Entering New Fish Tickets (UG)
Former user (Deleted)
Emma Greenwood
Tom Williams
Delivery Tickets are used to record purchases from fishermen. This transaction does not use inventory items or integrate with NorthScope’s Inventory module.
Required Prerequisites
Before entering a delivery ticket transaction, users must complete the following:
- Vendor Setup
- Financial Account setup
- Conditions
- Dispositions
- Gear
- Grades
- Species
- Stat Areas
- Vessels
Optional Prerequisites
The following prerequisites are not required, but users are encouraged to set them up:
- Seasons
- Set the purchasing preferences
- Set the purchasing preference for “Default Account – Settlement Accrual”.
- This will ensure that transactions will still post if the settlement account has not been manually configured for each fisherman or tender.
- Set the purchasing preference for “Default Account – Settlement Accrual”.
- Turn on journal entry integration using Integration Setup in the Company module
- Attributes Setup for Fisherman Sale - Delivery Ticket.
- Tax and Premium Programs
Understanding the data flow
A Delivery Ticket records purchases from fishermen. When the transaction status is changed to “Ready to Post,” a corresponding settlement transaction will be created in NorthScope.
In addition, a NorthScope journal entry is created and sent to the host system with the debit account coming from the "Purchase Account" assigned to the transaction line and the credit accounts defaulting from taxes and premiums, if applicable, along with the fisherman's "Settlement Accrual" account.
To view the data flow of Delivery Tickets, click here.
This type of transaction requires the Seafood Purchasing feature to be licensed.
Step 1: Selecting the Fisherman, Permit, and Gear Type
Entering a new delivery ticket
From NorthScope, expand the Purchasing module on the navigation menu and select “Tickets”. This will open the Tickets List View, which displays all delivery tickets with a status of New, Approved, or Ready to Post.
Click the “New” icon in the header toolbar and select the type of delivery ticket to be created from the "New" drop-down menu.
Selecting the fisherman permit
When the “New Delivery Ticket” page opens the user can:
- Manually input the Delivery Ticket number or leave it blank to use the next available number
- Enter the date of landing
- Enter the date of delivery
- Select the fisherman permit
In order to select the fisherman permit, the user is presented with a list of active permits for active fishermen that are applicable to the delivery ticket type being created, complete with CFECID, Permit Holder, Permit, Gear, Vessel, Year Seq, and Master Fisherman Account fields. This list can be filtered by any column to make finding the correct permit easier. The fisherman identified is one of the components evaluated to determine which taxes apply to the ticket items.
Once the user has selected the correct permit record, click the “Save” icon to open the new delivery ticket.
Step 2: Completing the Delivery Ticket: Home Tab Fields
The header of the Delivery Ticket Record View has four tabs, the first of which is the Home tab with the following fields for data entry:
- Amount: This is a calculated field that is updated on save. This field is not editable.
- Chill Type: Identifies the ID and the Name of the chill type. This field displays a drop-down menu that is editable when the ticket status is New. The menu displays all active chill types configured in the Chill Type Master List. This field is not required.
- Crew Size: Enter the number of licensed crew plus the skipper. This defaults to 1 and must be greater than 0 for all tickets other than those with an ADFG Salmon landing class.
- Days Fished: Enter the number of days the gear was being fished. This number does not include traveling to and from the fishing grounds, or weather delays. This number defaults to 1 and must be greater than 0.
- Delivered: Enter the date the ticket items were delivered. The value for a new ticket defaults to the date entered in the Delivery Date field on the New Delivery Ticket page but can be edited while the ticket status is New. This field is required to save the transaction and it must be the same or later than the Landing date. Note: The Delivery Date can be also updated from the Tickets list view using the Mass Update tool.
- Delivery Number: Enter the delivery number associated with the ticket. This field is required and must be unique by Ticket Class and Vendor combination.
- Dock Delivery: Enter the Dock Delivery value. This field displays a drop-down menu that is editable when the ticket status is New. The field defaults to "Not Specified", but can be changed to "Yes" or "No".
- Fishing Began: Enter the date when the gear was deployed in the water to begin fishing. This defaults from the Ticket Date but can be overwritten, although the date cannot be greater than the current date. This field is required.
