Mass Update: Update Costs

Mass Update: Update Costs


This action will apply to:

Identifies the records that will be affected by the applied mass update changes. The options are 'Selected Record(s)' or 'All Filtered Records'. Choosing selected records will apply the mass update changes to all records that have their check boxes selected. Choosing all filtered records will apply the mass update changes to all filtered records. 

Toolbar Icons

Toolbar IconDescription

Clicking this icon will change the status of the chosen records and reload the list view to reflect the changes.


Manually Update Base Costs

Actual Cost

This text box allows users to enter a new base actual cost.

Effective Date

Allows users to specify an effective date the for the base cost change. The date is required to update any base costs.

Market Cost

This text box allows users to enter a new base market cost.

Standard Cost

This text box allows users to enter a new base standard cost.

Update Method

Allows users to select ‘New Base’ or ‘Increment Base’ as the update method. When ‘New Base’ is selected, the entered amounts override the existing costs. When ‘Increment Base’ is selected, the base costs are either increased or decreased with the amount entered. To decrease the base costs, enter a negative quantity the Actual/Market/Standard Cost field(s).

Add Actual Cost Layers

Actual Cost

Allows users to enter an actual cost layer amount. This will increase/decrease the Actual cost and the Actual Cost – Layers amounts by the entered amount.   

Effective Date

Allows users to specify an effective date the for the layer cost change.

Market Cost

Allows users to enter a market cost layer amount. This will increase/decrease the Market cost by the entered amount.   

ReasonAllows users to select a reason code for the cost layer change. The reason codes are pulled from the Reason Codes & Notes list view (Company > Reason Codes & Notes > Inventory – Lot Cost Adjustment).
Standard Cost

Allows users to enter a standard cost layer amount. This will increase/decrease the standard cost by the entered amount.   

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