Sales Program Details Record View

Sales Program Details Record View

Sales Programs are used to automate the calculation of accruals that will be settled at a later date (Brokerage, Rebate, and Off Book programs), charges and/or discounts that need to show on a customer invoice (On Invoice programs), and expense/accruals that need to post with the sales transaction (Accrual programs). The purpose of this page is to display all applicable sales programs associated with the transaction. Additionally, users may update the Rate used to calculate the Program Amount.

Software Version: 2022.06.16 and newer

Page Header 

Toolbar IconsDescription
HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

Save Saves the changes made to the record. 
Save & Close Saves your changes and closes the page.

Page Details

Accruals Tab

This tab displays any items from the sales order that are qualify for a Brokerage, Off Book, Rebate and/or Accrual program.

Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column.
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Group By Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a row in the grid above the column headers to enable grouping by one or more column(s). Once displayed, users may drag and drop column headers to group by a specific column. Once the grid is grouped by a column(s), a subtotal footer row will display in the grouping for columns that have a page footer total. 
Quick Column Filter Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text.
More Actions

 Displays a drop down menu of related actions. The list of options includes:

  • RV: Item Sets - Opens the Item Set Record View for the selected program item.
  • RV: Program - Opens the Sales Program Record View for the selected program item.
Saved Layouts Displays the column layout lookup and related icons. This tool allows users to select a previously saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, forget/delete a layout and/or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to the layout, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Save Layout icon and save the changes to the column layout. The visibility of the Filter Row is also saved with a saved layout. The new layout can also be set as the default. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).  Default layouts can be removed by clicking the 'Set as Default' button again when the current default layout is selected.  

Please note that existing saved grid layouts will display the Filter Row as hidden by default.

CheckboxUsed to select one or more records to perform an action, such as Mass Update, More Actions, or Delete.
Accrual Account

The GL Account that is Credited to record the liability from a (positive amount) Sales Program. This is a non-editable text box that is required and only editable from the Sales Program Record View, it is not editable from here.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.AccruedCRAccountSK

Calculated On

Identifies the values used for determining Sales Program Amounts. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • $/UOM: The program amount is calculated by multiplying the Item Set's 'Rate' by the transaction item's quantity (Unit or Weight quantity converted to the Item Set's Rate UOM).
  • % Gross Amt: The program amount is calculated by multiplying the Item Set's 'Rate' by the transaction item's 'Gross Amt.' (extended amount).
  • % (Gross - Freight): The program amount is calculated by multiplying the Item Set's 'Rate' by the transaction item's ([Gross Amt.] - [Freight Amt.]).

 This defaults from the 'Calculated On' field on the 'Item Sets' tab of the Sales Program Record View. The 'Calculated On' is only editable from the Sales Program Record View, it is not editable from here.

Database Fields: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ProgramCalcMethod

Expense Account

The GL Account that is Debited to record the expense from a (positive amount) Sales Program. This is a non-editable text box that is required and only editable from the Sales Program Record View, it is not editable from here.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.AccruedDRAccountSK

Freight Amt.

A calculated field that identifies the total amount of "Accrued" freight for a line-item. It is the summarized values from:

  1. The proportion of the 'Freight Amt.' assigned to the transaction's Shipment that is allocated to the line item.
  2. The line item's 'Program Amt.' for all the applicable Accrual Sales Programs where the 'Freight Accrual' property is set to "Yes" 

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.DeliveredFreightAmount

Gross - Freight

A calculated field that identifies the line item's [Gross Amt.] - [Freight Amt.].

This field is never editable and not stored in the database.

Gross Amt.

A calculated field that Identifies the extended amount of the transaction Item. This is calculated as: (Qty * Price) where Qty is either the Units or Weight depending on the 'Price UOM'.

  • If the 'Price UOM' is a "Unit" UOM the Qty will be from:
    • 'Units - Ord.' for transactions in a Status < Shipped
    • 'Units' for transactions in a Status >= Shipped
  • If the 'Price UOM' is a "Weight" UOM the Qty will be from:
    • 'Weight - Ord.' for transactions in a Status < Shipped
    • 'Weight' for transactions in a Status >= Shipped

 This can only be changed by editing the Price and/or changing either the Units or Weight.


Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemAmount


Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. This defaults from the 'Item ID' and 'Item Description' fields on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record ViewItem ID's and Item Descriptions are editable from the Item Record View but changing the assigned 'Item' is not editable from here.

Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items.  Items represent objects that you sell, produce, and/or purchase that are tracked within the system. They are used on Sales, Inventory, Fisherman Accounting and Purchasing transactions.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID:ItemDescription, ERPx_IMItemSetItems.ItemSK, ERPx_SPProgramItemSet.ItemSetSK

Item Set

Displays the name of the Program's 'Item Set' that contains the sales line-item. This defaults from the 'Item Set' field in the Item Set Record View. Item Set names are editable from the 'Item Set' Record View but changing the assigned 'Item Set' is not editable from here.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItemSet.ItemSetName, ERPx_SPProgramItemSet.ItemSetSK


Identifies the Program, displayed as [Program ID]: [Description].  This is a non-editable text box that is required. This can only be edited by changing either the 'Program ID' or 'Program Description' on the Sales Program Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramID

Program Amt. 

Displays the $ amount of the Sales Program, as calculated for the line item. Program Amounts, for each line item, are calculated using the Programs 'Calculated On' and 'Rate' as follows:

  • $/UOM: ([Rate] x [Quantity]), where Quantity is the Units or Weight converted to the Program UOM.
  • % Gross Amt.: ([Rate]/100) x [Gross Amt.], where 'Gross Amt' is the extended line-item amount.
  • % (Gross - Freight): ([Rate]/100) x ([Gross Amt.] - [Freight Amt.])), where 'Freight Amt.' is the accrued freight amount for the line-item based on the amounts entered on the Shipment and the amounts calculated from any "Freight" Accrual Programs.
 This is a calculated amount that is not editable.


Program Class

Program Classes are used to classify and group programs by Program Type: Brokerage, On Invoice, Accrual, Rebate, and Off Book. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It displays the 'Program Class' assigned to the Sales Program. This is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramClass.ClassName

Program Type

Displays the type of the Sales Program. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the SPProgramType Enumeration Class for the associated Sales Program when the program was created. This field is never editable. The list of Program Types include:

  • Accrual: Accrual programs use Sales Transactions to automate rule-based journal entries that are included with the Sales transaction's Journal Entry and are not visible to the customer. They can be used for rule-based delivered freight, royalties, and other taxes that are paid for by the company.
  • Brokerage: Brokerage programs use sales transactions to account for and store the details of an expense that will be paid to a vendor in the future. The expense and accrual entries are included with the Sales transaction's Journal Entry and the details are added to the Broker Balance sub-ledger. When Brokerage programs are 'Settled', AP Invoices are created to debit the accrual account and credit the Vendor's Accounts Payable account. This moves the sub-ledger balance from the Broker to the Vendor.
  • Rebate: Rebate programs use sales transactions to account for and store the details of an expense that will be paid to a vendor or credited to a customer in the future. The expense and accrual entries are included with the Sales transaction's Journal Entry and the details are added to the Rebate Balance sub-ledger. When Rebate programs are 'Settled', AP Invoices or AR Credit Memos are created to debit the accrual account and credit the Vendor's Accounts Payable or Customer's Accounts Receivable account. This moves the sub-ledger balance from the Rebate to the Vendor/Customer. Open Rebates balances can also be applied to open sales transactions when applying payment receipts.
  • Off Book: Off Book programs use Sales Transactions to automate rule-based entries to an Off Book sub-ledger. These balances can be paid (to a customer or vendor) in the future or written off. These programs do not impact the General Ledger when the Sales transaction is posted, and they are not visible to the customer. They only impact the General Ledger when they are Settled. When they are 'Settled', AP Invoices or AR Credit Memos are created to debit the programs assigned 'Expense Account' and credit the Vendor's Accounts Payable or Customer's Accounts Receivable account. This moves the sub-ledger balance from the Broker to the Vendor. These are often used to keep a tally of money that can be used for food shows and other marketing activities. Balances that are written off have no impact on the General Ledger.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramClass.ProgramTypeSK


Identifies the rate used for calculating Sales Program Amounts. If the 'Calculated On' is set to "$/UOM", then the Rate refers to a dollar amount per unit of the UOM. If the 'Calculated On' is set to either "% Gross Amt.” or "% (Gross - Freight)", then the Rate refers to a percentage. This is a numeric text box that is required and defaults from the 'Rate' field on the 'Item Sets' tab of the associated Sales Program Record View for the item belonging in the Item Set. This field is editable while the transaction is in a Status less than 'Approved'. If changed, the 'Program Amt.' will be re-calculated on Save.

Database Fields: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ItemSetRRate or ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OverrideRate

Unit UOM

Identifies the unit of measure that the units are stored in (Box, Bag, Case, Each, Tote, etc.) for a line item or on the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Units Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the 'Units UOM' field in the Items grid of the Sales Transaction Record View and is editable from there. 

