Price Adjustment: Find an Invoice Record View

Price Adjustment: Find an Invoice Record View

The purpose of this page is to make price adjustments for posted invoices either by making a price change for one or many items on one invoice, or one or many items across many invoices. 

(lightbulb) This record view also contains columns for each Attribute that is set up for the 'Items' attribute type. Because these are user defined, they are not included in the default view but can be added a saved column layout. Items attributes are not included in the help documentation.

Software Version: 2024.06.25 and newer

Page Header 

Toolbar IconsDescription
Build Price Adjustment

Creates a Price Adjustment record(s) for the adjusted prices specified in the grid.  This button is only displayed after the grid is refreshed, and a Price Adjustment is only created after a price has been changed to a different value than the original price on an invoice.

How the Price Adjustment(s) is created is determined by the "Create More than X Price Adjustments Asynchronously" preference (found in Sales > Configuration > Preferences > Price Adjustment Approval).  If the preference is set to 0, this will result in all Price Adjustments being sent to the Inbound Integration queue for processing and after that queue is successfully processed the transactions will be visible in the Sales Transactions List View as expected.  If the preference is set to 1000 for example, any Price Adjustments made across less than 1000 different invoices will be immediately created and visible in the Sales Transactions List View. 

(lightbulb) If more than one Price Adjustment is created for the same invoice (the previous Price Adjustments must be posted to be able to do this), the Price Adjustment number will be suffixed with a letter.  For example, for invoice 'FZ-5000' the transaction numbers could look like 'PA-FZ-5000', 'PA-FZ-5000-A', 'PA-FZ-5000-B' etc. 


 Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

Adjustment Date

Identifies the date of the Price Adjustment(s). This is a date picker that defaults to the current date and is required.  It is only displayed after the grid is refreshed.  The date must be on or after the original invoice date, or the last Posted Price Adjustment date if multiple adjustments have been made to an invoice, else the following messages "Price Adjustment must be on or after the Invoice date."; "Price Adjustment must be on or after the most recent Posted Price Adjustment date." will be displayed respectively when 'Build Price Adjustment' is clicked.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.OrderDate


Identifies the Customer assigned to the record, displayed as [CustomerID] - [Customer Name]. This is a multi-select standard lookup that is not required to return results. It defaults as blank.

The lookup contains a list of all 'Active' Customers.

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerID: ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.CustomerSKCSV

Default Reason Code

Identifies the reason the price is being adjusted.  This is a single select lookup that is not required to return results, but when selected will display this value for all line items in the grid. It is conditionally required to process and build price adjustments depending on whether the "Require a Reason Code for all Price Adjustment Lots" preference is set to 'Yes' or not. 

If Reason Codes are set to be required and any lots that are being adjusted are missing a Reason Code, the message "Reason codes are required for all price adjustment lines." will be displayed when the 'Build Price Adjustment' button is clicked. 

Reason Codes are used throughout the system to describe the reason a transaction or transaction line item was entered. Unlike Notes, which allow for free text edits,, Reason Codes are pre-determined and controlled by lists to ensure structure and uniformity. Reason Codes are used for things like Returns, product Adjustments, Employee Terminations, and Write Offs.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFNoteTypeReasonCode.ReasonCode, ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.DefaultReasonCodeSK

Group Option

Used to identify how the data will display in the grid. This is a single select lookup that is required and defaults to the value 'Item and Lot'.  It is disabled after the page is refreshed.

When the Group Option is set to the following:

  • Item: The data displays all Items summarized by Item and UOM. This option is useful when you need to update the same item across many invoices to the same price all at one time, and because of this many columns in the grid will be blank. After processing, a Price Adjustment will be created for each invoice that item was associated with.  The Invoice column in the grid displays the number of invoices that the corresponding item is associated with and therefore the number of Price Adjustments that will be created from it. 
  • Item and Invoice: The data displays all Items summarized by Invoice, Item and UOM.  This option is useful when you want to re-price items that may have had different prices across many invoices, and you want to control the prices on an invoice by invoice basis.  
  • Item and Lot: The data displays all Items summarized by Lot, Invoice and Invoice line item. This option is useful when you want to re-price items that may have had different prices across many invoices and lots, for example to address a quality issue with one lot on a couple of invoices.

This lookup contains the values in the SOPriceAdjustmentGroupOption Enumeration Class.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.PriceAdjustmentGroupOptionEN

Include Price

Used to determine if the data in the grid will display the 'Original Price' and 'Last Price' information. This is a single select lookup that is required. It contains the options 'Yes' and 'No' and defaults to 'Yes'.  

