Find Lots: Inventory

Find Lots: Inventory

The Find Lots page allows users to directly allocate lots to inventory transactions. Allocated lots added from here are added as line item(s) to the transaction.

(lightbulb) This inquiry also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Warehouse Lots' attribute type.  Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. Attributes are not included in the help documentation.

Software Version: 2024.12.16 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
Grid Layout
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Toolbar Icon - Grid'.
Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 
Save / Save & CloseEither saves your changes and closes the page or saves your changes and leaves you on the page.

(lightbulb) The Save button is only activated when a change is detected on the page. When the Save button is active, a ‘ + ‘ character is displayed in the page border. Saving reloads the page.

Allocate FromA lookup to displays the Site (displayed as [Site ID] - [Site Name]) where lots are being allocated from. This defaults from the Site on the source transaction the page was opened from, is required, and cannot be edited.
Transaction LinesA textbox to displays the number of lots that have been allocated. This is a calculated field that is updated on Save and cannot be edited. 


Toolbar IconsDescription
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 
RefreshRefreshes the contents of the page. 

Allows users to search lots by  

  • Item ID
  • Item Description
  • Production Batch ID
  • Item Attributes
  • Production Batch Attributes

Users can also enter multiple search criteria e.g., 'Item ID & Production Batch ID'.

Actual Cost

Displays the Actual Cost assigned to the item or lot.

The Actual Cost reflects the cost that will post to the General Ledger for Items with a 'Costing Method' of "Active". For some items this may be set from a default or "standard" cost rate and for other items this may reflect that actual amount paid to purchase or incurred to produce the product. For each individual LotSK, this is calculated as the [Actual Base Cost Rate] + sum of all the [Actual Cost Layer Rates]. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.CurrentCost


A checkbox to quickly allocate the entire contents of the Lot. Clicking the checkbox updates the allocated Units and Weight to their entire amounts.  

Available Units

Displays the available units of the item or lot at the corresponding site. The Available Units balance is calculated as [On Hand Units] - [On Hold] - [Committed] - [Allocated] - [Quoted] + any balances from open transactions. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Available Weight

This field displays the available weight of the item or lot at the corresponding site. The Available Weight balance is calculated as [On Hand Weight] - [On Hold] - [Committed] - [Allocated] - [Quoted] + any balances from open transactions. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Batch Date

Displays the date the Production Batch was produced, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is the date used to age the product. This can be edited from the 'Batch Date' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch record view.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.DateProduced 

Batch Site ID

Identifies the Site where the Production Batch was born, created, or initially received. This value defaults from the 'Site' selected on the Inventory transaction that created the Production Batch. This can be edited from the 'Production Batch Site' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch record view.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ManufactureSiteSK

Cost UOM

Identifies the unit of measure the item's cost is stated in terms of. This is the value assigned in the "Cost UOM" property on the Item Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.CostUOMSK

Country of Origin

Displays the name of the Country that the Production Batch originated in. The value is stored in the 'Country of Origin' Tab on the Production Batch Record View. If no 'Country of Origin' has been assigned, this will be blank, if there is only one 'Country of Origin' assigned to the Production Batch then the name of that country will be displayed. If there is more than one country assigned on the 'Country of Origin' Tab then this will indicate "Multiple". This field defaults as blank. This can be edited from the 'Country of Origin' tab of the Production Batch record view.

Days Old

Displays the calculated age (in days) of the Production Batch. It is calculated as the (Current Date) - [Batch Date]. This can be edited by changing the 'Batch Date' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch record view. This is not stored in the database.

Days Until Expiration

Identifies the number of days before a Lot "expires". This is calculated using the 'Batch Expiration Date' on the Properties tab of the Production Batch Record View and subtracting the current date. This can be edited by changing the 'Batch Expiration Date' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch record view. This is not stored in the database.

If the Batch Expiration Date is:

  • Blank, then this will be blank.
  • In the future, then this will be a positive value indicating how many days are left until the Batch is "expired". 
  • In the past, then this will be a negative value indicating how many days have passed since the Batch "expired".

