Quick Sale Lines List View
Quick Sale allow users to efficiently enter a sales transaction without having to allocate items or specify shipping information. Quick Sale transactions do not affect inventory and are not tied to other functional areas. The purpose of this page is to view, add and edit Quick Sale lines.
This list view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Sales Order' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved layout. Sales Order attributes are not included in the help documentation.
Software Version: 2020.03.20 and newer
Page Header
Toolbar Icons | Description |
Edit | Opens the selected record for editing. If a record is not selected, the page will not open. |
Excel | Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. |
Favorites |
Grid Layout | Opens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).
Help | Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page.
New | Opens a new blank record for data entry. |
Fields | Description |
Checkbox | Used to select one record for Edit. |
Credit Account | Identifies the GL Account that will be Credited on a sale or Debited on a sales return. This required and can be edited from the 'Sale Account' field in the Items grid of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. The GL Account that is assigned for the "Sales" Account Type, on the Accounts tab of the Item Record View and Item Class Record View. The Sale Account identifies the revenue account that sale transactions post to. Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_ARTransactionLine.AccountSK |
Credit Account Description | Identifies the Description associated with the GL Account assigned to a transaction line, journal entry line, or master file record. This required and can be edited from the 'Sale Account' field in the Items grid of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.Description, ERPx_ARTransactionLine.AccountSK |
Currency | Identifies the Currency assigned to the transaction. This is required and comes from the 'Currency' property on the Properties tab of the Customer record view. This field is can not be edited on the transaction. The Currency identifies the kind of money used for transactions. For example, if a Customer or Vendor is setup with a Currency of "USD" then all transactions for them are stated in terms of US Dollars and all payments received or made must be in US Dollars. Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.CurrencySK |
Debit Account | Identifies the GL Account that will be Debited on a sale or Credited on a sales return. This is required and comes from the 'Accounts Receivable' field on the Accounts tab of the Customer record view. This field is can not be edited on the transaction. The GL Account that is assigned for the "Accounts Receivable" Account Type, on the Accounts tab of the Customer Record View and Customer Class Record View. This is the account where accounts receivable amounts are posted for the selected customer. Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.AccountNumber, ERPx_ARCustomer.GLARAccountSK |
Debit Account Description | Identifies the Description associated with the GL Account assigned to a transaction line, journal entry line, or master file record. This is required and comes from the 'Accounts Receivable' field on the Accounts tab of the Customer record view. This field is can not be edited on the transaction. Database Fields: ERPx_GLAccount.Description, ERPx_ARCustomer.GLARAccountSK |
Doc Date | Identifies the date of the transaction. This is required and can be edited from the 'Doc Date' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.TransactionDate |
Doc Description | Identifies the header comment/description of the transaction or batch. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Description' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.Description |
Doc No | Identifies the Doc No (document number) for the transaction. Unlike a Transaction ID that is system assigned based on the Transaction Class of the Transaction Type, this is a manually entered value. This is not required and can be edited from the 'Description' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.DocNumber |
Extended | Identifies the Extended amount of the line item. This is required and can be edited by changing the 'Quantity' or 'Price' field on the Items grid of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionLine.ExtendedAmount |
GL Period | Identifies the Fiscal Period based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry. This is required and can be edited from the 'GL Date' field on the Properties tab of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. This value is not stored in the database. |
GL Year | Identifies the Fiscal Year based on the GL date on the source transaction or manual journal entry. This is required and can be edited from the 'GL Date' field on the Properties tab of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. This value is not stored in the database. |
Item | Identifies the ID of the Item. This is required and can be edited from the 'Item' field on the Items grid of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Item IDs are the unique identifier for Items. Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID, ERPx_ARTransactionLine.ItemSK |
Item Class | Identifies the class that is assigned to the Item on the transaction or transaction line. This is required and comes from the 'Item Class' property on the Properties tab of the Item record view. This field is can not be edited on the transaction. Item Classes are used to identify default values that will be applied to new Inventory Items and to group Items together for reporting purposes. Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemClassSK, ERPx_ARTransactionLine.ItemSK |
Item Description | Identifies the Description associated with the Item ID assigned to a transaction line, journal line detail or master file record. This is required and can be edited from the 'Description' field on the Items grid of the Quick Sale record. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionLine.ItemDescription |
Line Type | Displays whether the line type is a "Sale" or a "Tax". This is required and can not be edited on the transaction. This value is not stored in the database. |
PO | Identifies the Purchase Order number (PO number) entered for the transaction or transaction line item. This is not required and can be edited from the 'PO' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.PurchaseOrderID |
Price | Identifies the price of the line item. This is required and can be edited from the 'Price' field on the Items grid of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionLine.Price |
