Customer Addresses List View
Customer Addresses store information pertaining to the physical location, phone, email, payment information, and other setup information. Customer Addresses are classified as Bill-To, Ship-To, Both, or Inactive and are assigned to a Customer. A Customer can have multiple Address records associated to it. This list view shows all the Address ID's for all the Customer accounts. The purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.
This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Customer Addresses' attribute type. Customer Address attributes are automatically included in the default view. However, because these attributes are user defined, they are not included in the help documentation.
Software Version: 2022.12.16 and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Delete | Deletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! |
Excel | Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Favorites | Clicking on the star icon when it is an outline, adds the page to the 'My Shortcuts' tab and fills in the star. Clicking on the star icon when it is filled in (solid color), removes the page from the 'My Shortcuts' tab and returns the icon to an outline. Users must log out and back in before the pages will be visible in the 'My Shortcuts' tab. |
Grid Layout | Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific). The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. |
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help. |
New | Opens a new blank record for data entry. |
Fields | Description |
Checkbox | Used to select one or more records to perform an action, such as Mass Update, More Actions, or Delete. |
Address 1 | Identifies the 'Address 1' assigned to the Customer Address. This is not required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. Address Line 1 typically contains the primary address information such as the street address. Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressLine1 |
Address 2 | Identifies the 'Address 2' assigned to the Customer Address. This is not required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. Address Line 2 typically contains secondary address information (e.g. floor, suite or mail stop number) related to Address Line 1. Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressLine2 |
Address 3 | Identifies the 'Address 3' assigned to the Customer Address. This is not required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. Address Line 3 is used for additional address information that could not be contained in Address Line 1 or 2. Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressLine3 |
Address ID | Identifies the ID of the Customer Address. Clicking this link opens the Customer Address Record of the selected record. This is not required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. Customer Address IDs are used as a short description and unique identifier for Customer Address records. They can be changed at any time to any alphanumeric value. For Customers with only one Address, the default value of PRIMARY can be used. Address IDs of BILLING and SHIPPING are often used for Customers with separate addresses for each. For customers with many Ship-to addresses a City or Street name can be used. Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressID |
Address Name | Identifies the 'Address Name' assigned to the Customer Address. This is not required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. The Address Name is used to name an Address ID. Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressName |
Address Type | Identifies the 'Address Type' assigned to the Customer Address. This is required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. Customer Address Types are used to classify Customer Address IDs by purpose. The Address Types include:
Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressTypeEN |
Carrier | Identifies the default Carrier assigned to the customer address. If a Carrier is specified, it will default on new Sales Orders for this address. This is not required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. Carriers represent entities that transport goods from one location to another. They can be actual freight companies (i.e. UPS or Fed Ex) and/or they can represent a delivery method (i.e. Our Truck, Customer Pickup, Transfer in Storage, or UPS-Air). They are used on Inventory transfers and sales order shipments. Database Field: ERPx_ ARCustomerAddress.CarrierSK |
City | Identifies the 'City' assigned to the Customer Address. This is not required and is always editable from the 'Addresses' tab of the Customer Record View or the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Address Record View. The City identifies the value of 'City' in an address record. Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.City |
Customer Class | Identifies the 'Customer Class' assigned to Customer. This is required and is always editable from the 'Properties' tab of the Customer Record View. Customer Classes are used to identify default values that are applied to new Customer records and to group Customers and transactions together for reporting and data selection purposes. Database Field: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerClassSK |
Customer ID | The value from the 'Customer ID' property, of the Customer Master File, of the customer assigned to the record or transaction. Clicking this link opens the Customer Record View of the selected record. This is required and is always editable from the Customer Record View but only in systems that are not integrating Customers with a third party system. To be editable, the "Customer" 'Transaction Type on both the 'Inbound to NorthScope' and 'Outbound from NorthScope' Integration Modes must be set t |