Expiration Date

Displays the "Batch Expiration Date" assigned to the Production Batch. This defaults by adding the value set on the Item's 'Expiration Days' to the 'Batch Date' assigned to the Production Batch. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ExpirationDate

Gross WeightThis field allows users to enter the gross weight for the allocated item. This field is only enabled for transfer transactions and is not required.
Hold Code

Displays the name of the Hold Code placed on the lot. This defaults as blank and can be edited by setting the 'Hold Code' field on the Mass Update dialog box launched from the Lot Balances Inquiry list view.

Hold Codes are used to prevent a process from being performed or a transaction from being posted.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFHoldCode.HoldCode, ERPx_IMLotBalanceHold.HoldCodeSK where ERPx_IMLotBalance.LotSK = ERPx_IMLotBalanceHold.LotSK

Is Lot Expired

Identifies if a Lot is expired.

  • This will display as "Yes" For Lots with a 'Batch Expiration Date' that is <= the current date.
  • This will display as blank for Lots without a 'Batch Expiration Date' or for Lots with a 'Batch Expiration Date' that is >= the current date. 
Item ID

Identifies the ID of the Item.

Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID

Item Description

Identifies the Description associated with the Item ID assigned to a transaction line, journal line detail or master file record.

Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.ItemDescription

Item Description

Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. This comes from and can be edited from the 'Item Description' field on the Properties tab of the Item record view.  

Database Fields: ERPX_IMItem.ItemID, ERPX_IMItem.ItemDescription

Market Cost

Displays the Market Cost assigned to the item or lot. This is the Market base cost when the the Source is Base and Market layer cost when the source is Layer.

The Market Cost reflects the estimated "market" value for the inventory. Market Costs are typically set by taking Actual costs and adding additional components such as delivered freight, brokerage/rebate amounts, and desired profit margin. For each individual LotSK, this is calculated as the [Market Base Cost Rate] + sum of all the [Market Cost Layer Rates]. 

Market Costs are typically maintained in companies where costs and/or margin needs to be shown/used in Sales Order based on the current market value of the item, not the Actual costs.

Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.MarketCost

On Hand Units

Displays the On Hand units of the item at the corresponding Site or Inventory Lot. This is updated when units for an item on an inventory or sales transaction has been Posted. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: For companies that want unposted Sales Orders to update the On Hand balances as soon as they are marked as Shipped, they can set the "Include Shipped & Approved Sales Orders in On Hand balances" Inventory Preference to "Yes".

On Hand Weight

Displays the On Hand weight of the item at the corresponding Site or Inventory Lot. This can be updated when weight for an item on an inventory or sales transaction has been Posted. This is a calculated field and not stored in the database.

Note: For companies that want unposted Sales Orders to update the On Hand balances as soon as they are marked as Shipped, they can set the "Include Shipped & Approved Sales Orders in On Hand balances" Inventory Preference to "Yes".


Identifies the Lot Owner of the Inventory Lot. This comes from the 'Owner' field for a line item on the Items grid on an Inventory transaction. This is not editable after the transaction has been Saved.

Owners are used to identify who owns the inventory. Additional Owners are typically added for companies that do custom processing and need to keep that inventory separate from their own. Owner is one of the 5 components that make up a unique Inventory Lot and it is required on all Inventory Lots.

An Inventory Lot is the most granular level that item balances (quantities of Units and/or Weight) are stored within NorthScope. Inventory Lots are created for all Inventory Items assigned an Item Type of “Inventory', regardless of whether the Item is Lot Tracked (i.e., balances are maintained by Production Batch) or the Site containing the product is 'Warehouse Lot' tracked or not. 

