Fisherman Class Record View

Fisherman Class Record View

Fisherman Classes are used to identify default values that will be applied to new Fishermen, Tender, and Loan accounts and to group accounts together for reporting purposes. They are used in Fishermen Accounting and are required for all Fishermen, Tender, and Loan accountsThe purpose of this page is to add, edit, remove, and activate/inactive these records.

Software Version: 2023.08.31 and newer

Page Header

Toolbar IconsDescription
Delete Deletes the transaction, batch, or master file record. When clicked, users will be prompted with: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?". Click "OK" to confirm, or "Cancel" to return without deleting. 

WARNING: Records cannot be recovered once they are deleted!

Help Opens the online WIKI help page for the current page. 
Grid LayoutOpens the Saved Grid Layout menu that allows the user to select another saved layout, create a new layout, save changes to a layout, or assign a saved layout as the default for the page. Once changes are made to a grid, such as columns are added or removed, the user can click the Saved Grid Layout icon and save the changes to the grid layout and name the new layout. The new layout can also be set as the default, instead of the System View. This is useful for creating specific views to separate master files or transaction types (i.e. Invoice specific vs. Credit Memo specific).

(lightbulb) The bolded view is the default view, which will determine the view will automatically display in when opened. 

NewOpens a new blank record for data entry.
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Save - Global '.

A single select lookup to identify the Fisherman Class being viewed, added, or edited. The lookup contains all records in the Fisherman Class List View displayed as [Class ID] - [Description].

Fisherman Classes are used to identify default values that are applied to new Fishermen, Tender, Fishermen & Tender, and Loan accounts and to group accounts and transactions together for reporting and data selection purposes. 

Database Fields: ERPx_APVendorClass.ClassID, ERPx_APVendor.VendorClassSK 

Properties Tab

Toolbar IconsDescription
Excel Exports the contents of the grid to an Excel file that will automatically download. The contents that export are those that are visible to the user. Therefore, if the user has filtered the view, or excluded columns, only the contents in the grid will be exported. 
Properties Identifies the Property that is being set up.
RolldownA check box to identify whether or not the corresponding value should be pushed to all records (customers, fishermen, items, vendors) assigned to the Class. On 'Save', the values for all the selected fields will be rolled down the records assigned to the Class.
ValueA text box or lookup to set the value of the property. Property values are always editable and can be changed at any time, unless otherwise specified. 
Group: ID and Descriptions
Class ID

Class IDs are the unique identifier for vendor classes. This is a text box that defaults as blank, is required, must be unique, and must be <= 25 characters. If missing, the message "Class ID is required." will be displayed on Save. If not unique the message "Duplicate Class ID's are not allowed." will be displayed on Save. This is always enabled and editable.

Database Field: ERPx_APVendorClass.ClassID


Identifies the Description associated with the Vendor Class ID. This is a text box that defaults as blank, is required (duplicates are allowed), and must be <= 50 characters. If missing, the message "Description is required." will be displayed on Save. This is always editable. 

The Description is used as a long description/name of the Class.

Database Field: ERPx_APVendorClass.ClassDescription

Group: Configuration
Vendor Type

A single select lookup to identify the 'Vendor Type' assigned to the 'Fisherman Class'. This defaults to blank but is required. If missing, the message "Vendor Type is required." will be displayed on Save.

The lookup contains the following options: 

  • FishermanA Fisherman is an Account Type used to identify someone that catches fish and sells them to a processing facility.
  • Fisherman & TenderA Fisherman & Tender is an Account Type used to identify someone that catches fish during one season and provides Tendering services during another.
  • Loan: A Loan is an Account Type used to identify the Fisherman and/or Tender whom the loan was issued to.
  • TenderA Tender is a vessel that is attendant to other vessels and is used to transport or ferry unprocessed fish or shellfish received from another vessel to a shoreside processor or mothership.  Tender vessels operate, in most circumstances, as an agent for a specific processor and take deliveries from harvesting vessels.

Vendor Types are used to classify Vendor Classes by functionality. In Accounts Payable, all Vendors are auto-assigned a Vendor Type of "Vendor". In Fisherman Accounting, accounts can be assigned a Vendor Type of either Fisherman, Tender, Fisherman & Tender, or Loan. 

Database Field: ERPx_APVendorClass.VendorClassEN 

Attribute Class

A single-select lookup to identify the Attribute Class assigned to the Fisherman, Tender, or Loan account. This defaults to blank, is not required, and is always editable. 

The lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Attribute Classes' with an 'Attribute Type' of "Vendors". 

Attribute Classes are assigned to master files to control which Attributes are visible, and/or required, to records within the master file.

Database Field: ERPx_APVendorClass.AttributeClassSK


A single select lookup to identify the default checkbook used for the Fisherman, Tender, or Loan account. This defaults to blank, is not required, and is always editable. This is informational only.

Database Field: ERPx_MFCheckbook.CheckbookID, ERPx_APVendorClass.CheckbookSK

This lookup contains a blank value, the current assigned value, and a list of all the 'Active' Checkbooks


A single select lookup to identify the home currency of the company. This defaults from the Currency assigned as the 'Home Currency' on the Company → Configuration → Preferences page, is required and is non-editable. 

The Currency identifies the kind of money used for transactions. For example, if a Customer or Vendor is setup with a Currency of "USD" then all transactions for them are stated in terms of US Dollars and all payments received or made must be in US Dollars.

Database Fields: ERPx_MFCurrency.CurrencyID, ERPx_MFDataEntityCompanyCurrency.CurrencySK, ERPx_APVendorClass.CurrencySK

Payment Terms

A single select lookup to identify the Payment Terms assigned to the Fisherman, Tender, or Loan accountThis defaults to blank, is not required, and is always editable.