Site Record View: Fisherman Accounting

Site Record View: Fisherman Accounting


Header Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Grid Layout
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Toolbar Icon - Grid'.
NewAllows the user to create a new master file record or transaction by opening a blank record view page. This icon is always enabled. 
SaveSaves the changes made to the record. 

(lightbulb) It is only necessary to click the Save button when a change is detected on the page. When a change has been made, a ‘ + ‘ character is displayed prior to the page name in the page title bar (light blue bar in the upper left corner of the page). Clicking Save reloads the page.

Header Fields

Field NamesDescription
SiteDisplays a drop-down menu of all sites by Site ID. Selecting a site from this drop-down menu will open that site's record view for edits. 

Grid: Properties Tab Toolbar 

Toolbar IconDescription
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Grid: Properties Tab Properties

Property NameDescription
Auto Generate Warehouse Lots By

Identifies how Warehouse Lot Numbers are auto-generated for applicable transfer line items. This is not visible for new Sites and is only required and editable for Sites where the following conditions are both true:

  • The 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' property is set to either: "Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots" or "Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items"
  • The 'Auto Generate Warehouse Lots on Transfer Receipts' property is set to Yes

If these conditions are true and the value is missing, the message "[SiteID] has the "Auto Generate Warehouse Lots on Transfer Receipts" option turned on but is missing a selection for "Auto Generate Warehouse Lots by"" will be displayed on Save.

When this feature is enabled for the 'To Site' (the receiving Site) on an inventory Transfer transaction, the system will automatically populate the warehouse lot values in the 'To Warehouse Lot' , on Save. The values will be populated as either:

  • INTR:[SiteID]:[Reference Number] - for example INTR:BCS:12345
  • [Item ID]-[Production Batch Date MM][Production Batch Date YY] - for example 10015-0519
  • [Production Batch Date MM][Production Batch Date YY]-[Item ID] - for example 0519-10015

Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.WarehouseLotTemplate

This lookup contains all the values in the WarehouseLotTemplateEN Enumeration Class.

Auto Generate Warehouse Lots on Transfer Receipts

Identifies whether or not the Warehouse Lot Numbers are auto-generated for applicable transfer line items. This is only visible for Sites where the 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' property is set to either: "Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots" or "Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items". This value is required if the Site is warehouse lot tracked and there is a value in the "Auto Generate Warehouse Lots By" property. 

If these conditions are true and the value is missing, the message "Unable to set "Auto Generate Warehouse Lots By" if "Auto Generate Warehouse Lots on Transfer Receipts" is not enabled on Save.

When this feature is enabled for the 'To Site' (the receiving Site) on an inventory Transfer transaction, the system will automatically populate the warehouse lot values in the 'To Warehouse Lot' , on Save. The values will be populated as either:

  • INTR:[SiteID]:[Reference Number] - for example INTR:BCS:12345
  • [Item ID]-[Production Batch Date MM][Production Batch Date YY] - for example 10015-0519
  • [Production Batch Date MM][Production Batch Date YY]-[Item ID] - for example 0519-10015

Linked Database Field: ERPx_MFSite.AssignWarehouseLotsOnTransferReceipts

This lookup contains options for either "Yes" or "No". 

Default Via Site for Integrated Transfers
InactiveThis field displays a drop-down menu with the options Yes and No for the user to identify whether or not the site is inactive.If a site is inactive, it will not display in any Site lookups, regardless of which modules it is visible to. Selecting Yes from this field will save the site as inactive. This field defaults to No and is required. This field is always editable.
In TransitThis field displays a drop-down menu with the options Yes and No for the user to identify whether or not the site is an in transit site.If a site is In Transit, it will display in Site lookups. However, if a site is In Transit, it will only display in the Via Site lookup on a Transfer Inventory transaction and will NOT display in the transfer's From Site and To Site lookups. This field defaults to No and is required. This field is always editable.
Next Production Batch #This field displays a text box for users to enter the numeric value that will determine the production batch number of the next production batch created at the corresponding site, if the production batch is set to '(Use Next Number)'. This value will be combined with the Product Batch Prefix, if entered, to create the Production Batch ID. If no value is entered, this field will display 0 and will assume that users must manually enter the production batch ID. For new sites, this field defaults to 1000 but is always editable. After a number is used on a production batch, this field will automatically increment by one to create the next number. This field is not required but must only contain numbers.
Production Batch PrefixThis field displays a text box for users to enter the prefix for the production batch IDs created for production batches at the corresponding site. This prefix will be combined with the site's Next Production Batch number to create the next production batch ID, if both are entered. For new sites, this field defaults to 'Site ID -', which would result in the next production batch ID being 'Site ID - Next Production Batch #'. This field is not required and is always editable.

This field displays a text box for the user to enter the registration number for the site. This field defaults to blank and is not required. This field is always editable.