When this field is set to 'Yes' and the Group Option is set to 'Item', the item will be displayed multiple times in the grid for each different price on an invoice, if each invoice is the same price for an item then that item would only display once in the grid.  When this field is set to 'No' for the same Group Option, the item will always display just once and the 'Original Price' and 'Last Price' columns will be blank.  (lightbulb) The 'Last Price' value is not displayed for this Group Option. 

When this field is set to 'Yes' and the Group Option is set to 'Item and Invoice', the 'Original Price' and 'Last Price' will populate with the price information for each item on the invoice.  If there is an invoice that contains the same item more than once with a different price these will display individually in the grid (not summarized by item) with the corresponding prices and the 'Last Price' column will display the price of the last sequenced item's price.  For example, if 'Item 1' is repriced twice on an invoice with different prices, and the price adjustment line item Ln. numbers for this item appear on Ln. 30 and Ln. 40, the price from Ln. 40 would display in this column.  When this field is set to 'No' for the same Group Option, if an invoice contains the same item more than once with a different price the item will be displayed once and the 'Original Price' and 'Last Price' columns will be blank for all items. 

When this field is set to 'Yes' and the Group Option is set to 'Item and Lot', the 'Original Price' and 'Last Price' information will display as expected for each item on the invoice.  If there is an invoice that contains the same item more than once with a different price these will display individually in the grid with the corresponding prices.  When this field is set to 'No' for the same Group Option, if an invoice contains the same item more than once with a different price the item will still be displayed individually in the grid but the 'Original Price' and 'Last Price' columns will be blank for all items. 

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.IncludePrice

Invoice Date From

Used to select the Invoice date.  All invoices occurring on or after the specified date will be included.  This is a date picker that defaults to one month prior to the current date and is not required to return results. 

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.DateFrom

Invoice Date To

Used to select the Invoice date. All invoices occurring on or before the specified date will be included. This is a date picker that defaults to the current date and is not required to return results. 

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.DateTo


A non-required text box that defaults to blank and is used to search across multiple fields. When the page is 'Refreshed', the data returned will be limited by what was included in the Search box (in addition to any other Search Options). 

Refer to this FAQ for advanced search options.

The Search field can be used to search across the following fields: 

  • Attr: [Attribute Value] (columns may not be displayed by default in the grid, but may still be searched on)
  • Carrier: [Carrier Name]
  • Customer: [Customer ID] or [Customer Name]
  • Invoice: [Invoice]
  • Item: [Item ID] or [Item Description]
  • Order: [Transaction]
  • PO: [Purchase Order]
  • Site: [Site ID] or [Site Name]

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.Search

Page Details

Ship To Tab

Toolbar IconsDescription
Column Filter Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a filter row in the grid under the column headers. The filter row will be displayed by default if the Quick Column Filter is also implemented in the page. When enabled, this will allow users to type in text to filter by a specific column.
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Group By Show/Hide Toggles between displaying and hiding a row in the grid above the column headers to enable grouping by one or more column(s). Once displayed, users may drag and drop column headers to group by a specific column. Once the grid is grouped by a column(s), a subtotal footer row will display in the grouping for columns that have a page footer total. 
Quick Column Filter Used to filter across all columns in the grid. When the user types text into the Quick Column Filter text box, the grid's Filter Row will be automatically hidden. The text in the Quick Column Filter text box automatically replaces any existing Filter Row filters. The results of the data immediately refresh as you enter text.

 Re-queries the contents of the grid/page based on the Search Options or the default values for grids that do not support Search Options. 

(lightbulb) This ONLY re-queries the contents of columns that are currently visible, if you add a new column the contents will be empty until you click 'Refresh' again.

(lightbulb) If there are non-Posted Price Adjustments for an invoice that matches the filter criteria selected in the header of the page, the following message will be displayed "The following Invoices already have non-Posted Price Adjustments. More than one non-Posted Price Adjustment per Invoice is not allowed, therefore these invoices have been omitted from the search results.

[Invoice Number]

[Invoice Number]

[Invoice Number]"

Saved Layouts Displays the column layout lookup and related icons. This tool allows users to select a previously saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, forget/delete a layout and/or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to the layout, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Save Layout icon and save the changes to the column layout. The visibility of the Filter Row is also saved with a saved layout. The new layout can also be set as the default. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).  Default layouts can be removed by clicking the 'Set as Default' button again when the current default layout is selected.  

Please note that existing saved grid layouts will display the Filter Row as hidden by default.

Adj. Price

Identifies the new price for a line item. This is an editable numeric text box that is required to process a price adjustment.  Negative prices are not allowed, the message "Adjusted Price must be greater than or equal to 0." is displayed when Build Price Adjustment is clicked. 