- Fishing Vessel: Select the vessel that made the catch. This list contains all active vessels in the Vessel Master File and defaults from the vessel listed on the fisherman’s permit (if assigned) but can be overwritten. This field is not required.
- Gear: Select the gear used in the catch that is assigned to the transaction. This list contains all active gear for the assigned fishermen. Gear Types are one of the components evaluated to determine which taxes apply to the ticket items. This defaults from the New Delivery Ticket page, but can be overwritten. This field is required.
- Landed: Enter the date of landing. This defaults from the New Delivery Ticket page but can be overwritten. This field is required. Note: The ticket cannot be approved or posted if the date is greater than the current date.
- Manual Premiums: Select all the premiums that apply to the Ticket. The lookup contains a list of all the active manually assigned premiums. If a premium is unselected, it will be removed from every line item on the ticket. This field is not required. Automatically assigned premiums are assigned to the ticket after the stat areas have been selected and saved.The Manual Premiums lookup displays all active manual premiums, but the premium is assigned to the ticket only if the ticket meets all the premiums criteria (e.g. Specie, Area). Click Taxes & Premiums from the header toolbar to review all premiums assigned to the ticket.
- Management Program: Select the management program abbreviation set forth by IFQ. This field displays a drop-down menu that is editable when the ticket status is New, and is required for the transaction to be approved or posted.
- Paid Fisherman: Select the name of the fisherman account receiving the money for the corresponding delivery ticket. This field defaults from the fisherman selected on the New Delivery Ticket page bu can be overwritten. This field displays a drop-down menu that is editable when the ticket status is New.
- Permit Holder: Select the fisherman associated with the delivery ticket. This field defaults to select the permit holder assigned to the permit selected on the New Delivery Ticket page and is editable when the ticket status is New.
- Price List: Select a Price List to be assigned to the Delivery Ticket. This field displays a drop-down menu that is editable when the ticket status is New. The menu displays all Fish Ticket Price Lists with the same ticket class configured in the Price Lists Master List. This field is not required.
- Site Processed: Select the site the ticket items were processed at. This lookup displays all active sites configured in the system and defaults to the Default Site configured for the Ticket Class. This property is required when the ticket is saved as Approved or Ready to Post and is only editable when the ticket is in New status. Note: The Ticket Class Default Site can only be configured in the database.
- Status: This field is to select the status from the following options:
- New - This is the default.
- Approved - Used when there is a two-step process for finalizing transactions.
- Ready to Post - Used when the user is ready to post the transaction.
- Tender: Select the tender that delivered the catch. The lookup contains a list all active vendors with a “Vendor Type” of Tender or Fishermen/Tenders. This field is not required.
- Ticket #: Enter the delivery ticket number. This field displays a text box that defaults to the Ticket Number value entered on the New Delivery Ticket page and is editable while the transaction is 'New'. This field is required to save the transaction as a status of New and greater. Duplicate ticket numbers are not permitted.
Step 3: Completing the Delivery Ticket: Properties Tab Fields
The header of the Delivery Ticket Record View has four tabs, the second of which is the Properties tab with the following fields for data entry:
- Group 1:
- CFECID: Used for the fisherman's unique identifier with the state of Alaska. This permit serial number must match the permit serial number on record for the selected fisherman.
- Chill Type: Used to identify a chill type for the ticket. The lookup contains a list of all active chill types configured in the Chill Type Master List. This field is not required and defaults to blank.
- Delivered: Used to identify the date the ticket items were delivered. The date defaults to the Delivery Date entered on the new ticket page. The date is required and must be the landing date recorded on the home tab or later.
- Delivery #: Identifies the delivery number associated with the ticket. This field is editable on the Home tab while the transaction is 'New' and is required and must be unique by Ticket Class and Vendor combination.
- Dock Delivery: Used to identify if the ticket items were dock delivered or not. The field defaults to "Not Specified", but can be updated to "Yes" or "No".