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemUnitsUOMSK


Identifies the unit quantity of the sales item on the Sales Program. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Units Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the Sales Order Transaction Record View Items Grid and is editable from there. It defaults from:

  • 'Units - Ord.' for transactions with a Status less than Shipped 
  • 'Units' for transactions with a Status >= "Shipped"

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemUnits


Displays the unit of measure that the Sales Program's 'Rate' is calculated for. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'UOM' field on the 'Item Sets' tab of the associated Sales Program Record View for the item belonging in the Item Set. This field is only editable from the Sales Program Record View.

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ProgramCalcUOMSK


Identifies the weight of the sales item on the Sales Program. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Weight Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the Sales Order Transaction Record View Items Grid and is editable from there. It defaults from:

  • 'Weight - Ord.' for transactions with a Status less than Shipped 
  • 'Weight' for transactions with a Status >= "Shipped"

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemWeight


Identifies the unit of measure that the weight is stored in (Lbs, Kg, Oz, Ton, etc.) for a line item or on the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Weight Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the 'Weight UOM' field in the Items grid of the Sales Transaction Record View and is editable from there. 

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemWeightUOMSK

On-Invoice Tab

This tab displays any items from the sales order that are qualify for an On Invoice program.

Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column.
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Group By Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a row in the grid above the column headers to enable grouping by one or more column(s). Once displayed, users may drag and drop column headers to group by a specific column. Once the grid is grouped by a column(s), a subtotal footer row will display in the grouping for columns that have a page footer total. 
Quick Column Filter Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text.
More Actions

 Displays a drop down menu of related actions. The list of options includes:

  • RV: Item Sets - Opens the Item Set Record View for the selected program item.
  • RV: Program - Opens the Sales Program Record View for the selected program item.
Saved Layouts Displays the column layout lookup and related icons. This tool allows users to select a previously saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, forget/delete a layout and/or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to the layout, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Save Layout icon and save the changes to the column layout. The visibility of the Filter Row is also saved with a saved layout. The new layout can also be set as the default. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).  Default layouts can be removed by clicking the 'Set as Default' button again when the current default layout is selected.  

Please note that existing saved grid layouts will display the Filter Row as hidden by default.

CheckboxUsed to select one or more records to perform an action, such as Mass Update, More Actions, or Delete.
Calculated On

Identifies the values used for determining Sales Program Amounts. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • $/UOM: The program amount is calculated by multiplying the Item Set's 'Rate' by the transaction item's quantity (Unit or Weight quantity converted to the Item Set's Rate UOM).
  • % Gross Amt: The program amount is calculated by multiplying the Item Set's 'Rate' by the transaction item's 'Gross Amt.' (extended amount).
  • % (Gross - Freight): The program amount is calculated by multiplying the Item Set's 'Rate' by the transaction item's ([Gross Amt.] - [Freight Amt.]).

 This defaults from the 'Calculated On' field on the 'Item Sets' tab of the Sales Program Record View. The 'Calculated On' is only editable from the Sales Program Record View, it is not editable from here.

Database Fields: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ProgramCalcMethod

Freight Amt.

A calculated field that identifies the total amount of "Accrued" freight for a line-item. It is the summarized values from:

  1. The proportion of the 'Freight Amt.' assigned to the transaction's Shipment that is allocated to the line item.
  2. The line item's 'Program Amt.' for all the applicable Accrual Sales Programs where the 'Freight Accrual' property is set to "Yes" 

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.DeliveredFreightAmount

Gross - Freight

A calculated field that identifies the line item's [Gross Amt.] - [Freight Amt.].

This field is never editable and not stored in the database.

Gross Amt.

A calculated field that Identifies the extended amount of the transaction Item. This is calculated as: (Qty * Price) where Qty is either the Units or Weight depending on the 'Price UOM'.

  • If the 'Price UOM' is a "Unit" UOM the Qty will be from:
    • 'Units - Ord.' for transactions in a Status < Shipped
    • 'Units' for transactions in a Status >= Shipped
  • If the 'Price UOM' is a "Weight" UOM the Qty will be from:
    • 'Weight - Ord.' for transactions in a Status < Shipped
    • 'Weight' for transactions in a Status >= Shipped

 This can only be changed by editing the Price and/or changing either the Units or Weight.


Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemAmount


Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. This defaults from the 'Item ID' and 'Item Description' fields on the 'Properties' tab of the Item Record ViewItem ID's and Item Descriptions are editable from the Item Record View but changing the assigned 'Item' is not editable from here.

Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items.  Items represent objects that you sell, produce, and/or purchase that are tracked within the system. They are used on Sales, Inventory, Fisherman Accounting and Purchasing transactions.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID:ItemDescription, ERPx_IMItemSetItems.ItemSK, ERPx_SPProgramItemSet.ItemSetSK

Item Set

Displays the name of the Program's 'Item Set' that contains the sales line-item. This defaults from the 'Item Set' field in the Item Set Record View. Item Set names are editable from the 'Item Set' Record View but changing the assigned 'Item Set' is not editable from here.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItemSet.ItemSetName, ERPx_SPProgramItemSet.ItemSetSK


Identifies the Program, displayed as [Program ID]: [Description].  This is a non-editable text box that is required. This can only be edited by changing either the 'Program ID' or 'Program Description' on the Sales Program Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramHeader.ProgramID

Program Amt. 

Displays the $ amount of the Sales Program, as calculated for the line item. Program Amounts, for each line item, are calculated using the Programs 'Calculated On' and 'Rate' as follows:

  • $/UOM: ([Rate] x [Quantity]), where Quantity is the Units or Weight converted to the Program UOM.
  • % Gross Amt.: ([Rate]/100) x [Gross Amt.], where 'Gross Amt' is the extended line-item amount.
  • % (Gross - Freight): ([Rate]/100) x ([Gross Amt.] - [Freight Amt.])), where 'Freight Amt.' is the accrued freight amount for the line-item based on the amounts entered on the Shipment and the amounts calculated from any "Freight" Accrual Programs.
 This is a calculated amount that is not editable.


Program Class

Program Classes are used to classify and group programs by Program Type: Brokerage, On Invoice, Accrual, Rebate, and Off Book. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It displays the 'Program Class' assigned to the Sales Program. This is not editable.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramClass.ClassName

Program Item ID

Identifies the transaction Item ID that was auto added to the transaction because of the On Invoice Program. This defaults from the 'Item' assigned to the 'Item Sets' on the Item Set tab of the associated Sales Program Record View. This can only be edited from the Sales Program Record View.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.PromoProgramItemID


Identifies the rate used for calculating Sales Program Amounts. If the 'Calculated On' is set to "$/UOM", then the Rate refers to a dollar amount per unit of the UOM. If the 'Calculated On' is set to either "% Gross Amt.” or "% (Gross - Freight)", then the Rate refers to a percentage. This is a numeric text box that is required and defaults from the 'Rate' field on the 'Item Sets' tab of the associated Sales Program Record View for the item belonging in the Item Set. This field is editable while the transaction is in a Status less than 'Approved'. If changed, the 'Program Amt.' will be re-calculated on Save.

Database Fields: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ItemSetRRate or ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OverrideRate

Unit UOM

Identifies the unit of measure that the units are stored in (Box, Bag, Case, Each, Tote, etc.) for a line item or on the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Units Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the 'Units UOM' field in the Items grid of the Sales Transaction Record View and is editable from there. 

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemUnitsUOMSK


Identifies the unit quantity of the sales item on the Sales Program. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Units Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the Sales Order Transaction Record View Items Grid and is editable from there. It defaults from:

  • 'Units - Ord.' for transactions with a Status less than Shipped 
  • 'Units' for transactions with a Status >= "Shipped"

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemUnits


Displays the unit of measure that the Sales Program's 'Rate' is calculated for. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults from the 'UOM' field on the 'Item Sets' tab of the associated Sales Program Record View for the item belonging in the Item Set. This field is only editable from the Sales Program Record View.

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.ProgramCalcUOMSK


Identifies the weight of the sales item on the Sales Program. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Weight Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the Sales Order Transaction Record View Items Grid and is editable from there. It defaults from:

  • 'Weight - Ord.' for transactions with a Status less than Shipped 
  • 'Weight' for transactions with a Status >= "Shipped"

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemWeight


Identifies the unit of measure that the weight is stored in (Lbs, Kg, Oz, Ton, etc.) for a line item or on the transaction. This is a non-editable text box that is required for items managed by 'Weight Only' or 'Units and Weight'. It defaults from the 'Weight UOM' field in the Items grid of the Sales Transaction Record View and is editable from there. 

A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext.

Database Field: ERPx_SPProgramSettlementItem.OrderItemWeightUOMSK

Related Topics

User Guide: Sales Programs

User Guide: Creating a Brokerage Sales Program

User Guide: Creating a Freight Accrual Sales Program

User Guide: Creating a Promotions Sales Program

User Guide: Creating an On Invoice Sales Program

 Page Definitions

Page Definitions

 Technical Details

Technical Details

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