. Database Field: ERPx_APDeliveryTicketHeader.DeliveryTicketVersionTypeEN |
Related Topics
Entering New Fish Tickets (UG)
Repricing Fish Ticket Items (UG)
Repricing Delivery Ticket Premiums & Taxes