Journal Entry (Accrue & Reverse) Record View

Journal Entry (Accrue & Reverse) Record View

Description: The Journal Entry record view is used to create or edit journal entries and contains all the details for each record shown in the Journal Entry list view. From this screen, users can edit information about the record, create new records, or delete them.

Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
DeleteDeletes the record. When clicked, a warning prompt will appear: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 
Grid LayoutClicking the Saved Grid Layout icon allows the user to save a new view for the grid layout. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views for vendors that have high volumes of activity, to separate transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific), etc.

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

NewOpens a new blank transaction record for data entry. This toolbar icon is always enabled. 
NotesOpens the Notes dialog, allowing the user to enter Notes for the record. This toolbar icon is always enabled. 
Print Opens the Print dialog window, where transaction documentation can be downloaded, printed and emailed. 

Saves the changes made to the record. 

In order to successfully save, the following criteria must be completed:

  • Account Number
  • Date
  • Either a Debit or Credit Amount
  • Source
  • Status 

(lightbulb)  The Save button is only activated when a change is detected on the page. When the Save button is active, a ‘ + ‘ character is displayed in the page border. Saving reloads the page.

Home Tab

CommentDisplays the comment entered for the journal entry. 
CurrencyThis drop-down menu displays all active currencies configured in the system to allow users to select the Journal Entry currency. The currency defaults to the company currency saved in the Company Preference ‘Default Currency ID’. This field is only editable, if the company has multiple currencies configured in the Currencies list view and the record status is New.
DateIdentifies the date that the journal entry will post to the GL.
Exch. Rate

This field is only editable when the Currency selected is other than the Company currency, the Exchange Table selected is Manual and the record status is New. This field allows users to enter an Exchange Rate, which is used to calculate the Home Debit and Home Credit amounts in the grid section. The field defaults to the Exchange Rate Type when an existing Exchange Table is selected.

(lightbulb) The record must be saved first in order to edit the field.

Exch. Table

This drop-down menu allows users to select an Exchange Table for the Journal Entry. The field is only enabled when the Currency selected is other than the company currency and the record status is New. The field defaults to the first exchange table with the selected currency, but can be changed to Manual to allow manual rate entry.

(lightbulb) The record must be saved first in order to edit the field.

Journal IDDisplays the ID number for the journal. This number is automatically generated by the system and cannot be edited. When the Journal Entry integrates with the host system, it will inherit the next Journal ID from the host system.
Journal TypeIdentifies the journal entry type ‘Manual’ or ‘Accrue & Reverse’. This field is for informational use only and is never editable.
Rate Type

This field is only editable when the Currency selected is other than the Company currency, the Exchange Table selected is Manual and the record status is New. The field allows users to select a Rate Type from Multiply and Divide. The Rate Type determines how the Home Debit and Home Credit amounts are calculated in the grid section. The field defaults to the Exchange Table Rate Type when an existing Exchange Table is selected.

(lightbulb)  The record must be saved first in order to edit the field.

ReferenceDisplays the reference entered for the journal entry. 
Reversing Date

Identifies the date for the reversing journal entry. The date defaults to the current date and is required. The date must be the same or later than the Date on the record. 

(lightbulb) This field is only displayed when the Journal Type is Accrue & Reverse.

SourceIdentifies the source of the journal entry and is either ‘GL-Manual’ or ‘GL-Accrue & Reverse’. This field is for informational use only and is never editable.

Identifies the current status of the journal entry. The entry will be listed as either “New”, “Approved”, or “Ready to Post”.  Line items must be added in order to approve or post a journal entry.

Records with a Status of "New" can be fully edited, records with a Status of "Approved" will only allow edit of the Status, and records with a Status of "Ready to Post" cannot be edited.

Properties Tab

Property NameDescription
ClassDisplays the Transaction class associated with the Journal.  This value defaults to ‘Default’ and is for information only.
CreatedDisplays the date and time the Journal was created.  This field populates when the record is created and does not update after that. A journal record can be created from a transaction; when clicking journal details for the first time from a record view of a transaction or when approving or posting a transaction without first clicking the journal details button. This field is not editable and is for information only.
Created ByDisplays the username of the user that created the Journal. This field populates when the record is created and does not update after that. A journal record can be created from a transaction; when clicking journal details for the first time from a record view of a transaction or when approving or posting a transaction without first clicking the journal details button. This field is not editable and is for information only.

Journal Header SK

Displays the unique identifier from the database for the Journal. This field is not editable and is for information only.
Last UpdatedDisplays the date and time the Journal was last updated.  This field is not editable and is for information only.
Last UserDisplays the User name of the user that last updated the Journal.  This field is not editable and is for information only.
Master NumberDisplays the unique identifier from the database for the record.  This field is not editable and is for information only.
PostedDisplays the date and time the Journal was posted. This field is populated when manual journals or transaction journals are saved as Ready to Post or Posted. This field is not editable and is for information only.
Posted ByDisplays the username of the user that posted the Journal.  This field is populated when manual journals or transaction journals are saved as Ready to Post or Posted. This field is not editable and is for information only.

Grid Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
DeleteDeletes the selected line from the transaction record.
ExcelExport the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the grid, only the filtered contents will be exported. This toolbar icon is always enabled. 
NewOpens new blank lines in the grid section for data entry.

Grid Columns

Column HeadersDescription
Account NumberIdentifies the GL Account for the journal entry transaction. 
CreditIdentifies the credit amount for the line item. Each row in the grid must have a value entered for either the Debit Amount or Credit Amount. If there is a value in either the Debit or Credit Amount field, then the other field will be disabled.
DebitIdentifies the debit amount for the line item. Each row in the grid must have a value entered for either the Debit Amount or Credit Amount. If there is a value in either the Debit or Credit Amount field, then the other field will be disabled.
Home CreditDisplays the credit amount in the home currency. This is calculated by multiplying/dividing the Credit amount with the Exchange Rate as determined in the header section of the record. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. 
Home DebitDisplays the debit amount in the home currency. This is calculated by multiplying/diving the Debit amount with the Exchange Rate as determined in the header section of the record. This field is for informational use only and cannot be edited. 
Line CommentAllows users to enter additional comments to line items. This field is not required and is editable until the record status is New. 
ProjectFor companies using Project Accounting, this field allows users to associate a Journal Line Item to a Project. The list contains all the Active projects that are within the open date range. 

Related Topics

Journal Entry (Manual) Record View

Manual Journal Entry User Guide

Journal Entries

Journal Entry Lines

Journal Entries Inquiry

Journal Entry Lines Inquiry

Journal Entry - Reverse/Correct

Reverse & Correct User Guide

 Page Definitions

Page Definitions

 Technical Details

Technical Details

Table Names:
Stored Procedures:

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