An Inventory Lot is unique by combination of:

  • Item: The Item ID (required for all Inventory Lots)
  • SiteThe Site/Warehouse that contains the inventory (required for all Inventory Lots)
  • Production BatchThe date code or other traceability reference that stays with product and never changes. It is required for Items with a 'Lot Tracked' property of "Yes" and will be blank for Items with a 'Lot Tracked' property of "No"
  • Warehouse LotThe identifier or location within a Site/Warehouse, this is most typically used for 3rd party distribution sites. It is required for 'Inventory Lots' in a Warehouse Lot tracked Site and will be blank for 'Inventory Lots' in a non Warehouse Lot tracked Site. This has nothing to do with whether the Item is 'Lot Tracked' or not. 
  • Owner: Identifies who owns the product. This is required for all Inventory Lots.

Database Field: ERPx_IMLotOwner.OwnerName

Production Batch

Identifies the Production Batch ID of the Lot. This value defaults from the 'Production Batch' value specified on the Inventory transaction that created the Production Batch. This can be edited from the 'Production Batch' field on the Properties tab of the Production Batch record view. If the inventory lot is committed and the item is not lot tracked, this value will display as "Item Tracked". If the inventory lot is committed and the item is not tracked, this value will display as "Commitments".

A Production Batch is the identifier that contains all the Traceability information (Production Batch Properties and Attributes) for Lot Tracked Items. This number stays attached to the product, even if it is transferred to another Site. Production Batch is one of the 5 components that make up a unique Inventory Lot and it is required when entering a transaction line for a Lot Tracked Item. This value will be blank and/or disabled for all non-Lot Tracked items on screens that include a Production Batch field.

An Inventory Lot is the most granular level that item balances (quantities of Units and/or Weight) are stored within NorthScope. Inventory Lots are created for all Inventory Items assigned an Item Type of “Inventory', regardless of whether the Item is Lot Tracked (i.e., balances are maintained by Production Batch) or the Site containing the product is 'Warehouse Lot' tracked or not. 

An Inventory Lot is unique by combination of:

  • Item: The Item ID (required for all Inventory Lots)
  • SiteThe Site/Warehouse that contains the inventory (required for all Inventory Lots)
  • Production BatchThe date code or other traceability reference that stays with product and never changes. It is required for Items with a 'Lot Tracked' property of "Yes" and will be blank for Items with a 'Lot Tracked' property of "No"
  • Warehouse LotThe identifier or location within a Site/Warehouse, this is most typically used for 3rd party distribution sites. It is required for 'Inventory Lots' in a Warehouse Lot tracked Site and will be blank for 'Inventory Lots' in a non Warehouse Lot tracked Site. This has nothing to do with whether the Item is 'Lot Tracked' or not. 
  • Owner: Identifies who owns the product. This is required for all Inventory Lots.

Database Field: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ProductionLotID

Received From

Displays the name of the Vendor, Fisherman, or Grower that was the source of the Production Batch on the Receipt transaction. The value is stored in the 'Received From' Tab on the Production Batch Record View. If no 'Received From' has been assigned, this will be blank, if there is only one 'Received From' assigned to the Production Batch then the name of that source will be displayed. If there is more than one name assigned on the 'Received From' Tab then this will indicate "Multiple". This field defaults as blank. This can be edited from the 'Received From' tab of the Production Batch Record View.  

Site Name

Identifies the name of the Site (Warehouse) that the transaction, shipment, receipt, item, or lot is associated with. This field defaults from the 'Site' field on the 'Home' tab of the Inventory transaction or the 'Default Site' field on the 'Home' tab of the sales order transaction. This field is not editable after the transaction has been Saved.

Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_IMLotBalance.SiteSK

Standard Cost

Displays the Standard Cost assigned to the item or lot. This is the Standard base cost when the Source is Base and Standard layer cost when the source is Layer.

The Standard Cost reflects the pre-determined "target" value for the inventory. For each individual LotSK, this is calculated as the [Standard Base Cost Rate] + sum of all the [Standard Cost Layer Rates]. 

Standard Costs are typically managed in companies where items have a planned or target cost amount and any variances to actual costs are reflected as expenses on the P&L and not in the Inventory Balance Sheet accounts.