- Fishing Vessel: Identifies the vessel that made the catch. This list contains all active vessels in the Vessel Master File and defaults from the vessel listed on the fisherman’s permit (if assigned) but can be overwritten on the Home tab while the transaction is 'New'. This field is not required.
- Gear: Identifies the gear used in the catch that is assigned to the transaction. This list contains all active gear for the assigned fishermen. Gear Types are one of the components evaluated to determine which taxes apply to the ticket items. This defaults from the New Delivery Ticket page, but can be overwritten on the Home tab while the transaction is 'New'. This field is required.
- Headland: Enter the nearest point of land to where fishing occurred.
- Landed: Identifies the date of landing. This defaults from the New Delivery Ticket page but can be overwritten on the Home tab while the transaction is 'New'. This field is required. Note: The ticket cannot be approved or posted if the date is greater than the current date.
- Landing Number: Required for all eLanding tickets.
- Landing Time: Enter the time of the landing.
- Management Program: Used to identify the type of management program the delivery ticket is under. The available options in the drop-down menu are all active management programs in the Management Programs master list.
- Paid Fisherman: Used to identify the fisherman that will be paid for the delivery when multiple fisherman fish together. This lookup contains a list of all active vendors with a vendor type of 'Fisherman', 'Tender', or 'Fisherman & Tender' that do not have a master fisherman account assigned.
- Permit: Identifies the CFEC permit number. This field defaults from the preference setting from the Fisherman record for 'Permit' and is never editable.
- Permit Holder: Identifies the fisherman associated with the delivery ticket. This field defaults to select the permit holder assigned the permit selected on the New Delivery Ticket page and is editable when the ticket status is 'New'.
- Ticket Number: Displays the unique delivery ticket number. This field is editable on the Home tab while the transaction is 'New', but ticket numbers cannot be duplicated.
- Group 2:
- eLandings Status: Used to identify the fish ticket's submission status in eLandings. This field is not editable as it imports from eLandings.
- GL Date: Used to identify the date the transaction affects the general ledger. This field is separate from the Date field on the Home Tab so that if changes are made to a delivery ticket after its financial period has closed, the GL Date will reflect the date the changes were made but the Date will reflect the date of the original transaction. This date must reside within a valid fiscal period in order for the transaction to be approved or posted. Note: The ticket cannot be approved or posted if the date is greater than the current date.
- Integration Status: This field auto-populates based on the integration status of the delivery ticket.
- Reprice Comment: This field auto-populates when a ticket is repriced and is not editable.
- Source: Used to identify if the ticket was manually entered or imported from eLandings. This field is not editable.
- Status: Displays the status of the transaction. This field is editable on the Home tab and has the options of New, Approved and Ready to Post.
- Version: Displays the version number of the delivery ticket. This field is not editable.
- Version Type: Displays the type of version the delivery ticket is - i.e. Original. This field is not editable.
- Group 3:
- Price List: Displays the Price List assigned to the Delivery Ticket. This field displays a drop-down menu that is editable on the Home tab when the ticket status is New. The menu displays all Fish Ticket Price Lists with the same ticket class configured in the Price Lists Master List. This field is not required.
- Season: Enter the season the delivery ticket corresponds with. The lookup contains a list of all active seasons and defaults from the “Season” preference. This field is not required.
- Site Processed: This value defaults from the Ticket Class. The property stores the site where the ticket items were processed at. The available options in the drop-down menu includes all active sites configured in the system. This field is required when saving the ticket as Approved or Ready to Post and is only editable on the Home tab when the ticket is in New status.
- Transaction Class: Displays the name of the transaction class selected when the ticket was created. This field is for information only and is never editable.
- Group 4:
- Number (#) of Observers: Enter the number of state of Alaska certified crab or NMFS certified groundfish observers on board the vessel for that fishing trip. The number can range from zero 0 to 5.
- Buying Station Name: Used to identify a land-based tender. This field is editable and not required.
- Crew Size: Identifies the number of crew members on the Vessel. The value must be greater than or equal to 0 for all tickets other than tickets with an ADFG Salmon landing class and can be edited at any time on the Home tab, even after the ticket is posted. This field defaults to 1 and is required to save the transaction as a status of New and greater but will default if deleted.
