Fish Ticket Premium Reprice Record View

Fish Ticket Premium Reprice Record View

The Fish Ticket Premium Reprice page allows users to reprice multiple Fish Ticket Premiums at the same time. The page header provides parameters that can be used to filter ticket items with premiums down to the list of those applicable to the reprice. Once the parameters have been entered and the 'Save & Refresh' icon is clicked, all the Fish Ticket Items with Premiums that meet the search criteria will be returned in the Page Detail. From here, users can update the premium rate and once all the rates have been changed, and the 'Validate' icon is clicked, the reprice can be finalized by clicking the 'Process' icon. Tickets can either be repriced and posted in a single step or can be repriced as open tickets allowing users to review them prior to posting. Repriced tickets will create a new version of the ticket. 

Software Version: 2019.11.08 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar Icons

DeleteDeletes the transaction or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

Grid Layout

Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

PrintOpens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. 
ProcessProcesses the Reprice. This can only be run after validation. 
Refresh DataRe-queries the contents of the grid/page based on the Inquiry Criteria parameters or the default parameters for grids that do not support Inquiry Criteria. 

Validates the following:

  • That the 'Reprice GL Date' is in a valid fiscal period that is open for Purchasing. If not the message "The date entered in the 'Reprice GL Date' must be in a Fiscal Period that is open for Purchasing." will be displayed.
  • That there are 1 or more tickets in the 'Net # Tickets to reprice'. If not, the message "The 'Net # Tickets to reprice' must be  >=1." will be displayed.
  • That there is either a header 'Reprice Comment' or that all the Ticket Items with a New Price have a 'Reprice Comment'. If not the message "Reprice Comment is required." will be displayed.

If the validation is successful, the 'Process' icon will be enabled.


# Search

A text box to enter all, or part of a search string. The data entered here searches across all Ticket #'s, Delivery #'s, and Landing #'s. 
ConditionsA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Conditions (Condition Codes). If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Ticket Lines that contain the Condition(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes all the records in the Conditions master file, displayed in ascending order, as [Condition ID]-[Condition Name]. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Date Option

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Date Option: Ticket Landed or Delivered - Inquiry Field'.

This defaults to "Landed" but can be changed to "Delivered".

Date Range

Two separate controls. This first one is: 

A text box to enter the beginning date range (from date) of the records you are selecting. This must be a valid date format and must be <= the ending date (to date). This defaults to 1 year from the current date but can be changed to any valid date that is <= the To date.

This second one is:

A text box to enter the ending date range (to date) of the records you are selecting. This must be a valid date format and must be <= the beginning date (from date). This defaults to the current date but can be changed to any valid date that is >= the From date.


A multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Dispositions (Disposition Codes). If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Ticket Lines that contain the Disposition(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes all the records in the Dispositions master file, displayed in ascending order, as [Disposition ID]-[Disposition Name]. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

This defaults to Disposition ID 60 (Sold) but can be changed.

GearA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Gear Codes. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Ticket Lines that contain the Gear(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes all the records in the Gear master file, displayed in ascending order, as [Gear ID]-[Gear Name]. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

GradesA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Grades. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Ticket Lines that contain the Grade(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes all the records in the Grades master file, displayed in ascending order, as [Grade ID]-[Grade Name]. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Incl. Inactive in Lookups

A Yes/No lookup to identify whether or not the lookups for the parameters will contain all the records or only active records. A "Yes" means that the lookups will include both Active and Inactive records and a "No" means that only Active records will be shown in the lookups.

This defaults to "No" but can be changed to "Yes". If you change this to "Yes" you will need to click the 'Refresh' icon to reset all the lookups.

Incl. Tickets w/Premiums

A multi-select lookup to select one or more Premiums. The first option is "No Premiums" which allows users to select tickets that do not contain any premiums. The remaining options include all the current 'Active' premiums sorted by Premium's Program Description.

(lightbulb) To be considered, the Premium must either be manually assigned to a ticket or the ticket must be eligible for the Premium, even if the premium amount is 0.00.

Major SpecieA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Major Specie. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Ticket Lines that contain the Major Specie selected will be returned.

The lookup includes a blank value and the unique list of all the records in the Major Specie column of the Specie master file, displayed in ascending order. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Net # TicketsA non-editable text box that shows the number of Fish Tickets with Premiums that will be included in the re-price based on the current settings. This value re-calculates each time the 'Validate' icon is clicked.
Paid AccountA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected 'Paid Account' Fishermen. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Tickets with the Paid Account(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes the unique list of Fishermen Accounts, displayed in ascending order, as [Fisherman Name] ([Fisherman ID]). If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Permit HolderA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected 'Permit Holder' Fishermen. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Tickets with the Permit Holder(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes the unique list of Fishermen Accounts, displayed in ascending order, as [Fisherman Name] ([Fisherman ID]). If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Price ListA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Price Lists. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Tickets with the Price List(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes the unique list of Price Lists with a 'Price List Class' of "Fish Ticket"displayed in ascending order. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Reprice CommentAn editable text box used to enter the default re-price comment that will be saved to all the Fish Ticket lines included in this re-price. This comment is the default value that will be used if no re-price comment exists on a grid item. This defaults to blank but is required to validate or process.
Reprice GL DateAn editable text box to enter the date the re-price will hit the General Ledger. The date specified here will be stamped as the GL Date on each ticket that is re-priced and will used as the Journal Entry date. This defaults to blank but is required to validate or process.
Reprice Tickets as

A single-select standard lookup to select whether or not you want the repriced tickets to be automatically posted or created as open tickets. This defaults to "Open" but can be changed to "Posted".

Select "Posted" if you want the re-priced tickets to automatically post.

Select "Open" if you want the re-priced tickets created in the Tickets List View, giving you the opportunity to review and/or edit them prior to posting.

This lookup contains all the values in the RepriceTicketsAs Enumeration Class. 

RSW Temp Range

Two separate controls. This first one is: 

A text box to enter the beginning temp range of the records you are selecting. This value must be a number and defaults to blank.  

This second one is:

A text box to enter the ending temp range of the records you are selecting. This value must be a number and defaults to blank.

Only tickets containing the temperatures specified in the range will be displayed in the grid for reprice. 

SeasonsA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Seasons. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Tickets with the Season(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes the unique list of Seasonsdisplayed in ascending order. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Site ProcessedA multi-select lookup to limit the data returned to one or more selected Sites that were entered as the 'Site Processed'. If left blank, the data will not be limited by this parameter. If one or more values are selected then only Fish Tickets with the Site(s) selected will be returned.

The lookup includes all the records in the Sites master file, displayed in ascending order, as [Site Name] ([Site ID]). If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "No", the list will only include 'Active' records. If the 'Include Inactive in Lookups' parameter is set to "Yes", the list will only include all records.

Sold Condition