Fish Ticket Premiums List View
Premiums are most often used to represent things that increases the price you pay fishermen for their fish but they can also be configured to reduce the amount you pay. Premiums can be configured to be manually added or automated based on business rules. The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records. Users also have the ability to copy an existing program as a new program or new version.
Software Version: 2021.03.12 and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Copy | Opens the Program Copy Record View allowing users to copy an existing program as a new program or as a new version. During the Copy, users can specify whether program properties and rates should be copied from the selected program. The Program Copy Record View also allows users to enter Program ID/Description (for new programs) and Start Date for the new program/version. If no row is selected, the message "Please select one item and try again." will be displayed. If more than one row is selected, the message "Please limit your selection to one item and try again." will be displayed. If exactly one row is selected, then the Program Copy Record View will open. The user is not required to select the latest version of a program to copy. However, if a new version is being created, then the 'Start Date' field will always be validated against the latest version of the selected program. |
Delete | Deletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! Programs used on a Fish Ticket will not be able to be deleted. The message "This Program is used on a Delivery Ticket and cannot be deleted." will be displayed. Additionally, only the latest version of a program will be allowed to be deleted. If the user selects a prior version of a program to delete, the message "([Program ID]) cannot be deleted because it is not the latest version of this program." will be displayed. |
Edit | Opens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open. |
Excel | Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Favorites | Clicking on the star icon when it is an outline, adds the page to the 'My Shortcuts' tab and fills in the star. Clicking on the star icon when it is filled in (solid color), removes the page from the 'My Shortcuts' tab and returns the icon to an outline. Users must log out and back in before the pages will be visible in the 'My Shortcuts' tab. |
Grid Layout | Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific). The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. |
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help. |
New | Opens a new blank record for data entry. |
Fields | Description |
Checkbox | Used to select one or more records for delete or mass update. |
Assign By | Identifies how the Premium gets assigned to a Ticket. This defaults to blank for new records but is required. If not assigned, the message "How this Program is assigned to Tickets is required." will be displayed on Save. It can be set to the following values:
This field is always editable from the Record View. This lookup contains all the values in the APAssignmentMethod Enumeration Class. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.AssignmentMethodEN |
Assign Rate By | Identifies where the Premium's Rate comes from. This defaults to 'GLOBAL' for new records but can be changed. If it is changed from GLOBAL, it must match one of the values in the 'Assign Rules By' Property. If not, the message "Assign Rate By must be assigned by one of the Assign Rules By values." will be displayed on Save. It can be set to the following values:
This field is always editable from the Record View. This lookup contains all the values in the APProgramAssignBy Enumeration Class except 'Stat Area' and includes an option for GLOBAL. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.AssignmentMethodEN |
Calculated On | Identifies which weight value on the ticket line the Premium is calculated from. This defaults to blank for new records but is required. If not assigned, the message "Calculated On is required." will be displayed on Save. It can be set to the following values:
This field is always editable from the Record View. This lookup contains all the 'weight' values in the APProgramCalcMethod Enumeration Class. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.APProgramCalcMethodEN |
Current Version | Identifies whether or not the program is the current version based on the program's 'Landed Date Start' and 'Landed Date End' fields. If the current date falls between the 'Landed Date Start' and 'Landed Date End' fields, then this field will display as 'Yes". If not, this field will display as blank. This is not a required field and is not stored in the database. This field can be updated by editing the program's 'Landed Date Start' and 'Landed Date End' fields. If the 'Landed Date End' field is blank, then the program is continuous and this field will display as 'Yes'. |
Default Rate | Identifies the value in the 'Default Rate' property of the Premium Program. This defaults to 0.000000 for new records but is required. If not assigned, the message "Rate is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable from the Record View. If the 'Assign Rate By' is anything other than 'Globally" this is only represents the Default Rate. The actual rates may be different. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.Rate |
Inactive | A Yes/No field used to identify if the record is Inactive. If set to 'Yes' then the record is "Inactive" and will not be included in look-ups for transactions or other master files. If set to 'No' then the record is "Active" and can be freely used. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.IsInactive |
Landed Date End | A date field to indicate when the Premium Program ends. Fish Tickets with a Landed Date after the 'Landed Date End' will not be evaluated for the Premium, even if the Premium is still Active. This defaults as blank on new records, and is not required. A blank Landed Date End assumes the Premium never ends but if a date is entered it must be >= the 'Landed Date Start' if not, the message "Landed Date End must be on or after Landed Date Start." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable from the record view. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.APProgramEnd |
Landed Date Start | A date field to indicate when the Premium Program begins. Fish Tickets with a Landed Date before the 'Landed Date Start' will not be evaluated for the Premium. This defaults as blank on new records, but is required. If blank, the message "Landed Date Start is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable from the record view. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.APProgramStart |
Newest Version | Identifies whether or not the program is the newest version. This is not a required field and is not stored in the database. If the program is not the newest version, this field will display as blank. Else, it will display as "Yes".This field is updated when a new version is created from the same program. |
Premium Expense Account | The GL Account that is Debited when the Premium is assigned to a Fish Ticket Item. This defaults as blank on new records, but is required. If blank, the message "Premium Expense GL Account is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable from the record view. This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' GL Accounts Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.DRAccountSK |
Program Class | Identifies the value in the 'Class' property of the Premium Program. This defaults to blank for new records but is required. If not assigned, the message "Class is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable from the Record View. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.APProgramClassSK |
Program Description | The 'Description' property on the Premium record. This defaults to blank for new records and is required but duplicate values are allowed. If not assigned, the message "Description is required." will be displayed on Save. This field is always editable from the record view and must be <= 100 characters. The Program Description is used as a long description/name of the Premium. Database Field: ERPx_APProgram.APProgramName |
Program Group | Identifies the 'Program Group' assigned to the 'Program Class'. This is a looked up value and can only be changed in the 'Taxes & Premium Classes' master file. The potential values for this include:
The values for this field come from the APProgramGroup Enumeration. |
Program ID | A hyperlink that shows the value of the 'Program ID' pr |