- Days Fished: Identifies the number of days the gear was being fished. This number does not include traveling to and from the fishing grounds, or weather delays. This number defaults to 1 and must be greater than 0.
- Fishing Began: Enter the date when the gear was deployed in the water to begin fishing. This defaults from the Ticket Date but can be overwritten on the Home tab when the ticket status is 'New', although the date cannot be greater than the current date. This field is required.
- Tender: Identifies the Tender that is assigned as the buyer or delivered the ticket. The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Vendors with a Vendor Type of "Tender" or "Fisherman & Tender". This value is not required and can be edited on the Home tab throughout all transaction statuses.
- Tender Vessel: Identifies the Vessel that is assigned to the Tender on the ticket. The value is not required and is for information only.
- Group 5:
- Dual Permit: Used to identify whether or not multiple permits were onboard and combined for fishing methods. Using dual permits allows the fishermen to go beyond the restrictions set for individual permits. The selection options within the drop-down menu are "Yes" and "No".
- Dual Permit ID: Used to identify the dual permit ID if the Dual Permit property is set to Yes. The values in this field will include all Permits matching the primary permit's Transaction Class, Gear, and Fishery that are not inactive. This field is required to save the ticket as Approved or greater if the Dual Permit property is set to Yes.
- Federal Permit Number: This value defaults from the Federal Permit preference but is editable. This field is not required.
- Paper Ticket #: Used to enter the paper fish ticket number that corresponds to the delivery ticket, if applicable. This field is useful when paper tickets are written before entry into eLandings or when eLandings is not available.
- Port of Landing: This value defaults from the Port of Landing preference. The available options in the drop-down menu include all active ports. This field is not required.
- Processor ID: This value defaults from the Processor ID preference and identifies the purchaser. This field is not required.
- Processor ID - Custom Processor: Used to identify a custom processor, only when the product is being received or processed by a third party. This field is not required.
- Registered Buyer #: This value defaults from the Registered Buyer preference. This field is required.
- Registered Crab Receiver: This value defaults from the Registered Crab Receiver preference. This field is not required. This field is only applicable to crab delivery tickets.
- Group 6:
- CQE Delivery: Identifies whether or not the delivery was via the CQE program. This field displays a drop-down menu with the options 'Yes' and 'No' that is editable while the transaction is 'New'.
- Discard Report: Discard reports are required by federal regulation to be given to the processor at the time of a groundfish offload if the vessel is federally permitted and is greater than or equal to 60 feet in overall length. Use the drop-down list to indicate “Yes” if the user has received a copy, “No” if the user has not received a copy, or “Not Required” if it is not required.
- Fishing Period: Used to identify the period during which the delivery ticket catch was made. This field is a blank text box that is always editable. This field is not required.
- Floating: Used to identify whether or not the delivery associated with the fish ticket was a floating delivery. The selection options within the drop-down menu are "Yes" and "No".
- Last Delivery For Trip: Used to identify whether or not this delivery ticket signifies the last delivery for the entire load. The options available in the drop-down menu are "Yes" and "No".
- Manual IFQ Report: Used to identify whether or not a manual IFQ report was submitted. The options available within the drop-down menu are "Yes" and "No". This field is only applicable to halibut and sablefish fish tickets.
- Moved to Avoid Salmon: Used to identify whether or not the fisherman moved the fishing point in order to avoid Chinook salmon bycatch. Because of Chinook salmon restrictions set forth by the state of Alaska, fisherman are encouraged to avoid fishing in areas where Chinook salmon encounters are probable. The options available within the drop-down menu are "Yes" and "No".
- Multiple IFQ Permits: Used to identify whether or not multiple IFQ permits are on the ticket. This field is only applicable to halibut fish tickets, sablefish fish tickets, and crab tickets for the following species codes: 921, 922, 923, 931, 932.
- Out of State: Used to determine whether fishing occurred beyond state boundaries. The selection options within the drop-down menu include "Yes" and "No".