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentOrderItems.AdjustmentPrice

Adj. Units

Identifies the number of Units that the price is being adjusted for.  This defaults to the Remaining Units (if applicable) and is editable when the Group Option is set to 'Item & Lot', else it is disabled. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentOrderItems,AdjustmentUnits

Adj. Weight

Identifies the number of Units that the price is being adjusted for.  This defaults to the Remaining Weight (if applicable) and is editable when the Group Option is set to 'Item & Lot', else it is disabled. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentOrderItems.AdjustmentWeight


Identifies when a price has been adjusted for a line item.  This is a non-editable text box that is not required.  It defaults to blank and displays 'Yes' when a value (other than the original price) has been entered in the Adj. Price field for a line item. 


Identifies the Carrier associated with the shipment of a line item. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults to the Carrier assigned to the shipment for the line item. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

Database Fields: ERPx_SOCarrier.CarrierName, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.CarrierSK 


Identifies the Customer assigned to the record, displayed as [CustomerID] - [Customer Name]. This is a non-editable text box that defaults to the Customer selected on the corresponding Sales Order Record View. 

Customer IDs are used as a short description and the unique identifier for Customers. They can be changed at any time to any alphanumeric value. If you do not have an existing strategy for Customer IDs the 3-3-2 method would be recommended.Customer Names are used as a long description for Customer records. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerID: ERPx_ARCustomer.CustomerName, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.CustomerSK


Identifies the invoice number associated with the sales order shipment. This is an non-editable text box that is required. It defaults to the Invoice number associated with the shipment for the line item from the sales order. 

(lightbulb) When the Group Option is set to 'Item' this column displays the number of Invoices the corresponding Item is associated with and that the new price will affect.

Database Field: ERPx_SOInvoiceHeader.InvoiceNumber

Invoice Date

Identifies the date the shipment was invoiced, formatted from the users 'Date Format' preference.  This is an non-editable date field that is required. It defaults to the Invoice date associated with the shipment for the line item from the sales order. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

Database Field: ERPx_SOInvoiceHeader.InvoiceDate

Item: Description

Identifies the Item, displayed as Item ID: Item Description. This is a non-editable text box that is required. It defaults to the Item associated with the corresponding sales order invoice. 

Database Fields: ERPx_IMItem.ItemID: ERPx_IMItem.Description, ERPx_SOOrderItem.OrderItemSK

Last Price

Identifies the last price that the item was adjusted to. This is a non-editable numeric text box that is not required.  It defaults to the last price the corresponding item was adjusted to on the last Posted Price Adjustment, if no prior Posted price adjustments have been made this defaults to blank.  If the exact same item exists on the same invoice with different prices, and the Group Option is set to 'Item and Invoice' this field will display the price of the last sequenced item's price.  For example, if 'Item 1' is repriced twice on an invoice with other items, and the price adjustment line item Ln. numbers for this item appear on Ln. 30 and Ln. 40, the price from Ln. 40 would display in this column. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'. 

This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database. 

Last Price Adjustment 

Identifies the Price Adjustment transaction ID for the last Posted Price Adjustment for the item.  This is a non- editable text box that is not required.  It defaults to the last Posted Price Adjustment transaction ID that the corresponding item was adjusted on and if no prior Posted adjustments have been made it defaults to blank. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database. 

Last Price Date

Identifies the GL Date of the last Posted Price Adjustment for the item.  This is a non- editable date field that is not required.  It defaults to the GL Date of the last Posted Price Adjustment that the corresponding item was adjusted on and if no prior Posted adjustments have been made it defaults to blank. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database. 

Original Price

Identifies the original price the item was sold for. This is a non-editable numeric text box that is not required. It defaults to the price the corresponding item was sold for on the invoice.  This is displayed based upon the 'Include Price' filter in the header of the page.  When the Include Price is set to 'Yes' the Original Price will display, when it is set to 'No' it will be blank for all Group Options. 

Database Field: ERPx_ERPx_SOOrderItem.ItemPrice

Purchase Order

Identifies the Purchase Order number (PO number) entered for the transaction or transaction line item. This is a non-editable text box that is not required.  It defaults to the Purchase Order number entered on the corresponding sales order transaction, if applicable.  

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderHeader.PurchaseOrder

Price UOM

Displays the unit of measure upon which the line item price is based. This is an non-editable numeric text box that is required.  It defaults to the Price UOM that the item was sold in on the corresponding sales order invoice.

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_SOOrderItem.PriceOptionSK

Production Batch

Identifies the production batch ID of the lot the item was allocated from.  This is a non-editable text box that is not required.  It defaults to the production batch ID of the lot the corresponding line item was allocated from on the sales order. 

(lightbulb) This is only displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item and Lot'. 