Price List ID | Identifies the ID of the Price List that is assigned to the transaction. This is required and can be edited from the 'Price List' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Price Lists are used to store a group of Items with pre-defined prices and effective dates. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.PriceListHeaderSK |
Quantity | Identifies the quantity of the line item. This is required and can be edited from the 'Quantity' field on the Items grid of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionLine.Quantity |
Reference | Identifies the reference for a line item on the transaction. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionLine.Reference |
Sold To | Displays the unique identifier for the Customer record or for the Customer assigned to a transaction. If the Sale was to an Employee, this will be the Employee ID. This is required and can be edited by changing the 'Sold To' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Database Fields: ARCustomer.CustomerID, ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.CustomerSK |
Sold To Name | Identifies the name of the Customer record or for the Customer assigned to a transaction. If the Sale was to an Employee, this will be the Employee Name. This is required and can be edited by changing the 'Sold To' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.CustomerSK |
Status | Identifies the Status of the transaction. This is required and can be edited from the 'Status' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view while the transaction is in a Status of 'New' or 'Approved'. Status is used to identify where a transaction, Purchase Order, Price List, BOM, or Master File record is in its life cycle. Records start in a Status of 'New' and progress sequentially through additional statuses until they are 'Posted' or 'Closed'. The list of potential Statuses changes depending on the transaction type. The Statuses that apply to transactions in this List View include: New: This is the default Status for all new Transactions. While in the Status of 'New' transactions are considered open and all editable fields are open for edit, no posting or approval validations are performed, GL Dates are not assigned, and journal entries are not created. If the transaction was moved back from Approved to New, the GL Date will be assigned and a Journal Entry will exist. Approved: Performs all the data validations required to post the transaction and applies to all Transactions. While in the Status of 'Approved' transactions are considered open but have limited fields open for edit. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled except for the Status lookup (and any fields that are always editable), journal entries are created/updated, journal ID's are assigned to the journal entry, and blank 'GL Dates' are assigned. Database Fields: ERPx_ARTransactionStatus.StatusName, ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.TransactionStatusSK |
Tax Class | Identifies the Tax Class that is assigned to the transaction. This is not required and can be edited by changing the 'Tax Class' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view while in a Status of 'New'. Tax Classes store all the Tax Details (individual taxes) used to calculate sales tax on Quick Sales, Fisherman Sales, and Tender Resale transactions. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.TaxClassSK |
Trans Created | Identifies the Created Date & Time of the record, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.CreatedDate |
Trans Created By | Identifies the name of the user that created the record. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.CreatedBy |
Trans Last Updated | Identifies the Last Updated Date & Time of the Transaction, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.LastUpdated |
Trans Last Updated By | Identifies the name of the user that last updated the Transaction. It is formatted to be the "logged-in" users [User First Name] + [User Last Name]. This is a system assigned value and is never editable by a user. Linked Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.LastUser |
Transaction | Identifies the unique Transaction ID for each transaction. Clicking on this link opens the Quick Sale record view for the selected record. This is a system assigned number that comes from the 'Transaction Class' and is required, but is never editable by users. Transaction numbers are system assigned IDs to differentiate unique transactions. Transaction ID's are unique by the unique combination of 'Transaction Type' + 'Transaction Class'. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.TransactionID |
Transaction Class | The unique identifier of the Transaction Class. This is required and is never editable. It is assigned based on the 'Sold To' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view. If a Customer is selected, the Transaction Class will be displayed as "Customer Sale". If an Employee is selected, the Transaction Class will be displayed as "Employee Sale". Transaction Classes are used to differentiate transactions within a Transaction Type. For example, Transaction Classes of Fresh and Frozen can be setup for the Transaction Type of 'Sales Order'. Transaction Classes are used in all functional areas throughout the application. Database Fields: ERPx_ARTransactionClass.TransactionClassDescription, ERPx_ARTransactionHeader.TransactionClassSK |
Transaction Type | Identifies the Transaction Type for each transaction. This is required and is never editable. It is assigned based on the 'Sold To' field on the Home tab of the Quick Sale record view. If a Customer is selected, the Transaction Class will be displayed as "Customer Sale". If an Employee is selected, the Transaction Class will be displayed as "Employee Sale". Transaction Types are used to differentiate unique types transactions within the system. Transactions with the same Transaction Type share the same record view pages and business rules. Transaction Types can be further classified using Transaction Classes. Every transaction in the system is assigned a Transaction Type. Database Field: ERPx_ARTransactionType.TransactionName, ERPx_ARTransactionClass.TransactionTypeSK |
UOM | Identifies the unit of measure that the items are stored in (Lbs, kgs, Cases, etc.) on the transaction. A UOM is a quantity used as a standard of measurement. It identifies how much makes up "1" of the measurement. Examples include Bag, Box, Each, Kg, Lb, ext. Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_ARTransactionLine.QuantityUOMSK |