- Partial Delivery: Check “Yes” if the vessel has made deliveries to other operations or processors from this fishing trip, in other words, deliveries elsewhere, or if the delivery is only a portion of the catch, such as would be the case if halibut were caught on a trolling expedition as halibut require their own fish ticket. If the user created more than one landing report for a delivery, the user should also select “Yes”.
- Permit Magnetic Stripe Read: Used to identify whether or not the magnetic stripe on the fisherman's permit was read. The options available within the drop-down menu are "Yes" and "No".
- Slide: Used to identify whether or not the delivery associated with the fish ticket was a slide delivery. The selection options within the drop-down menu are "Yes" and "No".
- Group 7:
Created: Displays the date and time the ticket was created. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Created By: Displays the user name of the user that created the ticket. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Currency SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Currency assigned to the Vendor. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.Fisherman SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Fisherman. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Last Updated: Displays the date and time the ticket was last updated. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Last Updated By: Displays the user name of the user that last updated the ticket. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Master Number: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the record. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Permit Holder Permit SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Permit Holder Permit number. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Permit Holder SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Permit Holder. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Tender Delivered SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Tender selected on ticket. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Ticket SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Ticket. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Transaction Class SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Transaction Class selected when creating the ticket. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Vessel SK: Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Vessel selected on the ticket. This field is for information only and is never editable by the user.
Step 4: Completing the Delivery Ticket: Stat Area Tab
The header of the Delivery Ticket Record View has four tabs, the third of which is the Stat Area tab. This tab is used to enter the data required for the Stat Area Worksheet as well as to record the number of pot lifts. The stat area is also one of the components evaluated to determine which taxes apply to the ticket items. At least one stat area is required to approve or post a delivery ticket but a maximum of 10 stat areas are allowed on a single delivery ticket. The sum percentage of the stat areas must equal 100. The lookup for stat area contains all the active stat areas in the Stat Area Master File.
Note: Automatically assigned premiums and taxes are added to delivery tickets, after the Stat Areas have been entered and saved.
Step 5: Completing the Delivery Ticket: RSW Temp Tab
The header of the Delivery Ticket Record View has four tabs, the fourth of which is the RSW Temp tab. This tab is used to enter up to 20 different temperature readings (the number of rows to enter the readings defaults from the number of readings entered on the associated Ticket Class). RSW Temperatures are not required. However, when entered and saved, the totals are displayed in the four columns below the temperature readings as follows:
- # Readings – displays the number of the temperature readings that have a value
- Low – displays the minimum temperature reading
- High – displays the maximum temperature reading
- Avg – displays the average temperature reading
Step 6: Completing the Delivery Ticket: Attributes Tab (Optional)
The Attributes tab on the transaction will include all user-defined Attributes assigned to the Fisherman - Delivery Ticket Transaction.
To setup Attributes for the Fisherman - Delivery Ticket Transaction, navigate to Company → Attributes → Fisherman → Transactions → Delivery Ticket.
Step 7: Adding Delivery Ticket Line Items
Complete the data entry for each line item the user wishes to add.
Note: A line item must contain a Specie, Condition, Grade, Disposition, and Sold Condition to be saved.
Required line item fields
- Condition: Enter the condition for the line item. The lookup contains the list of all active Condition Codes. This field is blank by default, but is required in order to save the line item. The Specie, Condition, Grade, and Disposition values make up a unique delivery ticket item. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Disposition: Enter the disposition for the line item. The lookup contains the list of all active Disposition Codes. This field defaults from the module preference and is required in order to save the line item. The Specie, Condition, Grade, and Disposition values make up a unique delivery ticket item. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Ext. Amount: This field is the calculated value of (Weight * Price) and is not editable.
- Grade: Enter the grade for the line item. The lookup contains the list of all active Grade Codes. This field is blank by default, but is required in order to save the line item. The Specie, Condition, Grade, Disposition, and Sold Condition values make up a unique delivery ticket item. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Item Description: Used to display the item name. This field is displayed as the specie, condition, disposition, sold condition and grade ID followed by the corresponding description of each and cannot be edited. Once item combinations have been setup they are visible in the dropdown menu for users to select on new tickets.
- Net Amount: This field is the calculated value of (Item Gross - Taxes) and is not editable.