Database Fields: ERPx_IMProductionLot.ProductionLotID, ERPx_SOOrderItemLot.LotSK

Reason Code

Identifies the reason the price is being adjusted.  This is an editable single-select lookup that is conditionally required to process and build price adjustments depending on whether the "Require a Reason Code for all Price Adjustment Lots" preference is set to 'Yes' or not. If Reason Codes are set to be required, and any lots that are being adjusted are missing a Reason Code, the message "Reason codes are required for all price adjustment lines." will be displayed when the 'Build Price Adjustment' button is clicked. 

If a 'Default Reason Code' was selected in the header section, this field defaults to that selected reason code, else it is blank. 

Reason Codes are used throughout the system to describe the reason a transaction or transaction line item was entered. Unlike Notes, which allow for free text edits,, Reason Codes are pre-determined and controlled by lists to ensure structure and uniformity. Reason Codes are used for things like Returns, product Adjustments, Employee Terminations, and Write Offs.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFNoteTypeReasonCode.ReasonCode, ERPx_SOOrderItemLot.ReasonCodeSK, ERPx_SOOrderPriceAdjustmentCriteria.DefaultReasonCodeSK

Rem. Units

Identifies the Remaining Units available to adjust prices for. This is a non-editable numeric text box that is not required. It defaults to the number of units that have not previously been returned and are remaining from the number of units that were sold for the corresponding item. For example, if 10 units were sold on an invoice and a Return has been previously processed for 3 of those units then the Rem. Units column will display '7'.  If there are no previous Returns for this item and invoice then the Rem. Units column will display '10' units.  If all the item(s) have been returned for the invoice it will not be available in the grid. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database. 

Rem. Weight

Identifies the Remaining Weight that is available to adjust prices for. This is a non-editable numeric text box that is not required. It defaults to the weight amount that has not previously been returned and is remaining from the weight that was sold for the corresponding item. For example, if 100 Lbs of an item was sold on an invoice and a Return has been previously processed for 20 Lbs then the Rem. Weight column will display '80' Lbs.  If there are no previous Returns for this item and invoice then the Rem. Weight column will display '100' Lbs.  If all the item(s) have been returned for the invoice it will not be available in the grid. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

This is a calculated field and is not stored in the database. 

Shipped Site

Identifies the name of the Site (Warehouse) that the Item shipped from. This is a non-editable text box that is not required. It defaults from the 'Site Name' field on the 'Shipments' tab for the corresponding shipment of the line item on the Sales Order Record View. 

Sites represent Plants, Warehouses, Distribution Centers, or virtual objects that are used to store and/or maintain perpetual inventory balances.

(lightbulb) This is only displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item and Lot'. 

Database Fields: ERPx_MFSite.SiteName, ERPx_LMLoadHeader.SiteSK

Ship To

Identifies the Address ID: City, State that the order was shipped to.  This is a non-editable text box that is not required.  It defaults based on the 'Ship To' address that was selected on the 'Select Ship To' page for the corresponding invoice.  This is displayed as [AddressID: ShipCity, ShipState]. 

(lightbulb) This is not displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item'.

Database Fields: ERPx_ARCustomerAddress.AddressID, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.ShipAddressSK, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.ShipCity, ERPx_SOOrderHeader.ShipState

Sold Units

Identifies the total units of the sold item that was allocated to the corresponding lot.  This is a non-editable numeric text box that is required.  It defaults to the number of units sold for the line item.  If the Group Option is set to 'Item' this will display the total of units sold for the item across all invoices for the date range specified in the search criteria.  

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderItem.AllocatedUnits

Sold Weight 

Identifies the total weight of the sold item that was allocated to the corresponding lot. This is a non-editable numeric text box that is required.  It defaults to the weight amount sold for the line item.  If the Group Option is set to 'Item' this will display the total weight sold for the item across all invoices for the date range specified in the search criteria.  

Database Field: ERPx_SOOrderItem.AllocatedWeight

Units UOM

Identifies the unit of measure the number of sold units is based upon. This is an non-editable numeric text box that is required.  It defaults to the Units UOM that the item was sold in on the corresponding sales order invoice. 

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_SOOrderItem.UnitsUOMSK

Warehouse Lot

Identifies the warehouse lot ID of the lot the item was allocated from.  This is a non-editable text box that is not required.   It defaults to the Warehouse Lot ID the corresponding line item was allocated from on the sales order. 

(lightbulb) This is only displayed when the Group Option is set to 'Item and Lot'. 

Database Field: ERPx_IMWarehouseLot.WarehouseLotID

Weight UOM

Identifies the unit of measure the sold weight is based upon. This is an non-editable numeric text box that is required.  It defaults to the Weight UOM that the item was sold in on the corresponding sales order invoice. 

Database Fields: ERPx_IMUOM.UOMID, ERPx_SOOrderItem.WeightUOMSK

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