Checkbook Reconciliation Record View

Checkbook Reconciliation Record View

The purpose of the Checkbook Reconciliation Record View is to identify all the checkbook transactions that have cleared the bank. From here, users can start a new reconciliation, assign all the transactions that are being reconciled (cleared), and edit the cleared amount of specific transactions if necessary. When a Reconciliation is Posted, the checkbook balance is updated and the Checkbook Transactions Inquiry is updated with the reconciliation information. Checkbook reconciliations do not make journal entries when posted.

Software Version: 2023.12.19 and newer

Page Header

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
DeleteDeletes the transaction or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

HelpOpens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 

(lightbulb) This icon is only visible on pages that are documented in the online help.

NewOpens a new blank record for data entry.
PrintOpens the Print dialog window, where transaction and/or analysis reports can be downloaded, printed and/or emailed. 
Save & Refresh

Saves the transaction and re-queries the contents of the grid/page. This is disabled when the Status is Ready to Post or Posted.

Header FieldsDescription
Adjustment Needed

A non editable text box that calculates the adjustment that would be needed to balance the checkbook based on the the current reconciliation information, in the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This is calculated as [Reconcile to Balance] - [Rec. & Cleared]. This label and field are only visible for transactions in the status of "New" or "Approved", they are not visible for Posted reconciliations.

This amount must be 0.00 to Approve and/or Post the transaction. 

  • If this amount is 0.00 then the Checkbook is in balance with the bank.
  • If this amount is positive, a positive adjustment is necessary before the Checkbook will balance to the bank balance.
  • If this amount is negative, a negative adjustment is necessary before the Checkbook will balance to the bank balance.

This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Bank Balance as of

An editable date field to enter the date that the 'Bank Balance' is calculated thru. This would be the statement date if reconciling from a bank statement. This defaults to blank but is required before any transactions can be added to the Grid. This date must be >= the 'Last Reconciled Date' and <= the 'Transaction Cutoff' date. This date is not required to be in an open fiscal period.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookReconciliation.BankBalanceDate

Bank Balance

A non editable text box that displays the amount in the 'Reconcile to Balance' fieldin the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This is informational only to assist in seeing how the 'Adjustment Needed' value is calculated. This label and field are only visible for transactions in the status of "New" or "Approved", they are not visible for Posted reconciliations.

This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.


A single select lookup to select the Checkbook that is being reconciled. This defaults to blank but is required before transactions can be assigned to the reconciliation transaction. This is only editable for transactions in a Status of "New". If the checkbook is changed, any transactions currently "Included" on the reconciliation will be removed and the contents of the grid will refresh to reflect transactions for the updated checkbook. If the Checkbook selected is already on an open (unposted) reconciliation transaction, the message "This Checkbook is already assigned to Reconciliation [ReconciliationTransID]." will be displayed on Save. 

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and all 'Active' checkbooks, sorted by Checkbook ID. The values in the lookup are displayed as:

  • [Checkbook ID] for Checkbooks in the Home Currency
  • [Checkbook ID] - ([Checkbook Currency]) for checkbooks in a foreign currency

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookReconciliation.CheckbookSK


A non editable text box that shows the sum of the transactions that are currently marked as "Included" for this reconciliationin the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This is a calculated field that is automatically updated as transactions are tagged / un-tagged as "Included". This is informational only to assist in seeing how the 'Adjustment Needed' value is calculated. This label and field are only visible for transactions in the status of "New" or "Approved", they are not visible for Posted reconciliations.

This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Cleared Adjustments

A non editable text box that shows the sum of all the Adjustment transactions that have been marked as "Included" for this reconciliationin the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This is a calculated field that is automatically updated as Adjustment transactions are tagged / un-tagged as "Included".

This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Cleared Deposits

A non editable text box that shows the sum of all the Deposits (Deposits and Transfer: Receipt transactions) that have been marked as "Included" for this reconciliationin the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This is a calculated field that is automatically updated as Deposit transactions are tagged / un-tagged as "Included".

This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Cleared Payments

A non editable text box that shows the sum of all the Payments (Payments and Transfer: Sent transactions) that have been marked as "Included" for this reconciliationin the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This is a calculated field that is automatically updated as Payment transactions are tagged / un-tagged as "Included".

This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.

Last ReconciledA non editable text box that shows the 'Bank Balances as of' value from the last reconciliation for the Checkbook being reconciled. This label and value are only visible for reconciliation transactions in a Status of "New" or "Approved".
Last Reconciled Amt.A non editable text box that shows the 'Reconcile to Balance' of the the last reconciliation for the Checkbook being reconciledin the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This is informational only to assist in seeing how the 'Adjustment Needed' value is calculated. This label and field are only visible for transactions in the status of "New" or "Approved", they are not visible for Posted reconciliations.
Reconcile to Balance

An editable text box to enter the bank balance, in the checkbook's currency, displayed in the currency format. This defaults to 0.00 and is required to Approve and/or Post. If not, the message "Reconcile to Balance is required." will appear on Save.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookReconciliation.Amount


A single-select standard lookup to assign the Transaction Status. This defaults to "New" but can be changed to "Approved" or "Ready to Post". This defaults to 'New' and is always required. This field is editable until the transaction is 'Ready to Post'. Updating the Status does the following:

  • New: This is the default value. While in the Status of New all editable fields are open for edit, no posting/approval validations are performed, GL Dates are not assigned, and journal entries are not created. If the transaction was moved back from Approved to New, the GL Date will be assigned and a Journal Entry will exist.  
  • Approved: Performs all the data validations required to post the transaction. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled except for the Status lookup (and any fields that are always editable), journal entries are created/updated, journal ID's are assigned to the journal entry, and blank 'GL Dates' are assigned.   
  • Ready to Post: Runs the Approval validations. If one or more validations fail, messages are provided indicating what needs to be corrected. If all the validations pass, then all the fields are disabled with the exception any fields that are always editable and updates the Transaction Status to "Posted".

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookReconciliation.TransactionStatusSK

Transaction Cutoff

A date field that identifies the 'date thru' used to select un-reconciled transactions in the grid. This is initially auto set by adding the number of days from the '#Cutoff Days Preference' to the 'Bank Balance as of' date. Once this value has been assigned and the transaction is Saved, it can be overwritten if necessary to any date >= 'Bank Balance as of' date. However, this will be automatically reset anytime the 'Bank Balance as of' changes. This date must be >= 'Bank Balance as of' date. If not, the message "The Transaction Cuttoff date must be >= the Bank Balances as of date." will be displayed on save.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookReconciliation.TransactionCutoffDate

Page Detail

Un-Reconciled Checkbook Transactions Grid

The un-reconciled Checkbook Transactions grid is used to show all the checkbook transactions that are part of the reconciliation. For Reconcile transactions in a Status of "New" or "Approved" this grid will contain all the checkbook transactions, for the selected Checkbook, that occurred on or before the 'Transaction Cutoff' date, that have not been reconciled. For Posted transactions, this grid will contain all the checkbook transactions that were included on the reconciliation. 

Toolbar IconsDescription
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 
Edit Amounts

Opens the 'Edit Amounts' window to allow users to change the 'Cleared Amount' for a transaction. 

(lightbulb) Because the Amounts for 'Deposits' and 'ACH Check Batches' are summarized from child records, the 'Cleared Amount' cannot be edited for 'Deposits' and 'ACH Check Batches'.

Include TransactionsAllows users to select which records they want selected for the transaction. The list contains:
  • Include Filtered: When selected, all the records in the current grid will be selected.
  • Include Selected: When selected, only the records that have been manually tagged in the current grid will be selected.

This action is only applicable while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

Remove TransactionsAllows users to select which records they want removed from the transaction. The list contains:
  • Remove Filtered: When selected, all the records in the current grid will be un-selected.
  • Remove Selected: When selected, only the records that have been manually tagged in the current grid will be un-selected.

This action is only applicable while the transaction is in a Status of "New".

CheckboxUsed to select one or more records for Mass Update or Delete.

Displays the amount of the transaction, in the currency and currency format of the transaction.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Amount

Cleared Amount

A non-editable text box to displays the amount that is being reconciled (cleared the bank). This most often matches the transaction amount but will be different if there was a bank error or data entry error. The 'Cleared Amount' defaults from the 'Amount' for all "Included" transactions and can only be edited by clicking on the 'Edit Amounts' icon to open the 'Edit Amounts' window. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.ReconciledAmount


Shows the Comment entered for the transaction or transaction line. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Comment

GL Date

Identifies the date the transaction posted (or will post) to the general ledger. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.GLDate


A Checkbox to show which transactions are included on the reconciliation. This can only be updated using the 'Include Transactions' and/or 'Remove Transactions' icon, for reconciliations in a Status of "New". If the checkbox is checked the associated transaction is included on the reconciliation, if it is unchecked then the transaction has not been included. This value is not stored in the database.

Payee Name

The name entered as the Payee on Payments. This is only populated for Payment records. This is most often the value in the 'Payment Name' field on the AP Vendor, Fishermen, or Loan account Address master file.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.PayeeName

Reconcile Group

Identifies what group the transactions belong to on a bank statement. The groups are assigned as follows:

  • Deposit: for Deposits and Transfer: Receipt transactions
  • Payment: for ACH, Checks, Draft, Manual and Wire payments and Transfer: Sent transactions
  • Adjustment: for Adjustment transactions

This is a calculated field that is not stored in the database.


Identifies the Reference entered for the transaction. 

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.Reference

Trans. Date

Identifies the date of the transaction.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionDate

Trans. Type

Transaction Types are used to differentiate unique types transactions within the system. Transactions with the same Transaction Type share the same record view pages and business rules. Transaction Types can be further classified using Transaction Classes. Every transaction in the system is assigned a Transaction Type.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionTypeSK


Identifies the unique Transaction ID for each transaction. Clicking on this link opens the associated Checkbook Deposit Record View, Checkbook Adjustment Record View or Process Payments Record View in a new tab.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbookTransaction.TransactionID

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