- Net Weight: If a Net Weight value is manually entered, the Weight is calculated as [Net Weight] / [Wt. Mod.]. If the value for the Weight Modifier is changed, the Net Weight is calculated as [Weight] * [Wt. Mod.]. This field is always editable while the transaction is in a Status of 'New'. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Premiums: This field is the calculated value of the sum of all the Premiums that pertain to the line item and is not editable. The details of this amount can be viewed by clicking on the “Taxes & Premiums” icon in the header toolbar and selecting the “Premiums” tab. The premiums tab allows users to edit the premium rate when the ticket status is New.
- Price: Enter the price for the line item. This field defaults to 0 and cannot hold negative values. The price defaults from the Price List selected in the header section, if the price is not manually entered.
- Price UOM: Displays the unit of measure upon which the line item price is based. The value must match either the Unit or Weight UOM. This field is editable while the transaction is 'New'. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Purchase Account: Used to display the purchase account that will be used for the credit side of the journal entry (for a ticket credit, this would be the Debit Account). This field defaults from the purchase account assigned to the specie, is not editable, and is required in order to approve the transaction.
- Sold Condition: Select the condition in which the line item is sold. The available options from the drop-down menu include all active conditions in the Conditions master list. This field defaults to the Condition and is required. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Specie: Enter the specie for the line item. The lookup contains the list of all active species. This field is blank by default, but is required in order to save the line item. The specie identifies the GL Account that will be used to record the purchase and is also one of the components evaluated to determine which taxes apply to the ticket item. The Specie, Condition, Grade, and Disposition values make up a unique delivery ticket item. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Tax - Company: Displays the amount of tax applied to the Company on the delivery ticket. This column is summed at the footer of the inquiry.
- Tax - Fisherman: Displays the amount of tax applied to the Fisherman on the delivery ticket. This column is summed at the footer of the inquiry.
- Tax - Total: Displays the total amount of Company and Fisherman taxes applied to the delivery ticket. This column is summed at the footer of the inquiry. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Units: Enter the number of units (i.e. piece count). Whether or not this field is required depends on the value in the “Units Required” value assigned to the specie in the Specie Master File. This field defaults to 0.
- Units UOM: This field identifies the unit of measure for the line item, which is selected from the drop-down menu that includes all active units of measure. This field defaults to the Purchasing Preference selection for 'Unit UOM' and then auto-selects the item default once the Item is selected from the drop-down menu. This field can be edited while the transaction is set to a status of 'New.' Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Weight: Enter the gross weight of the ticket item. This field defaults to 0.
- Weight UOM: This field identifies the Weight unit of measure for the line item, which is selected from the drop-down menu that includes all active units of measure. This field defaults to the Purchasing Preference selection for 'Unit UOM' and then auto-selects the item default once the Item is selected from the drop-down menu. This field can be edited while the transaction is set to a status of 'New.' Note: This column is not in the system view.
Optional line item fields
- Comment: This is a blank data entry field to enter any additional comments regarding the line item, such as tag numbers. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Comment Code: This is a drop-down menu offering additional codes to account for the line item correctly. These additional codes may be used for overages, etc. Note: This column is not in the system view.
- Wt. Mod.: Used to enter a multiplication factor to calculate the Net Weight. The value defaults to 1 and must be a value between 0 and 1. Note: This column is not in the system view.
Once a line item's Specie, Condition, Grade, Disposition, and Sold Condition have been selected, the default price for that unique item will populate in the Price field. If the user manually edits the price and the ticket class has the ability to remember item prices enabled, a confirmation message will display, asking the user whether or not the manually entered price should be made as the default for that item. Setting a price as the item's default will populate that price on all future line items of that Specie, Condition, Grade, Disposition, and Sold Condition combination. Default prices can also be managed on the Ticket Item Prices list view. Once the combination of Specie, Condition, Grade, Disposition, and Sold Condition have been saved for a line item, these fields become disabled. If a user incorrectly enters a line item combination, the user must delete the line item and add a new item with the correct combination.
Step 8: Finalizing the Transaction in NorthScope
Changes can be made to a transaction until it is finalized. To finalize a transaction, the user will need to change the status to “Ready to Post”. In some companies, posting is a two-step process where the transaction(s) are approved by one person, and posted by another.
