Global Conversions List View

Global Conversions List View

Description: The NorthScope Global Conversions master file allows the user to add and edit the conversions for the units of measures.

Header Toolbar

Toolbar Icons


Cancels the current unsaved changes and returns the view from Edit mode to Read only mode. This toolbar icon is only displayed when the view is in edit mode.


Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Delete - List View (ML)'.


Puts the list view in edit mode allowing all editable fields to be modified at one time. To get out of edit mode you must either Cancel or Save your changes.


Export the contents of the list view to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Grid Layout

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Toolbar Icon - Grid'.


Inserts blank lines that allow adding multiple new records.

SaveSaves all changes made and returns the view from Edit mode to Read-Only mode. This toolbar icon is only displayed when the view is in edit mode.


Column Headers


Identifies if the global conversion has been manually modified. When the check box is checked, the global conversion has been manually modified. This field is never editable. 

Data Type

Identifies the type of the conversion (Inverse or Stored). This field is for informational use only and is never editable. 


From represents the unit of measure that you are converting from. This field is never editable after saving. 

Multiply ByMultiply represents the rate in which you need to multiply the 'From' Unit of Measure in order to get the 'To' unit of measure. This can be changed after the conversion has been saved. If the Multiply By value has been manually updated, the Customized check box is checked after saving to notify users that the value has been modified from a global conversion value. 
ToThis field displays the unit of measure that you are converting to. This cannot be changed after the conversion has been saved.

Related Topics

 Page Definitions

 Technical Details
Table Names:

Stored Procedures: