Shipment History Inquiry
Shipment History Inquiry
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Column Headers | Description |
% Filled Units | |
% Filled Weight | |
Actual Ship | |
Address ID | |
Address Name | |
Alloc. Units | |
Alloc. Weight | |
BOL | |
Booking # | |
Carrier Name | |
Created Date | |
Currency | |
Customer ID | |
Customer Name | |
Deliver On | |
Ext. Amount | |
Ext. Load ID | |
Forwarder | |
Freight $ | |
GL Date | |
GL Period | |
GL Year | |
Inside Salesperson | |
Invoice # | |
Invoiced | |
Ord. Units | |
Ord. Weight | |
Order Date | |
Outside Salesperson | |
PO | |
Port of Delivery | |
Port of Delivery Date | |
Port of Discharge | |
Port of Discharge Date | |
Port of Entry | |
Port of Entry Date | |
Port of Loading | |
Port of Loading Date | |
Scheduled Ship | |
Ship City/State | |
Ship Site | |
Shipment | |
Shipment Status | |
Shipping Line | |
Sub. Items | |
Trans Status | |
Transaction Class | |
Transaction ID | |
Vessel |