Approving the transaction
This step is optional and is used for companies that require a two-step process where the person who approves the transaction cannot be the same person that posts the transaction.
To approve a transaction, open it from the list view, change the status to “Approved”, and click the “Save” icon on the header toolbar. In addition to the validations performed each time the “Save” icon is clicked, the following validations are also performed:
- Ensures there is at least one valid line item on the transaction.
- Ensures all the default GL Accounts can be assigned.
- The “Accounts Payable” account that defaults from the transaction vendor's “Accounts Payable” account.
- The “Settlement Accrual” account that defaults from the transaction vendor's “Settlement Accrual” account or from the “Default Account – Settlement Accrual’ account in the Purchasing Preference.
- Ensures the GL Date resides within a valid fiscal period as determined by the host system.
- Ensures the CFECID is entered.
- Ensures a Management Program is assigned.
- Ensures at least one Stat Area is assigned and the Stat Area percents total 100%.
- Ensures units are entered for all line item species that require units.
- Ensures the required Attribute values have been entered.
If any of the GL Accounts cannot be assigned, a message will appear.
Once the status has been successfully updated to “Approved”, all editable fields, with the exception of Status, will be disabled.
Finalizing the transaction
When the transaction is ready to be finalized, open it and change the status to “Ready to Post” and save the transaction. Setting the transaction to “Ready to Post” does the following:
- Validates the same conditions as the approval status
- Locks down all editable fields, including Status
- Creates an un-posted Transaction Entry in the Host System Financial Module
- Creates the NorthScope settlement transaction.
Prior to this, the host system does not know about the transaction.
Step 9: Posting the accrual journal entry in the host system.
For every Delivery Ticket in NorthScope, an accrual journal entry will be made in the host system if the integration for journal entries is turned on. The journal entry will appear in the host system's Financial module as a Transaction Entry in the batch titled NS followed by the year, month, and day with the following format: NS: YY_MM_DD. For example, if the Adjustment was integrated on July 14, 2015, the Batch ID for the transaction entry would be NS: 15_07_14.
Each Delivery Ticket journal entry description will be the NorthScope journal entry number followed by the NorthScope transaction ID followed by the NorthScope transaction name (i.e. 12345: Ticket: (Ticket Number)).
Every Delivery Ticket that integrates to the host system will create the following journal entry:
One debit line showing the summarized amounts per each unique "Purchase Account" on the transaction.
One credit line showing the summarized amount for the fisherman's "Settlement Accrual" account. The GL Account comes from the vendor’s “Settlement Accrual” account or, if missing, defaults from the Purchasing Preference for “Default Account – Settlement Accrual” account.
If taxes and/or premiums are applied on the delivery ticket, the following journal entries will also be created:
One credit line showing the summarized amounts per each unique "Taxes" account. This summarizes the tax assigned to the fisherman and the company. The GL Account comes from the tax's "Tax Liability GL Account" specified on the tax's properties tab.
One debit line showing the summarized amounts per each unique "Taxes" account, if the tax is configured to be an expense for the company. The GL Account comes from the tax's "Company Expense GL Account".
One debit line showing the summarized amounts per each unique "Premiums" account. The GL Account comes from the premium's "Premium Expense GL Account" specified on the premium's properties tab.
Once the user is satisfied that all the GL Distributions are correct, the user can post the batch in the host system.
Note: Although this step is required, it does not need to be done for each transaction. Posting can be done nightly or as needed.
Step 10: Reviewing in NorthScope
Whether or not Step 8 is complete, the following will occur in NorthScope:
- The posted Delivery Ticket(s) will automatically update from “Ready to Post” to “Posted” and will no longer be visible in the Delivery Ticket List View.
- A settlement transaction will be added for each delivery ticket.
- The fisherman will become the "Owed To" vendor in the settlement transaction.
Once Step 8 is complete, the following events will happen in NorthScope:
- The NorthScope journal entry will update from "Ready to Post" to "Posted" and will no longer be visible in the Financial Journal Entries List View.