Database Field: ERPx_IMItem.StandardCost


A numeric field to enter the quantity of 'Units' being allocated. This is enabled and required for Items with a 'Manage Items By' of either "Units Only" or "Units and Weight". For "Units and Weight" Items, updating the Units also updates the Weight.

  • If the Item is a 'Fixed Weight' Item, changing the Units always changes the Weight.
  • If the Item is a 'Variable Weight' Item, changing the Units only updates the Weight on the first change. 
Units UOM

Identifies the default inventory unit of measure that the units are stored in (boxes, Bags, Cases, Totes, etc.) for the item. This field comes from and can be edited from the 'Inventory Unit UOM' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view.

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_IMLotBalance.UnitsUOMSK

UOM Schedule

Identifies the UOM Schedule that is used to determine what Units of Measure are to be used for specific items that are bought, sold and manufactured as well as the conversions for those Units of Measure.
This field comes from and can be edited from the 'UOM Schedule' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view.

Database Field: ERPX_IMItem.UOMScheduleSK

Warehouse Lot

Identifies the Warehouse Lot to which the selected item or inventory lot belongs. This value defaults from the 'Warehouse Lot' value specified on the Inventory transaction that created the Inventory Lot. This can be edited from the 'Warehouse Lot' field on the Warehouse Lots list view.

A Warehouse Lot (aka Storage Lot) is used by 3rd party distribution sites to identify a unique quantity of product they are storing. Unlike a Production Batch number that never changes, Warehouse Lots will change as product is transferred to other Sites and/or transferred into exiting Warehouse Lots within the same Site. The 'Warehouse Lot' is one of the 5 components that make up a unique Inventory Lot and it is required when entering a transaction line on a transaction for a Warehouse Lot Tracked Site. This value will be blank and/or disabled for all non-Warehouse Lot Tracked Sites on screens that include a Warehouse Lot field.

An Inventory Lot is the most granular level that item balances (quantities of Units and/or Weight) are stored within NorthScope. Inventory Lots are created for all Inventory Items assigned an Item Type of “Inventory', regardless of whether the Item is Lot Tracked (i.e., balances are maintained by Production Batch) or the Site containing the product is 'Warehouse Lot' tracked or not. 

An Inventory Lot is unique by combination of:

  • Item: The Item ID (required for all Inventory Lots)
  • SiteThe Site/Warehouse that contains the inventory (required for all Inventory Lots)
  • Production BatchThe date code or other traceability reference that stays with product and never changes. It is required for Items with a 'Lot Tracked' property of "Yes" and will be blank for Items with a 'Lot Tracked' property of "No"
  • Warehouse LotThe identifier or location within a Site/Warehouse, this is most typically used for 3rd party distribution sites. It is required for 'Inventory Lots' in a Warehouse Lot tracked Site and will be blank for 'Inventory Lots' in a non Warehouse Lot tracked Site. This has nothing to do with whether the Item is 'Lot Tracked' or not. 
  • Owner: Identifies who owns the product. This is required for all Inventory Lots.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMWarehouseLot.WarehouseLotID, ERPx_IMLotBalance.WarehouseLotSK


A numeric field to enter the quantity of 'Weight' being allocated. This is enabled and required for Items with a 'Manage Items By' of either "Weight Only" or "Units and Weight". For "Units and Weight" Items, updating the Weight also updates the Units.

  • If the Item is a 'Fixed Weight' Item, changing the Weight always changes the Units.
  • If the Item is a 'Variable Weight' Item, changing the Weight only updates the Units on the first change. 
Weight UOM

Identifies the default inventory unit of measure that the weight is stored in (Lbs, Kg, Oz, Ton, etc.) for the item. This field comes from and can be edited from the 'Inventory Weight UOM' property on the 'Properties' tab of the Item record view.

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_IMLotBalance.WeightUOMSK

Certifications and production batch attributes are also displayed as columns. Production batch attributes are not in the system view.

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