Site IDThis field displays a text box for the user to enter the site ID. The value entered in this field must be unique. This field defaults to blank and is required. This field is editable only until the Site is initially saved. Upon save, this field becomes disabled.
Site Name

This field displays a text box for the user to enter the name of the site. This value is what will display in all Site lookups. This field defaults to blank and is required. This field is always editable.


This field displays a drop-down menu of all active vendors for the user to identify a specific vendor the site belongs to. This field defaults to blank and is not required. This field is always editable.

Visible to Logistics

This field displays a drop-down menu with the options Yes and No for the user to identify whether or not the site is visible to the Logistics module. If a site is visible to logistics, it will display in the Site lookup on Loads. Otherwise, it will not. To make the site visible to logistics, select Yes in this field. This field defaults to No and is required. This field is always editable.

(lightbulb) The list of Sites also exists in the Logistics module, allowing Logistics users to determine whether or not a Site is available to them for placement on Loads. Because of this, the Site record view Visible to Logistics field corresponds with the Logistics Sites list view Visible to Logistics checkbox. Therefore, if the Site's visibility to logistics is edited from either location, the site will be updated in both locations.

Visible to SalesThis field displays a drop-down menu with the options Yes and No for the user to identify whether or not the site is visible to the Sales Order module transactions. If a site is visible to Sales, it will display in the Site lookup on Sales Order transactions. Otherwise, it will not. To make the site visible to sales, select Yes in this field. This field defaults to No and is required. This field is always editable.
Visible to WMSThis field displays a drop-down menu with the options Yes and No for the user to identify whether or not the host warehouse management system can see the site.To make the site visible to the warehouse management system, select Yes in this field. This field defaults to No and is required. This field is always editable.
Warehouse Lot Tracked

This field displays a drop-down menu with the options Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots, Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items, and No for the user to identify whether or not the site is warehouse lot tracked and whether or not the site's warehouse lots are limited to a single item type or allow multiple item types. To make the site warehouse lot tracked, select the Yes option that correlates to whether the warehouse lots at this site can have more than one item type within a single lot or not. If a site is warehouse lot tracked, a warehouse lot will be required on inventory transactions on which the site exists. This field defaults to No and is required. This field is always editable. 

(lightbulb) If the 'Warehouse Lot Tracked' property is changed from 'No' to 'Yes - Allow multiple items in single lots' or 'Yes - Limit Warehouse Lots to single items' and the site has been used on transactions, a new default Warehouse lot 'SITEID-Default' is created and assigned to all existing transactions and lot balances. A message 'The Warehouse Lot ID on all existing transactions for this Site has been updated to SITEID-Default' is displayed on save to inform the user. 

Grid: Address Tab Toolbar

Toolbar IconDescription
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Grid: Address Tab Columns

Column HeadersDescription
Address 1

This field displays a text box for the user to enter the first address line for the Site. This field defaults to blank and is not required.

Address 2

This field displays a text box for the user to enter the second address line for the Site. This field defaults to blank and is not required.


This field displays a text box for the user to enter the city in which the Site is located. This field defaults to blank and is not required.


This field displays a text box for the user to enter the phone number of the Site. This field defaults to blank and is not required.


This field displays a text box for the user to enter the state in which the Site is located. This field defaults to blank and is not required.

ZipThis field displays a text box for the user to enter the zip code in which the Site is located. This field defaults to blank and is not required.

Grid: Contacts Tab Toolbar

Toolbar IconDescription
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Grid: Contacts Columns

Column HeadersDescription
Contact Type

This field displays the contact type. The default Contact Type is Shipping and it cannot be edited.


This field displays the email address of the contact. This field defaults to blank and is not required.


This field displays the fax number of the contact. This field defaults to blank and is not required.


This field displays the name of the contact. This field defaults to blank and is not required.


This field displays a note added to the contact. This field defaults to blank and is not required.

PhoneThis field displays the phone number of the contact. This field defaults to blank and is not required. 

Grid: Lines Tab Toolbar 

Toolbar IconDescription
Excel Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Grid: Lines Tab Columns

Column HeadersDescription
LineThis field displays a text box for the user to enter the line name for the site. This field defaults to blank and is not required.

Grid: Shifts Tab Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
Deletes the selected line(s) from the transaction or master file. This icon is only enabled for transactions with a Status of 'New'.
 Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 
Adds new blank lines in the grid section to allow for data entry.

Grid: Shifts Tab Columns

Column HeadersDescription

This field displays a text box for the user to enter the shift name for the Site.

Grid: Certifications Toolbar

Toolbar IconsDescription
 Clicking the Excel toolbar icon exports the current contents of the grid to an Excel file that is automatically downloaded. The contents that export are only those currently visible. If the grid is filtered, only the filtered contents will be exported. 

Grid: Certifications Columns

Column HeadersDescription
CertificationDisplays the read-only name of the valid certifications to assign to the Site. Eligible certifications to assign to the site are those marked as Site Only or Item & Site in the Lot Certifications list view. To assign a certification to a site, simply check the certifications select box and save. All assigned certifications will filter to the top of the certifications list.

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