Sales Transactions List View
Sales transactions include Sales Orders, Returns, Price Adjustments, and Quotes. When Sales Orders and Returns are posted the General Ledger, Customer Balances, and Inventory On Hand Balances are updated. When Price Adjustments are posted the General Ledger and Customer Balances are updated but inventory is not impacted. When Quotes are posted they are converted to Sales orders. This page lists each unique Sales Transaction. The purpose of this page is to view, add, edit, remove, and post Sales Orders, Returns, Price Adjustments, and Quotes. Additionally, users can Mass Update to apply / remove hold codes, reprice orders and quotes, update sales order attribute values and update the Status/Workflow of multiple transactions at once, as well as allocate order items.
This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Sales Order' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved column layout. Sales Order attributes are not included in the help documentation.
Software Version: 2023.11.30 and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Column Filter Show/Hide | Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column. |
Delete | WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted! Deletes the selected record(s). When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. |
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